Valentines day humour & Rewind Wednesday

Hey all! So I was contemplating what to post today, and I was at a total lost because for some reason I’m not all on the Valentines day train like last year. Despite having a bf, friends and family to share in the holiday with, I don’t even have thoughts on it . This might have been the quietest V’day I have had yet.

But because it’d be boring if I didn’t at least post something else about it, this Wednesday I’m flashing back to last year when I did the 10 Valentine’s day questions. Funny enough most of my answers are the same. I guess I’m a simple & unchanging gal.

Then in my search for Valentine’s day post ideas, I stumbled across these on the Fail Blog. Some were too hilarious not to share!

Finally the cutest, though not as sensible to me… as I’m a cat lover and all.

Are you feeling Valentine’s day this year? Or are you a v’day hater?