Hair and Stress | Beauty

Lately I’ve been too busy to do a lot of things, and though I shouldn’t make it an excuse it’s a BIG reason as to why I haven’t done so many things that I’ve started. For example, my hair regimen. At the beginning of the college semester, I tried to keep up with my habit of cowashing weekly and deep conditioning every 2 weeks and washing with shampoo at least 2 twice a month.


After about week 6, shampooing went out the door as did deep conditioning every 2 weeks. I’d be lucky if I remembered conditioner at all! Funny enough I had acquired a number of samples and bought those one-use conditioners just to see how my hair would react to them, but then I lost track of time and haven’t been very good to my hair. The plight of a busy student I say.

When I went to the hairdresser this week and she saw just what I had been up to with my hair (cowashing and wearing wash-and-go styles way too often), she told me I needed to put a stop to this nonsense or my hair will suffer. How many of you out there are way too stressed and/or too busy to even take care of your own hair?

I know I am especially with so much going on lately. But we can’t just throw in the towel on our hair. I’ve always wanted long luscious locks of hair and seeing the damage I’ve done to mine by not putting in the effort to shampoo at least twice monthly, deep condition often AND not wear it in a ponytail everyday in order to be out the door as quickly as possible, I feel quite ashamed.

 So for anyone else out there who is feeling the same way as me, tired of breakage, dryness and  lifeless hair, let’s take a pledge to take at least 2 hours a week to at least tend to our hair.


  • Deep condition with a moisturising or protein conditioner (especially good for relaxed hair)
  • Cowash weekly or more often if necessary
  • Shampoo often but not excessively (remember cowashing will not clarify everything)
  • Try a different hair style (I need to step out of my ponytail-comfort zone)

And daily don’t forget to :

  • Apply heat protectant when styling with blow dryers, curling irons or flat irons 
  • Remember to moisturise your hair and scalp
  • Remember less product is more (I definitely need to make this my mantra)
  • Use a satin scarf or bonnet to tie your hair up when going to bed, or use satin pillow cases
Here’s my hair from late last week, after I had it washed and curled, been a long time since it had full pampering

I want long, strong hair like those shampoo/conditioner commercials, who’s with me?

7 things I’d love to receive! (Holiday Wishlist 2012)

Hey all! Gift guides are all out of the way, next is focusing on me! 🙂 Here are 7 this which I would LOVE to receive!

In my gift guide for her, I mentioned a skin polisher from Sigma Beauty which is affordable and great, but something that I’ve always wanted was the Clarisonic. After watching rave reviews of it (usually Favourites videos on YouTube), I checked it out on Sephora and thought the price was insane! BUT, the holiday sets look really good (maybe this isn’t even new but I digress)! This one particular set has the Clarisonic Plus in pink or white, with the regular brush, sensitive brush and the body brush. Along with a number of cleansers, serums and moisturisers from different brands. You also get the typical device stand, and a charger. Can I say deal for $225? I think it is compared to the price of the unit separately which is about $200 too.

Take your mind out the gutter, it is a curling iron hahahah! Just a few months ago, I straightened my hair and it’s been a while (2-3 years) since my hair was chemically processed, and a LOT has changed since that time. First of all, back then curling irons had clips and it was the in thing to have. But with this new age of hairstyling there are clipless hair stylers which give some gorgeous styles. This one is being sold on Flat Iron Experts by Cortex. I have seen so many different brands with these, but I like those with the interchangeable heads, because you can get a variety of curl sizes.

A cheaper and probably easier alternative to this would be theses hot setting rollers from Conair (one of my favourite hair styler brands). you can just roll a couple of these in and have a cute style in 10-20 minutes! I’m just about styling my hair in luscious curls :).

Somehow after tryign to wear more eyeshadow out to classes, I caught onto the neutral eyes bug, and worse yet, the Urban Decay NAKED palette bug. I don’t think there’s really a need for 3 of them, but who knows, I have changed my mind before. I really want to try out the original NAKED palette, because of the colours it has. Although the NAKED2 has a very nice black and more mattes apparently, something calls me more to the original, if not the NAKED Basics palette. A plus with the NAKED with me, is that I’d get to try their famed UD primer potion in the original bottle, which was phased out this year.

Speaking of make up, I’ve alway wanted to try Benefit products, so when I saw some one show this set with 6 deluxe samples of their bestsellers, I was stoked. I would love the “Sexy Little Stowaways“, because it includes the POREffesional face primer, the BADGal lash mascara and Hoola bronzer, which actually may be too light for me, but I’ve always wanted to try. There’s also their eye primer, “Stay don’t stray”.

I’m not much of a polisher, probably because my nail polish usually sucks and are in such similar colours, but I fell for this holiday set from Sephora by O.P.I. I’ve always wanted an O.P.I. nail polish, but the prices I’ve seen in Barbados have always been a turn off. This set is titled “Tinsel Town”, is sooo cute for Christmas! There are a wide range of polishes included in this 8 piece set, from glittery top coats to deep wine creme polishes!

 As I also mentioned in my gift guide for her, a lighted mirror is somethign also on my list. I saw this one by Jerdon (never heard of them) on the ULTA website. It looks like it could be pretty bright, and gives that glamorous feel. Although to me the oval Conair ones look very timeless, althogh they may not give much light.

FINALLY something that has been on my wishlist forever! Sigma Brushes!! I showed the Make me Crazy Brush set in the gifts for her post, which I have been lusting a while, but I think an even better and possibly more affordable kit would be the Essentials Kit. It includes the same brushes as the Make Me Crazy set, but there is no brush holder and it costs a bit less. ($99USD to be exact).
If you wanted to get me this, I also have a coupon code for 10% off your purchase DEC2012 and when you spend over $30, you also get a free gift! Yes, that is me hinting it at you once more haha.

Have a Merry Christmas and I hope that you get at least some of the things on your list! Tell me what you’re lusting after or really need in the comments.  Happy Holidays everyone!

Disclaimer: This wishlist is in NO way sponsored. Only Sigma affliate links are embedded in this post.