Shingles Prevention

Shingles is a painful condition caused by the reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus, also known as the chickenpox virus. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated 1 million cases of shingles have been reported every year in the United States, and almost 1 out of every 3 Americans will develop it once in their lifetime. In some rare cases, an individual can have a second or third episode. Anyone who has recuperated from chickenpox may develop shingles, though it is more prevalent among men and women 60 years of age and older.
Once the chickenpox virus enters the body, it remains dormant in the nerve roots and for some people, it stays dormant forever. However, in some cases it still has the tendency to act up due to aging, increased stress levels or diseases. While it isn’t life-threatening, shingles can cause painful fluid-filled blisters, red rashes and itching. Some people also experience fever, chills, headache and fatigue. Here are several recommendations that can help in preventing shingles:



Chicken Pox vaccine (varicella) – This vaccine has been a part of the childhood routine for decades, and its intent is to prevent chickenpox from occurring. Not always 100% effective, the vaccine does dramatically decrease the odds of a child contracting the disease. It can also be effective for adults who have never had chickenpox. The vaccine doesn’t guarantee that you won’t get shingles or chickenpox, but it can reduce the severity of the disease as well as the complications.
Shingles vaccine (varicella-zoster) – The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approves the use of Zostavax, which is a shingles vaccine for people age 60 and older. This vaccine aims to boost the immune system, and protect you against shingles, or even stop it from recurring. Shingles vaccines contain live viruses, and should not be administered to those who have weakened immune systems. This vaccine is also not recommended for those who have an active case of shingles, or those who have severe allergic reaction to some components found in the shingles vaccine. Consult your doctor before making a decision to get vaccinated.

Nutritional Supplementation

Vitamin B12 – This vitamin can be very helpful in preventing the development of severe cases of shingles, especially if it’s injected. This can also be taken as an oral supplement, though it may not be enough to fight off the shingles virus. B12 shots work better if given early, upon the onset of the infection, and it is extremely safe even if it’s administered several days in a row. This essential vitamin helps in preventing nerve damage and mitigating nerve pain linked with postherpetic neuralgia.
Vitamin C – Intravenous vitamin C is another treatment for more significant infections, which can also be administered along with B12 injections. This vitamin helps in supporting the immune system in a number of ways. It works by protecting the vitamin E in the body as well as an antiviral, which strengthens the functionality of white blood cells in fighting off infections. The body can absorb limited amounts of vitamin C orally, but when it is administered using intravenous treatments, concentrations can reach much higher levels in the blood stream. Bioflavonoids can also help in improving vitamin C absorption in the body.
Vitamin E – This vitamin also plays an important part in supporting the immune system. It protects the cells against viral attacks, and acts as an antioxidant that prevents nerve damage responsible for residual pain. It also aids in tissue repair and healing, which can minimize scarring.
Vitamin A – Vitamin A helps in fighting off infection by increasing the body’s infection-fighting cells during an outbreak. It also boosts the immune system and promote rapid healing.
L-lysine – This amino acid has been proven effective in interrupting the virus from replicating by competing with its need for amino acids l-arginine, which result in reduced severity and duration of the symptoms.
Selenium – Selenium used to be a toxic substance, but modern science confirms that small amount can be beneficial to our health. This mineral has been found to be helpful in fighting off infections by stimulating the antibody response and promoting more energy in the body. Selenium works better with vitamin A, E, and beta-carotene.
Probiotics – Probiotics, or Lactobacillus Acidophilus, are good bacteria that is essential in keeping the digestive system healthy. This is necessary in having a good immune system, which can lower your risk against infections, like shingles.

clip_image003David Novak is an internationally syndicated columnist, covering lifestyle and health matters. His byline has appeared in newspapers and magazines around the world. He’s an avid health enthusiast, and frequently is featured in regional and national health publications, discussing health, wellness, diet and fitness. He is also a weekly writer for Healthline. To visit his other stories on Healthline, visit

Natural Cold and Flu Prevention | Guest Post

There is no known cure for the cold and flu, thus a conscious effort towards prevention is your next base option, and for that matter, your only option. The best approach is to keep your body healthy to keep you from being susceptible to infection caused by cold and flu viruses. Getting a flu shot is effective, though it doesn’t guarantee you will never get sick. Vaccinations can help in keeping the symptoms more mild, as well as shorten the duration of the illness in case you get sick. However, if you don’t want to get a flu shot, here are several natural remedies that can help you survive the cold and flu season.


Practice proper hygiene
Cold and flu viruses usually spread by direct contact, so washing your hands is extremely important. Germs can stay alive for hours on objects, and they can be easily picked up by another person just by touching that object. Avoid touching your face as well since cold and flu viruses enter the body thru the eyes, nose or mouth. Make it a habit to wash hands using soap and warm water. If you don’t have immediate access to water, you can use an alcohol-based sanitizer. When coughing and sneezing, always use a tissue to cover your mouth and nose. Avoid using your hands since this can only spread germs onto the objects you’ll touch.
Exercising regularly speeds up the heart to pump larger quantities of blood. This promotes the production and good function of white blood cells, which attack viruses. Overall, exercise can help in keeping your body healthy, as well as lowering your risk against diseases including cold and flu. It is not necessary to do strenuous exercises. Rather, walking around the neighborhood or taking the stairs instead of the elevator will suffice.
Eat foods containing phytonutrients
Foods that are high in phytonutrients include fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and tea. The natural chemicals found in these foods help in preventing disease, and keep your body in superb working condition. There are more than 25,000 phytonutrients found in plant foods, and each one has their own potential health effects.
Vitamins and Supplements
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with fortifying your body with additional vitamins and minerals. If you can’t get these nutrients from food sources, supplements are the next best thing. Here a few that will benefit you during the cold and flu season:
Omega-3 – Omega-3 fatty acids have immune-fortifying properties that can help in lowering your risk against the common cold and flu. According to a study by Britain’s Institute of Human Nutrition and School of Medicine, Omega-3 works by increasing the activity of cells known as phagocytes, which fight flu by eating up bacteria. It also increases the airflow and protects the lungs from numerous respiratory infections. You can also obtain omega-3 fatty acids in certain foods such as walnuts, flax seeds, salmon, sardines and halibut.
Astragalus – This Chinese root is known to help fight infection by stimulating the white blood cells. It supports and enhances the immune system, making it a good remedy for colds and flu. Research also shows that long-term use might help in cold and flu prevention.
Zinc – This mineral helps in slowing the proliferation of the virus in the throat and nose. Zinc interferes with the ability of rhinoviruses, which are known to be responsible for 80% of all colds. It also blocks the ability of these viruses to attach to cell membranes that causes infection.
Vitamin C – The effectivity of vitamin C in preventing cold is still vague, but several studies show that it can reduce the duration of the cold. There is no downside to consuming a lot of vitamin C-rich foods; however, avoid megadoses of vitamin C supplementation since this can cause diarrhea and even internal bleeding in children.
Echinacea – Evidence on the effectiveness of echinacea is still unclear, though some studies show that it can reduce the severity and duration of colds. Side effects are minimal, which can include diarrhea, wheezing and rashes.
Avoid smoking
Based on statistics, smokers are more susceptible to severe colds and other respiratory infections. Smoking keeps the number of white blood cells high, which is a sign that its fighting against damage and inflammation caused by tobacco. It temporarily paralyzes the tiny brush like hairs in the airways known as cilla, which is responsible for clearing your lungs against mucus and dirt. So if you smoke, cutting back will decrease the chances of regular colds and flus.
Drink plenty of water
Water is essential to our overall health. Sufficient supply of water in the body prevents dehydration, and it also helps in lessening congestion due to colds. Avoid coffee, caffeinated sodas and alcohol since this can worsen dehydration. Alcohol also suppresses the immune system, making you more prone to cold and flu viruses.
clip_image004David Novak is an internationally syndicated columnist, covering lifestyle and health matters. His byline has appeared in newspapers and magazines around the world. He’s an avid health enthusiast, and frequently is featured in regional and national health publications, discussing health, wellness, diet and fitness. He is also a weekly writer for Healthline. To visit his other stories on Healthline, visit

Splurge or Save | Guest Post

Today we have another post from the lovely Jeanne Marie from Makeup Hungry. She’s going to tackle the ultimate question on saving vs splurging on your cosmetics.  I hope you enjoy and be sure to stop by her blog and Facebook to tell her hello!

Hello Everyone!

When it comes to all things beauty for those who watch makeup reviews, they know that we are often bombarded with rave reviews from everything Urban Decay, Too Faced to the every popular MAC telling us that you can’t do your makeup properly without using these brands.

The question I often ask myself is: Is it ALL necessary? Don’t get me wrong, these companies have a right to charge the prices they do. They provide excellent quality products. But is it ESSENTIAL? Do we need MAC foundations, concealers, false eyelashes, eyeshadows. e.t.c ?

DISCLAIMER: If you have the money and you wish to spend it on Smashbox, Lancome and previously mentioned department store makeup then by all means do your thing girl. This post is for us girls on a budget.

Here are my list of beauty items I think are worth spending top dollar on and those who can Save.

Splurge Time


Eyeshadow is something I am willing to spend money on. While brands like Milani and Wet n Wild have some amazing eye shadows, I am less likely to walk into Wonderful World or an American beauty supply store for eye shadow. Brands like Kleancolor and Beauty Treats, it is rare that you will get amazing pigmentation or that it doesn’t require a white base such as NYX jumbo pencil in Milk.

On the high end I would more than willingly purchase:
The Sugar Pill Cosmetics 4 pan eye shadows. They retail for about US$34 dollars and can be purchased on the Sugar Pill website. For your bright eye shadow looks I would highly recommend these palettes.

For my Caribbean makeup lovelies you can purchase them at the Facebook page:
Makeup Attitude for TT$250

For my more neutral eye shadow needs, I would recommend the Lorac Pro Palette which could be purchased at Sephora or on their website for US$42

Or at Makeup Attitude for TT$400

2. Eye primer

Don’t get me wrong, I love my Ruby Kisses eye primer and my Arlene Villarule Pro eyebase.
The primary function of all eye shadow primers are to stop eyeshadows from creasing. Even with amazing eyeshadows from Urban Decay to Lorac Pro Palette eye shadows a primer is required to make them last all day long or at least your work day.

3. Foundation

Foundation is that in itself. The foundation, the base. Sometimes I like using a medium coverage foundation and just placing the concealer in problem areas. However, the best foundations not only provide great coverage but last long.
For this I would recommend any liquid or mousse/whipped like foundation that promises coverage but with a light weight feel.
My recommendation would be Revlon Colorstay Whipped or even their liquid version. While this isn’t super expensive I would rather pay 60+ for a foundation that to use Klean Color or LA Girl that have poor shade ranges which usually consist of three to four colours from light, medium, dark and/or deep.

4. Makeup brushes

This can be quite controversial topic. While I don’t think everyone needs to have a brush collection filled with MAC brushes, I think certain key brushes need to be of good quality. Elf brushes are amazing but I wouldn’t rely on their flat foundation or stippling brushes to do the job. My biggest pet peeve is going to do my makeup and finding that the ferrule (the silver part that holds the hairs in place) is in pieces. While makeup sponge tip applicators can do a great job, most that come with eye shadow palettes will be destroyed after 5 uses if you are lucky. While you don’t need to run out to buy all MAC brushes, those cheap pharmacy brush kits that commonly consist of a face brush, mascara wand, eye shadow brush and an eyeliner/lip brush are disastrous. They usually are made with bristles you find on your hair brushes and the handle and the ferrule become disconnected by Day 1.
My suggestion would be to buy good face brushes from MAC if you are from Trinidad and Tobago (I think Sigma is a waste of time in TT because one of their brushes can cost $140-$175 and a MAC brush can be $150 and up. They are around the same price range.)

Savings Time

1. Mascara

I never spend much on mascara. (although the price of Ruby Kisses and Milani in Wonderful World I may as well buy L’oreal and Revlon which are more reputable and cost more in the US. Wonderful World convert US products by the US price by 10, while Pennywise where brands like L’oreal, Revlon, Maybelline are sold multiple their items by 7. So a Revlon item at US $9 would be $63 while a $7 item at Wonderful from Milani would run you $70).
I don’t see the need. When I spent money it is all about longevity. It is all about the formulation and the brush. Some require more liquid consistency, others prefer drier texture, while others partial to one that is neither liquid or dry in consistency. Most women choose based on their mascara needs.
Most mascaras last no more than four months and even the ones that are packaged as lasting a year tend to dry out. In my personal opinion, spending $100 dollars for something that you may have to throw away three months later, worse yet if you only wear makeup on weekends to church or happy hour with friends.

I recommend Revlon’s Lash Fatasy Total Definition. It comes with a primer that lengths the lashes with the mascara end provides volume.

You can purchase this at Pennywise for around TT$40 or any drugstore like Walgreens if you are living in the US.

2. Blush/bronzer

Other than Nars Laguna Bronzer, most of the hype surrounding bronzers have come from the drugstore. Elf has an alleged dupe and Covergirl bronzers especially the Queen collection ones have been getting rave reviews.
For TT makeup lovelies you can get the bronzers mentioned at Makeup Attitude on Facebook.

COVERGIRL Queen Collection Natural Hue Bronzer

3. Lipstick/Lip gloss, Liquid lipsticks, Lipstains Liners

While MAC and other high end lipsticks have their place to be honest it is all in the finish. Matte lipsticks last the longest in most brands. There is no real need to run out to buy Ruby Woo or Riri Woo unless you simply love the colour or Rihanna. Wet n Wild has so many MAC lipstick dupes that are just as good. Same goes for lip liners, liquid lipsticks and Lipstains. There are great options from Wet N Wild and Revlon.

You can purchase them at Walgreens if you live in the US or again Makeup Attitude.

Wet n Wild MegaLast Mega Last Lip Color

4. Face primer

Here is my problem with face primers. I have combination/oily skin. If I use a mattifying primer then I put an oil free matte foundation when first applied I look flat and powdery. If I try a dewy foundation over a mattifying primer the chemistry does not work and my face gets oily quicker than usual. So I rather use a great matte foundation instead. As long as you have a wonderful foundation a primer becomes redundant. Under long wearing foundation you don’t even notice the longevity and under normal foundations it only gives you 2/3 more hours.
Too may foundations are promising longevity for a face primer to be worth it. The only benefit I see in them is that they make your face smoother so less foundation may be needed. But like I said a good foundation could do the same.
Try Covergirl 3 in 1 foundation which is said to work as not only a foundation but a concealer and primer as well. Maybelline Fit Me Stick foundation has an inner core that works like a primer.

So do you lovelies agree or disagree? Sound off in the comment section below.

L.A Girls Pro.Conceal HD Concealer Review | Guest Post

Hey all! Today I have a Guest post from a fellow Caribbean blogger!! (Woot woot big up all the Caribbean bloggers out there!) JM or Makeup Hungry is a blogger from Trinidad and she’s going to be reviewing a coveted concealer here in the Barbados (as far as I know). I’ve also heard some dark skinned Youtubers rave about this. I must say, her review has me tempted to get it!

You can find Makeup Hungry on her blog or Facebook page, so drop by and leave her a comment!

Hello Everyone!
I know I know. It has been a while. I have all this time and I haven’t been blogging much at all.
Today I am actually going to review a concealer, that was actually one of the first concealers I ever purchased, simply out of natural born curiousity. I was in Wonderful World saw the display and just selected the one that looked closest to my shade. I bought this concealer 2 years ago but this week I picked up a fresh batch of this concealer as well as in two additional different shades. I bought two (Toast and Chestnut at the Wonderful World Trincity mall branch next to Sincerely Yours yesterday and today I purchased Toffee from the WW branch next to Sports and Games in Trincity Mall. Originally yesterday I went to the branch closed to Sports and Games didn’t see the shades I wanted and ended up in the one adjacent to Sincerely Yours. I purchased other items which I had previously owned up I will review those in upcoming posts.
So lets just jump right into this review.

According to the company’s website:
Crease-resistant, opaque coverage in a creamy yet lightweight texture. The long-wearing formula camouflages darkness under the eyes, redness and skin imperfections. Provides complete, natural-looking coverage, evens skin tone, covers dark circles and minimizes fine lines around the eyes.

So it comes in a squeeze tube with a white brush that could be used for application. The tube appears clear with black writing. When products come to brush applicators are always find them unhigneic as I am of the belief that the concealer that was squeezed out from previous use can remain and along with it bacterial and dirt. Additionally, the brush being stained brown does not appeal to me. I simply think it looks GROSS. 

With that being said I can see many individuals loving this packaging. The brush makes it easy to apply on to the face for your own person use. I started using this two (2) years so I can’t recall having to deal with water coming out with the concealer it self. I may have to check when I open my new tube of Toast and the other shades. The packaging makes it quite portable as you can just pop it into your makeup bag, section in your handbag and take it with you to work or on while traveling. I actually kept my old one in my makeup bag which I carried with me to school.


At first I wasn’t too familiar with concealers so I was expecting a thick almost glue like product so when this concealer felt like just a heavy duty foundation I was dishearted. When I familiarized myself with the product I fell madly in love. This as I stated in the beginning was my first concealer ever, I had been into makeup for years but the only concealer I ever had before this was a really thick concealer that was pale and smelt like lipsticks from the past with that pungent cow feces smell.
But once you get the hang of it you will see the beauty of this concealer. It has a light weight feel but can cover blemishes beautifully. It is the only concealer that was able to cover my dark circles without me having to go over it several times. It is simply amazing. 
The concealer dries to a matte finish rather quickly so you have to blend it in right away. For those of you have ever used the Revlon Colorstay Liquid foundation, it has a consistency similar to that foundation. They both dry to matte finish right away so must be quick with your application.
Once you get the hang of it, you will love it.
My shades range from Chestnut and Toast. I know some people mix them but for me I feel like either one can be used for my entire face depending on where it is applied and what look I am going for.
Toffee is perfect for that Kim Kardashian highlight effect I may want to achieve. I can do that with Toast as well if I want lightness under my eye without being dramatic. Toast is light enough to go under my eyes but blends in perfectly to the rest of my skin. I know weird right. Some thing about it has a light look to it but at the same time has a dark undertone.
This concealer comes in eighteen beautiful shades so it is quite easy to find your exact match or you can mix them as well to get the shade you may desire. It is so affordable it wouldn’t break your pocket.
It comes with 0.25oz of product. It is cruelty free and last eighteen (18) months from the day it is opened.

For shade swatches I would recommend going to cosmeticcandyfyi’s blog. She has swatches of all eighteen (18) shades. They are clear so it would be super easy to find the shade you may which to purchase. If not you can buy 2-3 to get your perfect shades. They are so inexpensive.
L.A Girl Pro.Conceal HD. high-definition concealer in Toast under my eyes set with L’oreal Translucide in Deep.
This can be purchased at any branch of Wonderful World Accessories in Trinidad and Tobago for $15 dollars. For US beauty lovers it can be bought online at for $1.99 each, which has 17 out of the 18 shades. They do not have Fawn on their website. (Which is a shame because many NW45 NC50 girls on Youtube use Fawn as their highlight, Fawn has beautiful yellow undertone that would be perfect as a highlight. There are other shades that can substitute for Fawn).
Cherry also has the concealer and right now selling it for half off for $2.50 each.
Beauty joint as well sells them at $2.50 each.
And of course, you can purchase them on the L.A girl website for its original price at $5.00 each.

Here are the links to purchase them if you are not a Trinidad and Tobago citizen or have no access to Wonderful World:
Ikate house
Cherry Culture
Beauty Joint
L.A Girl

Overall Rating: A+

*Guest Post*- A Bajan Poet

Hey all! Today is the first in hopefully a series of guest blog posts!

This post is written by Tyrell Toussaint, a Political Science major who enjoys writing poems in his free time as well as tweeting and watching the latest movie releases. Tyrell also has a passion for all music. Today he has 2 pieces for us, the first entitled “Secret Admirer of a Blogger” and the 2nd, “A Bajan Love Letter”.  If you would also like to guest post on this blog, please click here!

~~ The Secret Admirer of a Blogger ~~

To lead a life, being a secret admirer of a Blogger
Is like living a life with dreams and never any accomplishments.
You read her words and they pierce your soul as if she was speaking to you.
And suddenly you spot one small similarity and you think it’s about you.
The heart starts racing like runners on a track fighting for the gold
Then you start wishing you could give her your soul.
It’s amazing; the power her words may have on a simple reader’s ear.
But what else is that Blogger to do other than reject him till he sheds tears.
The emotions run deeper and complex as you continue to create fallacies in the Mind
You read her experiences and you listen to her point of view
As if she were right in front of you
You sit on your computer screen and laugh out loud saying so true.
But with no possible way of letting her hear you to.
It’s as hard as trying to talk to the person
Who gets you the most, with a crushed throat
They will never hear a word that you spoke.
All the while you read her experiences and you think you know her oh so well
While she never realizes that your life without her is a living hell.
It is indeed an intense infatuation driven by her intellectual prowess.
It is almost as if, the words were spoken to you by a goddess.
Truly divine, justly romantic, honestly entrancing and stupidly bewitching.
That best surmise the effects of her work her own subjective art form.
It is unfair that it must be so one sided
She gets all the say 
And you’re left flabbergasted.
The only hope one has is to drop a comment on a new post
But then there are millions more just like you and to get a simple reply
Makes you feel ever so bubbly inside.
To secretly admire a blogger is to love a shadow
You cause the shape and direction from your own interpretation
But then suddenly you come to a realization
She is just another captivating writer.


~~~ A Bajan love letter ~~~

Gal I about to write you a letter
I feel it might mek me feel better.
It’s a letter about you and me
About that time under de tree.
You look at me wid a sparkle in your eye
But I was still focused on my apple pie
You know that one from Chefette !!!
Them does mek the best ones I ever taste yet .
Anyway back to the point at hand
Know u wanted me to be your man.
But I wasn’t smart enough to realize.
I had different things in my eyes
Things that don’t mek no sense
Things like making money and going to fetes.
I was studying jamming a bumpa
Instead of them 10, 000 ways to love ya .
So I expressing way number 1 by sending u a love letter
From a real bajan man, this is my plan.
So  I want  u tuh give me anuduh chance
Girl I gonna cook for you and ting.
And I gine in Tropicana to get you a wedding ring.
We gine live good  and no meat don’t gaw pull
I buying you things just from my heart
And no blackberry woman can’t tear we apart
Girl I just want u know u sweet sweet  like sugar cane 
I would spend all life with u even if it was in de rain.
So take an apology from a real, real bajan man
And give me a chance to be de happiest Caribbean man.