The net has been a….

Hey all! SO I haven’t posted in a while. I could blame part of it on being lazy, but most of it on the internet. I have barely been getting by! I have some posted saved on my computer of a review and an update coming up.

I think I may write some more reviews and schedule them to pst too so when the net eventually comes back full force I won’t be so behind. (I havent blogged in almost 3 wekks!) I feel so bad!
Anyway, how are you guys doing? Hopefully not as many internet troubles as me. When it’s good it’s good, and when it’s bad, it’s really bad!

The short holiday with my friends was a bit stressful, but everything came off pretty well, the only thing that I couldn’t prevent from happening was catching a cold from my friend, Blackman. Sad really. We put in hardwork to keep things running smoothly, but we still had some fun. Great job people! I wonder what interesting things the future will hold for us.

I had my first experience doing make up for someone, besides my self for an event just the other weekend. I was so nervous, but my awesome friends assured me I could do it, and I did. I think she really liked it, so I’m pretty happy. ^__^

Not much to report otherwise. I’ve been trying to keep up with my subscriptions, but this internet issue is really unnerving me. First outages, then no wifi, then steady internet with a cable, then low speeds… and the list  goes on. Seriously, it feels like it’s slowly killing the chill part of my summer.

Hope you’re having better luck than me…