Lazy Sunday Chit Chat: School & Fall

Hey all! Finally got back to writing these chit chats which I missed posting. This Sunday is the final day of vacation before dreaded school starts back. I know it’s not great to have such a bad attitude about school because it will benefit me in the long-run, but really I’m just feeling sad about it starting again.

This year is my final year of university and despite having registered, I don’t feel ready to return tomorrow. I feel like a need another week to upload videos, read blogs and to go buy school supplies, which I have slacked on purchasing this summer. Very unlike me, because I love stationery and that’s what excites me most about going to school.

Regardless, I don’t feel like my summer has been wasted at all this year. I may not have gotten a paying job, but I did many things which I’m very happy about, spent time with friends and family, kept my videos and post very consistent and even had some new adventures, one which you will hopefully be seeing very soon. (Hint: it has something to do with film.) Some things this summer could have been better, but I’m hoping as the year goes by that I can improve that. 

I have big goals for this school year  which I will hopefully achieve to the best of my ability as well as quickly. Funny thing though, at the beginning of the school year I feel more inclined to make life changes or set new goals than at New Years.

Speaking of school, you may have noticed that I’m doing Back to School videos. A tad late, but nonetheless informative, so make sure to check it out. I’ll have a direct link to the related posts in the right sidebar.

Anyway, I’ve also been thinking about Fall. The season not the action haha. I know in Barbados we don’t get Fall or Autumn as some call it, just year-long sunshine or the occasional rainfall. It’s the one thing that makes me envoious of the countries with 4 seasons. I love cold weather apparel, the cute woolen UGG boots, oversized knit sweaters, and hoodies. Leggings (the one of the only times it’s acceptable to wear leggings as pants), calf-high leather boots, funky socks, super comfy pajamas, scarves and of course, beanies and barets!

This year I’m hoping to do a fall lookbook using Polyvore, taken inspiration from the MBFW Fall 2012 collections. I’ve already started compiling looks I want to recreate or add my own quirks to.
If you have any suggestions for looks, don’t hestitate to tell me. You could leave it as a comment, or email me at


Lazy Sunday Chit Chat: Surprises and Disappointments

I am over the moon to say that Shanele (one of my bffs) is finally back from Cuba to spend a bit of time home before school starts back! She surprised me one evening (maybe a week or 2 ago) by showing up at my home. I was asleep and thought I was dreaming like times before hahaha. So I sat in my kitchen just staring at her and smiling. Weird right, but I really missed her and the time we would spend together and it was really difficult to come to terms with her being gone for what seemed like a lifetime.

Grand Kadooment was eventful I could say. It started off normal, got a bit dull before I left home to watch the bands and eventually it worked it’s way up to a nice climax. I must say though, some of my guys friends are some caring and heroic individuals. I was so proud of them. Before you ask what I mean by that I’ll tell you, the short story of course!

We were perched from our vantage point while some revellers passed when Blackman, Rayside and my boyfriend Tyrell, realised that there was one reveller who was passed out and had left her band to rest nearby. She was passed out from before we got there and she still hadn’t woken up by the end of the revelling. They started to become concerned about her wellbeing as it was getting later, while I (sadly) was a little more calm about the situation, thinking she would be ok.

Well that was not enough for them and they did the most honourable thing I’ve ever seen anyone do. They lifted this girl from where we were to the nearest police station, despite the scoffs and silly somments of on-lookers. I just could not believe it. They cared for a stranger that much :). From that experience I’ve learnt not to take everything too lightly, but we should look out for our fellow countrymen although sometimes even I know I stress too much. I was just so proud of them and it ended my day on a great note.

Once more this week I’ve learnt something. Sometimes you set your hopes up for things you thought people wanted and when the time comes, they really let you down, and not even in a mature way. They side step the situation and run away. It’s no fun when you’re the one left holding the junk as they scurry off. The worse part is, it wasn’t exactly your idea, but you took your time and effort to work on things which people have suggested and even if it’s not exactly the same, they don’t always appreciate it. That could have been effort spent somewhere else.  

I think others should look back and assess if they’ve done that to others because eventually, the person will get tired of the let downs and stop doing anything. Try to work on following through with plans and at least being gracious. The effort put in is often priceless and shows how much that person cares about you.

This weekend has actually been pretty good though and I’m quite happy about that. Despite the pending arrival Tropical Depression, home life has been calm and dare I say… easy? Everyone was in high-spirits on Saturday, and today I’m supposed to be going out again to meet up with Shanele, Ashley, et partners lol. That should be interesting once the weather holds up. I can’t wait!

Going to be a busy week, but I hope you enjoy your lazy Sunday and even though tomorrow is Monday try not to get the weekend blues, please?


All in all this week has held it’s high-points and moments of utter disappointment, and that’s what’s been onmy mind this Sunday.

Lazy Sunday Chit Chat: Make up & Kadooment

Hey all! This Lazy Sunday post is pretty late. Might even be Monday by the time the video uploads. But anyway, this Sunday I woke up feeling to put some make up on, so I tried out a few looks for the fun of it.
Who’s going Kadooment tomorrow? I am!! Hope to see some of you there 🙂  and of course I’ll be vlogging most of it. Though I’m not sure sure about what I’m going to wear… hmmm


Lazy Sunday Chit Chat: Crop Over 2012 & Music

It’s Crop over again. I’m actually pretty late with announcing that here, but I just am not feeling it this year. Last year I was so excited for Crop Over. I’d turn on my radio everyday and blast the songs and dance around. I loved so many of last year’s songs compared to now. I heard a few songs before the season started, and all it left me to think was, “what is bajan music coming to?”.

It’s just mediocre nowadays. I mean I haven’t listened to very many, but what I’ve heard does not make me want to listen to more. I’m not going to quote lyrics or anything, my close friends know what songs I am referring to, but since when have we settled with making such plain, tasteless, jokey rhymes? It’s just not enough to come out straight and say what you mean. It’s almost like an insult to my intelligence. There’s no double entendre, or a smart way to speak about your subject, as the older folk did for years.

When I was younger, I would have thought the lyrics to a song were referring to something simple, but as I grew, or learnt about the situation in that time, I recognised, there was a serious and deep meaning behind the song. Even party songs or yesteryear, involved something that children could hear without understanding fully what the song meant. I don’t want to sound like an old bat, but where was the skill in spinning tasteful lyrics gone?

I wish I could write a song about it. However, Soca, or Calypso is not for me. That also is what I think a lot of the younger artists are not realising. Yes, Soca, Calypso and even Spouge are our artforms, but this doesn’t mean it’s for everyone. Can I paint my own nails, yes barely, but would I open a nail art shop? No, not unless I know I could provide good quality designs. In the same way, people who can sing should not only look into Soca or Calypso because they think it’s easy, but also into other forms of music. They should perfect their art before they release some of the songs they sing. I really don’t understand how some recording studios are just letting people get away with these things. But money makes the world go around right?

I feel like Bajans have also become a little too complacent with their tastes. I like quality in my music. I may like the occasional crude or stupid song, but I for the most part, I like things that are tasteful, that I would not be ashamed to share with the world as my favourite song.

Mind you, if I go in a party or a fete and these songs playing I still would dance to them, because the beats are good, and if you were to take away the lyrics, it’s same to me. For general listening however, us bajans need to up our lyrics game.

That’s what I’ve been thinking about this Sunday. What do you think of the new Soca and Calypso, or just party songs? Think I’m being to harsh? Is there any song you think I should definitely listen to? Or do you feel the same way? Are you also feelign rather meh with this coming Crop Over?


Lazy Sunday Chit Chat: 50 Shades of Bull

Hey all! I’ve been reading 50 Shades of Grey recently.  Just on whim, I had found the download and I decided that I would have a read. Not even knowing what it was.

I finally got around to reading it, after finishing the entire Hunger Gamers trilogy. Whew that was some intense reading btw! I love hate how it ended. But I digress, I started the first few pages of 50 Shades of Grey, and I wondered why I had such a weird feeling about reading this book. So I decided to check Wikipedia for a synopsis, and boy was I shocked! It’s about BDSM. I nearly had a heartattack.

But, I decided to continue reading because I hate starting books and never finishing them. I must say, some things in this book are rather interesting, however it takes a lot of willpower to want to read any further. I want to know what happens to the characters in the end, and yet at the same time, I want something seriously bad to happen to the female protagonist. She’s just too annoying to me and Christian Grey is an ill humoured freakshow. That’s the best way to describe him.

I have less than 100 more pages to read and I just do not want to read them. This is the most annoying thing ever! How can I not want to read it, yet want to find out what happens at the end of the book? Another thing which is putting me off from this book is knowing there are sequels and thus, the ending will be some sort of lead on junk. Ugh, frustrates me to no end.

Away from crazy books, I have some new videos coming up soon, one will be a short series, directed by my boyfriend, Tyrell, so be on the look out for it. It’s a Complications of Infatuation (COI) with a twist. Also the boyfriend tag has been requested, so we’ll be working on that soon also.

I am yet to film my $20 (USD, I hope haha) make up challenge. I keep forgetting everytime I come to film. I can say that the part that would worry me the most about this tag is putting on foundation with just my fingers, because I hate stuff under my nails.

I’ve been hoping to bring back my Asian Candy series. I really miss watching Asian Dramas, especially now the local network has decided to start showing one. Jewel in the Palace (Dae Jang Geum). I’m in love with it! So what do you think? Bring back the Asian Drama suggestions monthly?

I hope you haven’t been reading any awful books like me. And if you have hopefully the ending justifies the means. I cannot wait to finish that book. Have a nice Sunday and a great week!


Lazy Sunday Chit Chat: Bath & Body Works

I dont know if I’d ever said this on my blog before, but I’m totally obsessed with Bath & Body Works! I love their sales, sadly they never seem to reach here :(. Actually there is B&BW available in Barbados, but it’s just the regular lines. Never the seasonal specials, unless you get them from an independent retailer, and sometimes they can be really expensive.

I’d really love to try out the candles. I love calming and sweet yummy scents. I love to see candles really. Even if they aren’t scented. I think it’s the flame that gets me. I love to just watch the soft flicker of a candle.

Anyway as I was saying, Bath and Body works is one thing that I wish was better here in Barbados. I remember when I was younger, we’d get B&BW fragrances, or the fabulous Victoria Secrets lotions. Seeing hauls from there sometimes makes me sad. I just want to go out and buy some and a haul a bunch of candles hahah. I sound totally nuts, but that’s what I’ve been thinking about this Sunday afternoon.

BTW, for those of you lucky enough to get Bath and Body Works, they’re currently having their Semi-annual Sale. It’s just crazy the scale of the sale. 75% of on some items, buy 3 get 3 free, $8 candles, $3 Anti-Bac! WOOP.. where’s my credit card?! hahaha

Happy Shopping to those of you taking part!


Lazy Sunday Chit Chat: Holidays & Filming

Hey all! I am currently deep conditioning my hair. It’s been in for about 3 hours already. I’ve done most of what I’m supposed to do for today. But now I’m pretty bored, so why not write a blog post!

I had posted recently about a hair update and quite honestly, I didn’t have the time to get anything done Wednesday, so my hair’s the same for right now, but should be changing in about 2 weeks. YAY, get ready for it!

I am actually going on holiday tomorrow with some friends for a week. After all the plannng it took, I can finally say I’m getting excited. Funny because it’s just one day remaining and just yesterday I was still a bit worried about things I had forgotten to do hahah.

I’m been on my YouTube drinking up other peoples videos and enjoying myself hahaha, but I did have some videos filmed to put up. However I’m not sure I will, because the background is offsetting me too much. (really have to work on that) So I may just refilm those while I’m on vacation.

Also I did remember about my 200 subscriber contest. Trust that I didn’t forget. I really want it to be for Caribbean and USA residents since I have many subscribers from those regions, but I’m not sure if I’d be able too (with these ridiculous shipping rates). If I wait a bit longer, I may be able to have it as that, as well as add a few more cool prizes. However if I have it now, I’d just be able to hold the contest for Barbadian, maybe Caribbean viewers. I’d really love some of feedback on the contest though. So be sure to leave a comment and let me know.

Another thing I always forget to blog is reviews! I’ve used some hair products and many are empty now even, but I still forget to post a review. So I’ll be gettign to that shortly. Maybe another Review-a-day series? Did you like the one from January? But this time just hair products, if I have enough for that many posts.

Hmm what else? I cant think of anything more.
I could have probably filmed a video and made this shorter, but like I said, I’m deep conditionign my hair, so I look pretty whack ahahaha. Leave any request for posts or videos in the comments of course.

Love you all!