Oxblood for Fall 2012

This colour has been popping up just about every where. It’s a new take on the classic fall red or burgundy. A rich statement colour which personally I think the name is gruesome. I think this colour would only be trendy for fall and winter, unlike tango tangerine and minty green which has become staples in the wardrobe of many style gurus, bloggers and just about everyone.

If I wanted to be a part of this new trend, I’d definitely pick inexpensive pieces which may not last a lifetime but, you won’t be stuck with the colour years down the line trying to figure out what you were thinking.

As you could probably tell, I am not in love with this trend, it’s more my style to wear a darker lip colour rather than clothing items in maroon hues if I want something fall-inspired. Anyway I put together this office-appropriate outfit, momentarily inspired by the colour.

Oxblood Inspired Me

What do you think of Fall’s new colour? Would you dare to wear it or rather stick to darker dramatic make up for Autumn?