Seasons Greetings! Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone!!!!
Image is not my own.

I’m up burning the midnight oil, not going to church in the morning or tonight, nor going to Queen’s Park to show off my Christmas best like most Bajans on this day. I’m at home in my PJs, writing this post as some pots of food are on the stove haha. Yip I’m cooking, but I don’t mind, I like the silence of the kitchen and the wonderful scents filling my lungs. My dad is up with me helping.. or may be I’m helping him, I’m not sure hahaha, but we’re doing separate things and working together.

We’re actually taking a break watching this church service as my dad hilariously jokes about the way the service is proceeding. We love God, don’t get us wrong, but it’s a little depressing to watch a Christmas service that goes as slow and dreary as a funeral service. We’re supposed to be HAPPY that Christ came on this day.

I’m not gonna lie a few days ago, actually for most of the month I wasn’t feeling very jolly, but the music, some events and maybe just the spirit got to me and told me to try harder to be happy about Christmas. If you watched my update video posted before this, you would know that I was not completely in the spirit of Christmas. I just kept thinking it was going to be horrible and for the most part it was, full of stress and arguments and I felt like giving up, but there was still that nudging feeling in my side, which told me to work a bit harder. After some really last minute cleaning, shopping and now cooking, I think I understand why. (usually I’m not a last minute person btw)

I think I wrote on it last year. The real meaning of Christmas, the coming of Jesus Christ. I may not be getting physical gifts this Christmas, but it has been a year filled with blessings from God, both physical and otherwise. I’ve had a year of ups and downs, and I would like to invite you to contemplate all the good moments you had, as I do the same and give God thanks.

I must get back to the pots now, I’m trying to get an early Christmas lunch this year. Usually the food is done by 3.. and I sleep like half the day because I dread it so much hahaha. Probably not this year. It’ll  probably still be a bit of stress in the morning, but I’m going to hope for the best! I’ll update you later if I’m not passed out from eating too much haha.

Happy Holidays everyone!!

Apologies & a HUGE UPDATE!

Hey all! I had actually filmed a video with this update, but I think I may re-film it then post it here. My absence merits no excuse, besides that I was busy with life. I’m really sorry the posting during these last 3 months haven’t been very consistent. I did try to, but I’d run out of ideas, haha. (woops)

As some of you may know, I’m in my final year of university and this semester, although I was doing less courses, the workload was still just as intense. Late hour labs, studying for tests, doing time-consuming tutorials (boy, does it take a while to get used to reading Science journals). On top of that, I had taken a position in the faculty’s student committee, so I have to attend meetings sometimes. It is an interesting experience nonetheless.

Between going to school and coming back home usually more than 8 hours some days, I’d even up studying or doing assignments until late that night, not leaving time to blog or edit videos. Then I had a PC issue somewhere between there :(. It’s weird but, I don’t think my graphics card can handle editing with my current video maker, so I’m trying to work my way around that, until I could try to get another computer, maybe a laptop for editing. Suggestions would be appreciated! But for now, I updated a few drivers and I’m going to try editing again, maybe tonight.

Along with spending more time at school or just away from home, I’ve also been spending some more time with my friends. When I don’t have too much work pending that is. This may be the last time we’re in a setting like this, it’s kind of sad, but hey life goes on.

I also picked up an activity besides the student committee. Something I’ve always wanted to get back into. Swimming. So almost every Saturday I’ve been doing that and pushing myself to get better. Some days it’s really hard because the water is so cold, haha. But it’s fun with the people around you to support you.  Definitely not a Olympic record swimmer, but I am happy I hadn’t lost the knack for it completely.

My exams just finished and if I don’t get a job this vacation, you’ll probably be seeing (more likely reading) a lot more posts. I have a Holiday gift guide in the making. Trying to have that all up before 24th December, so you can get in all that shopping. I also had one last year which was very extensive, so you can check that out as well.

Until next post, I hope you’re all doing well and I hope you spend the Holidays safely. If you still are having final exams, I wish you the best of luck, it’ll be over soon!

Lazy Sunday Chit Chat: Holidays & Filming

Hey all! I am currently deep conditioning my hair. It’s been in for about 3 hours already. I’ve done most of what I’m supposed to do for today. But now I’m pretty bored, so why not write a blog post!

I had posted recently about a hair update and quite honestly, I didn’t have the time to get anything done Wednesday, so my hair’s the same for right now, but should be changing in about 2 weeks. YAY, get ready for it!

I am actually going on holiday tomorrow with some friends for a week. After all the plannng it took, I can finally say I’m getting excited. Funny because it’s just one day remaining and just yesterday I was still a bit worried about things I had forgotten to do hahah.

I’m been on my YouTube drinking up other peoples videos and enjoying myself hahaha, but I did have some videos filmed to put up. However I’m not sure I will, because the background is offsetting me too much. (really have to work on that) So I may just refilm those while I’m on vacation.

Also I did remember about my 200 subscriber contest. Trust that I didn’t forget. I really want it to be for Caribbean and USA residents since I have many subscribers from those regions, but I’m not sure if I’d be able too (with these ridiculous shipping rates). If I wait a bit longer, I may be able to have it as that, as well as add a few more cool prizes. However if I have it now, I’d just be able to hold the contest for Barbadian, maybe Caribbean viewers. I’d really love some of feedback on the contest though. So be sure to leave a comment and let me know.

Another thing I always forget to blog is reviews! I’ve used some hair products and many are empty now even, but I still forget to post a review. So I’ll be gettign to that shortly. Maybe another Review-a-day series? Did you like the one from January? But this time just hair products, if I have enough for that many posts.

Hmm what else? I cant think of anything more.
I could have probably filmed a video and made this shorter, but like I said, I’m deep conditionign my hair, so I look pretty whack ahahaha. Leave any request for posts or videos in the comments of course.

Love you all!

Merry Christmas and Gift Cards!

Image is not my own.

Hey everyone, Merry Christmas! How’s your Christmas going? By this time most of you have probably been stuffed full of food and are barely able to get out of your seats. Especially for those of us here in Barbados, the ham has been carved lovely and stacks upon stacks have reached our plates and filled our stomaches :). Makes me happy to think about ham.

Christmas is a time of stress and craziness but amidst all the Christmas rush and madness, we have to remember the reason for the season, which is Jesus Christ and His coming. So I hope you all remembered Him this year, because without Him, there would be no need for  gifts, or carols, no new curtains or even our beloved ham.

I’ve been a grouch most of this weekend because Christmas always seems to stress out my family so much. It always makes me wonder why we don’t fix our houses all year round, or start on our cleaning earlier, or do our shopping early or what have you. We always wait until last minute to do it. We wait until December comes around to be nice and to act like we care, but why like that famous song says “why can’t this Christmas feeling go on, why can’t we learn to live together?” Why is it that people can only be nice all year round?

I’m not the nicest, sweetest person all the time, but I like to stay consistent with the way I act, because honestly, it feels like you’re putting on a show by being all Holly Jolly this one time of year. I hope most of you are staying happy or at least content all year-round and not only at Christmas because you think it’s the right thing to do. It’s much better to be happy all year than to fake happiness because all this music is playing and there’s a chill in the air. (I may sound like the Grinch, but you do know how sometimes people change just for the weather. )

For all of you out there like me who are a bit tired of the Christmas songs and the fake cheer, make your own cheer and try to be happy the entire year. I’ve had way to many arguments already for this joyous season that could have been avoided, so I’m just going to stay content and let some of the comments of others roll off my back. Way too much stress is related to Christmas nowadays without considering the real reason for the Holiday.

Finally, I’d like to finish off my Holiday gift ideas posts with these 2 last minute gift  ideas.

  1. Gift Cards: They come for basically any store and seem a bit more thoughtful than just money sometimes because they can choose something from one of their favourite stores. Though money’s still a great gift because that person may need it a lot more than you’d think.
  2. Treat Certificates: A cute little thing couples can exchanges are handmade certificates for “treats” of sorts. “Unlimited Free Hugs”, “1 Neck Massage”, “3 Smooches” or anything you want to put on them. SO when you’re feeling  like you need that extra love you can always use your treat certificate. The best part is that it’s free! 🙂

Merry Christmas everyone! Hope everyone is relaxing and enjoying your holidays!

To Him with Love- Outfits & Pets

Hello lovely people, it’s coming down to the last stretch of the crazy Holiday shopping. Have you gotten something for everyone on your list but still cant find the right this for your boyfriend? Well it’s your lucky day 🙂 (Seriously, I sound like an advertisement….)  But anyway!

What guy doesn’t like to look absolutely handsome in a nice pair of slacks and a cool shirt? I kow many guys actually prefer to look very relaxed daily, but when they go out it’s all about that wow-factor, just like us girls. You know what makes guys feel even more special, wearing a nice outfit, knowing that their lady gave them one of their new favourite pieces.

Guys love Outfits

Get your guy something to suit his tastes, and if it’s hard to find somethin gyou know he’ll love, you can take him shopping with you for this gift. Though it might ruin the surprise of the present, you get time to bond and enjoy each other’ss company for the day. (Mind you, during the Holidays shopping can be rather stressful, but it’s still plausible to have a good time.)

Guys love Pets

Another thing guys love… PETS! Cats, Dogs, fish, turtles/tortoises, iguanas, hammers, birds… the list is partically endless. A pet is a good companion, and it teaches responsiblilty too. It’d be like you and your boyfriend’s little baby to spoil :). Pets are also great when it comes to sharing emotions, so it’s really a plus for comforting your boyfriend when you’re not there. Don’t only give a great gift, give a pet a home 🙂 You can check out the RSPCA and the newspaper classifieds for pets in need of homes.

If your boyfriend already has a pet or you already share one, why not give it a gift. It’s always nice to receive something you need and the same goes for pets, a special treat, a new toy something along those lines.

 I really think that pets are a great gift to give and share with your guy, they allow you to bond and your relationship can grow from it, as you both learn to take care of someone other then yourself or your significant other. 

Enjoy your Holiday shopping and hope you find the perfect gift! ( I have just one more exam… FINALLY!!!)


PS: Just one more instalment in this series, kind of last minute gift ideas for both males and females.