Micro-Haul from GFE

Hey everyone, in case you hadn’t already known, last weekend I volunteered at the Girlfriend’s Expo and had a great time. For more on that click here!

While I was there I was amazed by the number of make up brands and even the services available here in Barbados. I just got 3 things, as I was trying not to go overboard.

First I got a Sleek Make up I-Divine Palette in “Oh So Special”. The black in this palette is so saturated. I had seen this online and was so excited to see it on-sale there. I got mine from the Essential Trends’ booth.
 I was very impressed that they had tester palettes and insisted on giving out a Sleek bag specifically for the Sleek products.

Ash also picked up a lovely ColorClub nail polish from them and they also gave her free emery boards. That was a nice touch!

I love the packaging of this very SLEEK! hahahaa

I haven’t used my palette as yet, I was saving it for the photos hahah. But I can’t wait to start using it. I really needed a neutral eyeshadow palette. There was also the I-Divine palette in “Au Natural” but I was more drawn to this one from before.
Another cool one they had was the Acid Palette, covetted by many a YouTube guru, but not available in the USA because of FDA restrictions. There were some fluorescent colours in that one, very very bright!

This palette contains both matte and shimmery colours, with the black being matte.

The colours are as follows:
Top row: Bow, Organza, Ribbon, Gift Basket, Glitz, Celebrate
Bottom row: Pamper, Gateau, The Mail, Boxed, Wrapped Up, Noir

I love this huge mirror!

I also got this cute pure white shimmery poilish by Zoya called “Ginessa” from Bio Beauty. They had a selection of O.P.I. (including Shatter polishes), Essie and China Glaze.

I fell in love with this at first glance ^___^. It has the tiniest micro-glitter, so it gives a nice sheen. It looks perfect for a wedding if you ask me.

Finally I got an authentic Indian Henna Tattoo. It’s only supposed to last one week sadly, but it wasn’t too expensive. This was something I wanted for about a year now.

This is how it looked after the paste dried. (If you watch the video, you’ll see footage of it wet.)

I think this is two days after it was applied. It’s sooo pretty :). I think this is better than painting my nails lol. Sadly it’s wearing off.. and I don’t think it’ll survive until Tuesday.

It was pretty while it lasted ^__^ and I may get another at some point. (excuse the quality of those last photos, those were taken with my phone).
What do you think of what I got? Liked my henna tattoo? Would you get a henna tattoo?
Until next post, enjoy your week!