To Him with Love- Outfits & Pets

Hello lovely people, it’s coming down to the last stretch of the crazy Holiday shopping. Have you gotten something for everyone on your list but still cant find the right this for your boyfriend? Well it’s your lucky day 🙂 (Seriously, I sound like an advertisement….)  But anyway!

What guy doesn’t like to look absolutely handsome in a nice pair of slacks and a cool shirt? I kow many guys actually prefer to look very relaxed daily, but when they go out it’s all about that wow-factor, just like us girls. You know what makes guys feel even more special, wearing a nice outfit, knowing that their lady gave them one of their new favourite pieces.

Guys love Outfits

Get your guy something to suit his tastes, and if it’s hard to find somethin gyou know he’ll love, you can take him shopping with you for this gift. Though it might ruin the surprise of the present, you get time to bond and enjoy each other’ss company for the day. (Mind you, during the Holidays shopping can be rather stressful, but it’s still plausible to have a good time.)

Guys love Pets

Another thing guys love… PETS! Cats, Dogs, fish, turtles/tortoises, iguanas, hammers, birds… the list is partically endless. A pet is a good companion, and it teaches responsiblilty too. It’d be like you and your boyfriend’s little baby to spoil :). Pets are also great when it comes to sharing emotions, so it’s really a plus for comforting your boyfriend when you’re not there. Don’t only give a great gift, give a pet a home 🙂 You can check out the RSPCA and the newspaper classifieds for pets in need of homes.

If your boyfriend already has a pet or you already share one, why not give it a gift. It’s always nice to receive something you need and the same goes for pets, a special treat, a new toy something along those lines.

 I really think that pets are a great gift to give and share with your guy, they allow you to bond and your relationship can grow from it, as you both learn to take care of someone other then yourself or your significant other. 

Enjoy your Holiday shopping and hope you find the perfect gift! ( I have just one more exam… FINALLY!!!)


PS: Just one more instalment in this series, kind of last minute gift ideas for both males and females.

To Him With Love- Entertainment

Hey all! Time to find the perfect gift for your guy! Why not ENTERTAIN him? Take you mind out of the gutter… I’m talking about new video games, his favourite movie, that kind of thing! (Again I’ll be keeping this nice and brief.. hahah brief) 
Gift Ideas- Entertainment
So your guy already has the “perfect” game consoler, but he’s always playing the same thing. For one of his favourite games is bringing out a new version that he’s been raving about from the time he read the article online. Why not get him it, he might love you forever LOL!
Now I don’t know much about games actually, havent played any action games in quite some time, I doubt I would be anyway, unless it’s Smash brothers, does that count? Anyway, I did some research and it showed the games I have pictured are very popular. I know just dance has been pretty popular because a lot of YouTubers have been submitting their videos to the contest that was going on. That looks like a fun bonding game. As always, Call of Duty (COD), which I personally dont see the fascination with it, it’s boring (yes crazy comments now), but it is really beating some sales.
I’ll tell you this, keep your ear to the wall when your guys and his buds are talking about games, you just might find out what he’s been lusting.
On the other hand, your guy isn’t really into games, but loves a good movie.Yes girls our definition of a good movie may not apply, but that’s why some of us like guys, because they’re differenent from us.
So put in the necessary research and you should be ble to come up with his favourite move, or a music he was coveting on dvd or bluray. Who knows, you could watch it together and bond :). The possibiltieis are endless!
Happy Holidays! (and Good Luck in Exams for those still doing them!

To Him With Love- Accessories

Hey everyone! Another post on what to get you guy during this Holiday season. If you haven’t seen the previous posts on what to get your guy, click here! Looking for something for your lady, clickity ici!
This post is a bit more generalised because it speaks about accessories, and truthfully accessories is a very broad category. I’m going to try to break it down into music, gaming, cases and .. for lack of a better name, others. hahaha.
Gift Ideas- Acessories (Male)

Ladies like accessories which are shiny and new and pretty to tote around, who said boys didn’t either? Most guys seem to have a fascination with gadgets as I mentioned in this post. What better way to enhance the performance or even personalize your favourite gadget than with your own accessories?  Headphones are the perfect way to enhance your listening experience and now with all the cool designs on the market, you can stand out with some really cool earwear. If your guy has an mp3 player or iPhone, a great gift would be an iHome where he could listen to his music while charging his device and also use it as a alarmclock.
Our gadgets are our investments, so why not protect them from the elements, if you realise your guy’s phone is being subjected to some harshtreatment then you can look into getting him a case. Not only is it affordable, but it’ll save him a lot of damage in the long run. The same goes for any case really, laptop cases or bags, for tablet users protective covers or screen protectors work magic and keep your gadgets like new.
What is cooler than having the “best” game console? Having people to play it with! The restraint of most of these systems is that they come with like 2 controllers, and that’s not always fun when your guy is hosting a games night or something such. What’s better is an extra controller, so why not get your boyfriend one? (he’d love you foreverrr hahaha, but really.. it’s a good idea). Plus you could use it as your excuse to spend time bonding with your boyfriend while you both play and you may even end up beating him at his own game.
Random accessories…
Nice pens are nice to remember people by in my opinion because every time you pick it up to write, your boyfriend would think, my thoughtful girlfriend bought this pen for me. ^__^ Wallets, though a typical gift are also very thoughtful and useful. For the utility man who is always fixing something or encountering a situation, I think Swiss Army knivesw are the best gift. It has so many uses and is the perfect accessory, especially when added to keys.
I wasn’t sure if to put bags under cases or not, but I’ll still mention it, it’s a very useful gift especially if the quality is good, because your guy can lug around all the things he needs in it.
Hopefully this post wasn’t too long and you did gain some knowledge on good guy “accessories”. Until next post!

For Him With Love- Gadgets

Hey all! In case you missed the first gift idea for the ladies, just click here!

Here’s the next installment on Gift ideas for the upcoming Holiday season.
What guy doesn’t love some sort of technology? Whether it’s cameras, game consoles, cell phones or computers, your guy is bound to like at least one of these things. Depending on what he likes or needs, it should be really easy to choose a gift for him.

Gift Ideas- Gadgets

Cell Phones:
Your guy’s mobile has a smashed screen, number keys have dropped off, buttons are no longer identifable and the phone’s extremely scratched. Besides that, you boyfriend’s phone is always powering on and off throughout the day. It’s obvious that he needs a new cellular phone, so why not get him one, or help him to get one while the Holiday sales are on? There’s lots to choose from, Windows Phone, Android, iPhone, BlackBerry (not my personal favourite, but I digress), and the list goes on. Remember choosing the right mobile depends on the functionality and the ruggedness of the phone. A active guy would need a phone to stand up to a couple accidental falls, yet play his favourite music while on the go. A techy may prefer a phone with many capabilities such as an unlimited app store where he can have every possible game or application on his phone. The working guy or even the studious guy would probably love a phone with multitasking and office applications to check on school or work on the go.

Tablet PCs:
These are recently one of the biggest things out for protable functionality, and many of us have been eyeing the iPad 2, or the series of Samsung Android Tablets, the HTC tablets, or even the new Amazon Kindle Fire, which seems more like a tablet PC than its predecessors. Honestly theses are some awesome products and you can get some good ones for a nice price. They all may not be as fast or advanced as others but, make sure to read some reviews to differentiate the good ones from the ones which could be skipped out on.

Cameras & Camcorders:
Again for the guy who loves technology, you can get hime a nice affordable camera, or help him to get that model he’s been saving up for. The best part about it is that you get to make memories you can keep forever with a camera. Be sure to make some great memories!

Music Players:
So your guy needs none of the above, but he loves to download music and is always listening to it from his PC. Why not make his day and help him to take it with him? Get him an mp3 player. Some models allow you to have a internal hard drive, such as the Apple iPod, while others have flash memory with the option of an expandable memory slot for microSD cards, such as those made by Sandisk.

Game Consoles:
I am kind of skeptical about this gift, because we girls all know how guys get when they get down to their games. It’s almost impossible to get them away from the TV. One thing’s for sure, he’ll love you for this gift (HAHAHA). There are some very major consoles on the market at current, Sony’s PS3, the Xbox by Microsoft and the Nintendo What you can do to make sure he’s not neglecting you for games is… play along with him. He might really enjoy teaching you and you’ll both get to bond over something new.

This should have given you some insight in to what you guy might be eyeing this Christmas. Stay tuned for more posts like this!