Exotica Makeup Lipstick in LoveBrandie | Review

Hey all! I remember when I first started blogging and dabbling with makeup, a bajan beauty brand was a far off thought. Now there are about 3 that I know of doing big things in Barbados. This year I hope to try them all out. One of them I had tried a long time ago, but they’ve undergone a number of improvements and invention of new products, which is always a good thing.

Today I’ll be reviewing and swatching the Exotica Makeup lipstick in LoveBrandie, which I saw on their Instagram page and instantly fell in love with it (the irony there)! I paid $25BDS for this local brand lipstick, which is not much different from the other drugstore lipsticks we have here. Apparently the colours are inspired by the persons who work where their products are sold. They also sell tons of NYX products!

As you can see from the bullet, LoveBrandie is a deep maroon colour or looks brown even depending on the lighting. On my lips it comes off as a oxidised blood red. I was amazed by the formula of this lip product as it is glides on easily and doesn’t sink into the lines of my lips or highlight any dry patches. I would call this a satin finish lipstick, as there’s very little sheen to it once applied. I actually compared it to a similar Revlon lipstick I have of similar colour and I must say seems to last longer on the lips.

I wore this Old Years night and the staying power was shocking! Through eating, drinking, talking and New Year’s kisses, it lasted. Of course it wasn’t perfect, the centre of my lips were the most worn, but the colour still held on. My lips did start to feel more dry as time went by however, but nothing some lip balm or re-application of the lipstick couldn’t fix. It was not at all uncomfortable to wore and I in fact forgot I was wearing it. I paired this with a lip liner for Old Years and the transfer from lips to glass or cups was very minimal.

It makes sense to wear this with a lip liner, just to make sure it doesn’t go smearing all over. But once it’s on, it hardly goes anywhere!

The Verdict:


  • Local brand
  • Pigmented
  • Glides on easily
  • Beautiful colour which is a lighting chameleon
  • Pricing is good 
  • Would look good on many skin tones
  • Long lasting


  • Packaging is a bit short (I feel like I might lose it)
  • Sells out way too fast (make more! haha)
  • Not a moisturising lipstick

The Raw Sugar:

Like I mentioned, I was very surprised by the quality and staying power of this lipstick. I glided on easily and lasted well throughout Old Years Night. I have to test it even more during a regular day with a lot more eating involved, so I know the true staying power. But, I love this lipstick and would tell others to run out and buy it!

Where to Purchase:

Exotica Makeup & Extensions -Sheraton and the Colonnade Mall. (Barbados)

Disclaimer: This product was bought with my own money. Opinions are my own. 

L’Oreal Colour Caresse Wet Shine Stain | Swatches & Review

Hey all! I wanted to get one of these when I got to NYC and that I did. But now that I have it, I’m not so sure I love it like I thought I would. You know sometimes other bloggers and Youtubers make a product seem so fabulous and when you get it, you’re just like.. “that’s it?” That’s how I feel about this weird lipstain, gloss, slick Mc.long-wearing thing in Lilac Ever After. I was definitely expecting something else.

I first tried it out in June or July (it slips me), so I could write a review on it. Actually I tried to film a first impressions, but that went through the window as my set up just was not working for me. Anyway, I tried it on to be greeted by the weird wet slick feeling on my lips. This was not like regular lipgloss. I guess if a slug glided across your lips it’d feel like that. What a horrible thought.

As for the colour it came out, definitely not what I saw in the tube. It did this odd colour shift. I don’t know if my mind was playing tricks on me, as I had a cold at the time. But I tried it a few more times recently, and still not the colour of the gloss you see on the wand. It’s still pretty nonetheless, but boy was it unexpected.

Don’t bother to rub your lips together with this one, it’s kind of pointless. Just more of that odd slick feeling. I think I’ve gotten accustomed to it now though. I does last wet and glossy looking a considerable time, 4 hours or more, but don’t plan on eating or drinking, because it gives you some very weird feelings again. Not something I would have associated with this raved about gloss. Maybe it’s just my tube. But sometimes it balls up on my lips and as it is constantly wet, I can see things sticking to it, like my hair. Not cute.

I would have to say one of my favourite things about this lipstain/gloss hybrid, is the packaging. Though a fingerprint magnet, it’s so classy and beautiful, you can help but carry it around. I also love the wand. It’s a nice tear drop shape that makes applying this stain very effortless. If I get the chance or mind to buy this again, I think I’d go with a darker colour to see how pigmented it is on my lips.


  • Good colour range
  • Beautiful, classy packaging
  • Tear-drop shaped applicator makes applying easy.
  • Stays glossy
  • Good lasting power (4+ hours)
  • No noticeable scent


  • Oddest wet feeling I ever got from a lipstick or gloss
  • Balled up on my lips after drinking and eating.
  • Colour of my lip product shifted when applied to the lips
  • Expensive for drugstore product but can be found on sale for $6USD or so, especially with a coupon

The Raw Sugar:

I do not know if it’s just that my tube was a dud, but if I do find it here (affordable at least) I will try it again. I was really hoping it’d be the colour the tube was showing, but it didn’t come out like that. I don’t love the wet feeling. It’s very odd too me. but I already said that plenty. Maybe this is just another over-hyped product. 
Tell me what are your thoughts on this lip product. Have you tried it, or wanted to? What colour do you have?
Where to get it: Drugstores (USA), mostly like available in Cave Shepherd (Barbados)

Disclaimer: This Product was bought with my money. Opinions are my own.

Maybelline ColorSensational High Shine gloss- Raspberry Reflections | Swatches & Review

Recently, my aunt got me this Maybelline gloss, which I previewed here in my DLG lipstick comparisons post, and I must say I am in love with it. I’m so glad she got me it. I had no idea that this gloss would apply so beautifully or last so well on the lips!

The colour is called Raspberry Reflections and is a late 2012 release from the Maybelline Color Sensational line. In the tube it looks like it would be a milky cool toned pink, bordering fuchsia. I did not notice any shimmer, so I’ll describe it as a crème formula. On the lips, it doesn’t come off as milky as it looks in the tube, which you will see in the swatches.

I love how this gloss applied. Colour from start to finish and a little goes a long way, and the applicator (slanted doe-foot) is great for this product, it really allows for precision yet speedy application. Of course the overall colour will be affected by the natural colour of your lips. As it looks slightly different on Jessica from Beautezine.

As the name suggests, it is a high shine gloss and lives up to the name without being sticky or irritatingly runny. I don’t feel the need to keep checking a mirror to see if it is runny down the sides of my mouth. It just settles in after a bit of wear AND the best part is, after 2 hours or so of wear it stains the lips. So the colour stays, even if the “high” shine is gone. It’s almost like wearing a lip stain without the annoying dryness.

I am really fascinated by the staying power as I wore this gloss for about 4 hours and although the shine faded, it still looked great! Mind you this was after coffee, lots of yapping and snacking haha. This gloss is also buildable, so the more you apply the better the colour and the staying power to some degree.

Online this is gloss is $6USD which I think is great especially since it’s such a good gloss. This goes perfectly with my M.A.C. Daddy’s little Girl lipstick. Although there was a coordinating gloss for that, I wouldn’t be paying for a M.A.C. one when I could get the same staying power with this affordable gloss. I’m just in love with this!

What do you think of it? Any other affordable glosses that can match up or even more fabulous? Be sure to leave them in the comments, I’ve love some more suggestions!

Disclaimer: This product was given to me as a gift, opinions are my own.

EOS Lip balm-Smooth Sphere | Review

IThis product has been raved about all over YouTube and the blog-o-sphere, and now I finally have tried it. But is it worth the hype?

EOS stands for Evolution of Smooth and is the company has some very innovative packaging. When I take this out of my bag (as I can’t keep it in my pocket), people usually stare and wonder what it is. A classmate of mine actually stared at me like I was nuts, it was hilarious. Anyway, I definitely give them huge thumbs up for the cute packaging and the way you can apply the balm, that is with your mouth closed instead of that weird open mouth thing us ladies do.

The lip balm that I have is a part of the limited edition Alice in wonderland collaboration with Disney, and is the flavour “Blueberry Potion”. I love the scent and taste of this lip product and apparently, the ingredients are natural and organic (i.e. good for you and none of the commercial nasties), not that it makes a huge difference to me, I’m studying Science and exposed to chemicals on a weekly basis.

It’s a colourless fomula that leaves a slight gloss on the lips and it feels very lightweight. On first application, it takes quite a bit of rubbing to warm up the product, but it smooths on very easily after the initial uses. It is a moisturing lip balm, but it’s just not as good as my Maybelline Baby lips, nor as long lasting, but the sweet taste does linger. However, the scent dissipates pretty fast. Maybe it doesn’t last as long because the Baby Lips is thicker though.

My lips are smooth, but not as smooth as I would like. I still am experincing some dryness around the corners, which makes me go back to my favourite, the Baby Lips. I think I wuld have liked this more, if I hadn’t tried the Maybelline first, but alas Maybelline has stolen my love.

Also I realised since there is no SPF in this one, that my lips have been looking quite dark and dismal.. 😦

The Verdict:

  • Good amount of product
  • Moisture in one or two swipes
  • Tastes yummy
  • Gives a bit of sheen
  • Lips are relatively smooth
  • Cute, innovative packaging
  • Twist-off lid
  • Ingredients are 95% organic and 100% natural


  • Packaging though bright and fun may not suit all ages
  • Bulky for stroage (too big for pockets)
  • Not the most moisturising lip balm there is
  • Not available in Barbados
  • Limited Edition flavour

The Raw Sugar:
I would repurchase this simply for the novelty of the packaging and the taste. It’s not the most moisturising lip balm, but it is fun. Not worth the all hype about being the best, just is cute and “organic”. I love my Baby Lips more, but maybe the other lip balms they have are better, since some are medicated, others had sunscreen, etc.

Where you can find it: EOS website
Drugstores (USA)

Revlon Lip Butter in Raspberry Pie

You probably have seen in one on the hauls on my YouTube last year, that I got a Revlon lip butter in “Candy Apple”, which is a gorgeus warm-toned red. Recently I’ve acqured another from a giveaway I won, in Raspberry Pie, which looks as yummy and pretty as it sounds.

The packaging on these lip products are very sleek and they do not look at all cheap. I also love the viewing window for the colour and how the lid is a similar colour to the lip product. Sadly, being the clutz that I am, I had the hardest time opening it at first and got lip butter all over the cover haha.

The formula is very good, a nice smooth even colour when you’re applying it to your lips. No patchiness, and very moisturising for a lip colour. As the name suggests, it’s like butter, but beware in tropical, warm places this can melt in storage. I have found my older one melted a bit in my cosmetics bag.

The colour is a cool-toned pink with makes my teeth look whiter than they really are. They chose the best name for this shade, as it does remind me of a raspberry. This lip product leaves a nice sheen to the lips, and isn’t sticky, but is a tad heavy. You can defintely tell that you are wearing it on your lips. I wouldn’t add a gloss over it, it’s great as is, and the colour pay-off is surprising. You only need to do one swipe to get medium coverage and it is buildable.


After eating, drinking and talking (a lot), the sheen obviously doesn’t not stay, but the colour stains your lips. I wore this on the first day of the Girlfriend’s Expo this year and it lasted for about 6 hours, that is with me reapplying just lip balm to me lips occasionally because my lips tend to dry out once exposed. I was very impressed!

The Verdict:Pros:

  • Great colour pay-off
  • Good amount of product
  • Gives a nice sheen to lips
  • Lasts about 6 hours (on me)
  • Stains lips (this colour)
  • Moisturising for a lip colour (still not as moisturising as a lip balm, obviously)
  • Chic packaging


  • Hard to open on first use (or maybe that was just me)
  • Pricey in Barbados ($20BDS+) and never on special 😦

The Raw Sugar:
I love the the lip butters, especially this colour. I want to try the lilac one next, if not Creme Brulee that I have seen tons rave about. OR the Relvon Lip Balm Stains. However those as like $25BDS….and on a student budget, I can’t see myself getting that anytime soon. But this product is definitely worth purchasing if you want to tip toe into wearing lipstick, or just moving away from nude lips as you can build the colour intensity and it feels a bit like lip balm.

Where you can find it: Cave Shepherd (Barbados)
Drugstores (USA)

DIY Lip Scrub for the softest most kissable lips!

With Valentines day on the horizon, us ladies want to have the softest most kissable lips for our significant other.  During the colder windier months, the environment takes a toll on your lips.  Applying lip balm frequently may remedy the problem for a short time,  but sometimes lips need a bit of exfoliation to allow them to absorb moisture more effectively.  Today I’m going to show you a simple do-it-yourself lips scrub that isn’t expensive and all of the ingredients are probably  in your cupboards.  The texture of my scrub is more of a liquid, especially since the sugar settled to the bottom, which I didn’t like, so I added in more brown sugar a day after. The best part about this scrub is that it’s edible!

The lemon juice give a bit of a sour taste and citric acid is supposed to be a natural exfoliant. Remember, the more juice you use the more your sugar will dissolve, so add more sugar to suit. I like to mix the sugar because I find that brown sugar alone does not get everything exfoliated, but with the smaller granulated crystals, you get a lot more work done with less product. Honey is a hmuectant so it helps with keeping things moist, a good substitute for honey is golden syrup.
As you all also know by now I love coconut oil over olive oil and thus I used it in my scrub, but feel free to use olive oil. I went with measurement in teaspons and eye-balled the rest. I wasn’t being very specific and you really don’t need to be.

What you will need:

2 parts Coconut oil or Olive oil
1/2 of lemon/lime
2 – 3 parts Brown sugar
1 – 2 parts Granulated sugar
1 part Golden syrup, or honey or any liquid sweetener
  1. Mix the brown and white sugar together in a bowl.
  2. In another bowl (or cup), combine the cocnut oil (I used 2 capfuls), half of a lemon, and a teaspoon of Lyons Golden syrup.
  3. Add your liquid mixture to your sugar and mix until well combined.
  4. If your product is too liquid, then add more brown sugar, if it is too stiff, add more liquid (either oil or juice).
  5. Store your scrub in an airtight container, or use right away to exfoliate dry lips.

Finished results! Yes silly face. I’m wearing Maybelline Baby lips and LORAC Lotsa lip plumping gloss in Foxy.

    Video tutorial: 

Trendy Beauty for Spring 2012

Revlon ColorBurst Lip ButterI’m probably more than late with this post but since these things are still trending its still a good idea to write about it. There have been a number of things I’ve been seeing with lots of buzz from winter and they may continue through to spring. I’m just going to list them off and a bit of my thoughts on them.

Lipstick-Lip balm Hybrids:
From the infamous Revlon ColorBurst lip butters to the L’Oreal Colour Riche Balm … These lip products have so much hype surrounding them. It’s like the best thing since sliced bread! Everyone is now bringing out a lip moisturiser which boasts of a subtle colour pay-off as well.

Frankly I love it! Lipsticks have been around for a long-time and one thing they needed to perfect was the moisturising properties. Now with these new series of lip products it’s just amazing how they’ve combined a good lip balm with some actual colour. Before these seemed to only be available from higher-end brands such as Clinique, Lancome and Dior, just to name a few.

However, drugstore brands have been able to knock consumers off the department store brands to their grocery stores in search of these more affordable versions. Best thing is, EVERYONE seems to be loving them all over the beauty world. I CANNOT wait until they finally reach here! (Granted it may take another 2 months hahaha)

Tangerine Tango:
Named by Pantone as one of the colours of 2012. Corals and oranges were really hot last year and it seems they’re continuing the trend this year. Appearing everywhere, from clothes to beauty products, all the newest collections are including at least one tangerine colour.
I’m not too certain about my feelings to this colour being in everything as I’m not much of a orange fan, but I will be watching to see how it turns out.

I’ve also been seeing the Bright Charteuse, Honey Gold and Pink Flambe growing in popularity with the current styles. Actually I have a hand bag in a colour very similar to the Honey Gold. I at least understand why that is popular, it’s neutral enough to go with everything, yet bright enough to be a pop of colour.

This cosmetic brand has been headlining the drugstore beauty realm from the beginning of 2012 with their affordable alternatives to the infamous M.A.C. paintpots, called the Maybelline 24 hour Color Tattoos. These are being coveted by beauty bloggers, enthusiasts and those in search of a great gel eyeshadow. Not only have they been winning people over with the Color Tattoos, but they have brought out a number of products with improvements on their older products, such as the Eye Studio and Dream.

Drugstore Brands:
I’ve talked about Maybelline in particular, but it really appears as if the drugstore brands are taking their game to a higher height. Improved formulas and packaging are winning over tons of cusomers who once stuck only to department store brands.

L'Oreal Voluminous - False Fiber Lashes Mascara, Black - .34 oz

I can’t wait to see what’s in store for Spring 2012 and Summer as well!! What’s trending on your side of the world?


Disclaimer: Images are not my own, hopefully I get my hands on some of these products eventually though!

Review-a-Day: e.l.f. Essentials Soothing Lip Balm

Taken from eyeslipsface

Hey all! Today I’ll be continuing with my Review-a-Day series. I hope you’ve been enjoying it, it’s the weekend stretch, just two more posts after this and it’ll also be school descending upon me. I still hope I have the time to blog and get inspired to make more series like this. So today’s product is going to be the  e.l.f Essentials Soothing lip balm, once known as the Therapeutic Conditioning lip balm. I think they changed the name because they had another product with a quite similar name.
Worth the buy? let’s find out…

This little lip balm really surprised me. The packaging is very simple, it is a lip balm of course, and despite the twist part being a bit faulty, the formula made up for what the simple packaging lacked.

I choose to get this lip balm in Vanilla creme so I could avoid the fruity scents which I had lots of before and was a bit tired of. Vanilla creme is an off-white to cream colour and it must be noted that it will leave a white cast if it is not rubbed in properly. It takes a while to absorb after applying, so i simply use a clean finger to help it sink into my lips faster.

This balm is very moisturising, it feels smooth like butter on your lips.I love how well it keeps my lips from chapping. It also lasts on the lips very long and seldomly needs reapplying unless you have eaten or completely wiped it off.

The little tube actually holds quite a lot of product. My first one I had been using on and off during the summer then I used it solely during school until December. Had i not misplaced my cover, I would still have that same exact one. Oh yes, that’s something, when this lip balm is left uncovered is melts away to nothing in a jiffy. So always replace your cap.

There’s not as taste to this lip balm which is a good change from what I had been using previously. Flavours can be a bit annoying at times, I’d rather stick to flavoured lipgloss. The scent is not strong and is actually pleasant, makes me want to try the other scents available.

Although some people may find this weird, the balm sometimes brings up the dead cells on the lips and to me it’s just an indicator of the need to exfoliate, which is also easily done using this lip balm and a tissue. Then it’s back to smooth lips!

-Very moisturising
Handful of Scents
-Long-lasting formula
-Good for exfoliation
-Good for soothing chapped lips or preventing them
-A little goes a long way
-Tube has a lot of product

-Takes a while to absorb and leaves a white cast on lips (for vanilla creme)

The Raw Sugar:
I really admire this little tube of lip balm, it has surprised me and been an aid to my once forever chapped lips. I would definitely recommend it to anyone, females and even males.

Where you can find it:
Barbados: I heard there’s an e.l.f. store here
USA: www.eyeslipsface.com, Target

Disclaimer: This product review was not sponsored, I purchased this with my own money. This is my HONEST opinion on this product.

For Her with Love- Lippies

Hey everyone, I have not posted in such a long time! Well it’s coming onto Christmas soon and my boyfriend suggested that a blog about gift ideas for your significant other. I should hopefully updating this with alternating segments for girls and guys. Do enjoy the first post …Ladies first!
What girl doesn’t love lip products? Even if it’s just a simple lipbalm, we all do. It’s one of the most perfect gifts a guy can get for his girl. The best part is, when she wears it, it feels like she’s wearing it just for you. (Great deal you know?)
Gift I deas- Ladies love Lipsies

There all sorts of lip products out there on the market, lipgloss, lipstick, lip balm and lip stain. The list of brands and colours goes on forever. Ladies are not very complicated when it comes to lipcolour. It just depends on the personality of your girlfriend.
A more quiet and subdued person may prefer soft pinks and nudes, while an outgoing girl chooses bright pinks, reds and corals. Another way to tell what kind of lipcolour your girlfriend would like, is to pay attention to what she’s wearing. If she sticks to plus, then that’s your indicator to get her a similar lipcolour.
You’ve figured out what colour of lip product to get her, but what kind of ip product really make her jump for joy? The choice of lip balm,stain, stick or gloss now comes about.
Again depending on the personality of your girlfriend, this should be easy to figure out. You could also see what she wears and carries in her purse the most.
Here’s a little info on each lip product for you:
Lip balm: Moisturises the lips and keep them soft.
Lipgloss: Adds a sheen to the lips and some offer a good colour pay-off.
Lip stain: Adds subtle colour to the lips without adding a sheen or moisturising the lips, though some come with lip balms.
Lipstick: Adds colour to lips, some moisturise and add a sheen, while others have a matte finish.
The choice is all yours guys, and if you still cannot choose.. buy all! hahahahahaha (joking though… really).
Hope this was helpful and please do leave your suggestion for gift ideas!

E.L.F Haul (Lipsies)

I have another haul today, yay!! I will be splitting it into two part as want to be somewhat detailed. I did a “First Impressions” type video with the products, took some swatches and slightly tested the products. This first post is on the lip products from the haul.
Disclaimer: All product descriptions were taken from www.eyeslipsface.com however, all opinions are my own. These products were not sent to me, but bought with my own money.

Luscious Liquid Lipstick: Baby Lips, Bark

“Lip therapy is here! Intensive hydrating agents along with natural pigments leave lips with long-lasting color and moisture. This luscious liquid lipstick creates wearable color that flatters a multitude of skin tones and looks.” 

These lip glosses feel very moisturising and nourishing to the lips and have a slight peppermint scent.

Baby Lips is a shimmery light baby pink, way lighter than shown on the website and I definitely wasn’t expecting the shimmer either, but it’s nice as it isn’t too much glitter and it is not chunky at all.
Bark is a pink with undertones and has no shimmer, again not as dark as the e.l.f. website had shown.

Lip Swatches:

e.l.f. Studio Lip Primer and Plumper:

“Achieve longer lasting lip color and sexy plumped lips. The Primer creates a base for lip color for no budge, no smudge pigment that lasts all day. The cinnamon scented Plumper enhances your lips with a subtle plumping tingle effect for fuller, larger looking lips.”

The lip primer on this product is yet to be put to the test as I tried it on and them put lip gloss over it, which was just pointless and a mess, it was gross. I was going to take picture of the lip gloss over it, but really as I have said, there was no point. This needs to be tested with a lipstick.
The lip plumper stung! I thought it was ok at first, then it was getting worse and woah, I have such a low pain tolerance. But it does smell goos, and has a slight cinnamon taste, much like a Big Red chewing gum. I’m sure this is probably not the worse stinging  from a lip plumper out there but for a first experience I have to say it was a  bit scary. I don’t really think my lips were than much plumped after, but it did make for a good lip balm.

e.l.f. Studio Conditioning Lip Balm SPF 15

“With the e.l.f. Conditioning Lip Balm, lips get treated to a sheer splash of color that’s super smooth, velvety soft and non-sticky. Not only are these sheer, natural shades beautiful, they’re also beneficial, with natural ingredients that condition dry, chapped lips including Vitamins A & E. SPF 15 to protect delicate lips against harmful sun damage.”

This product gave me quite the surprise, for one, I wasn’t expecting such a large jar (and cute too), and secondly, this is highly pigmented, like the same or maybe even more than the Luscious Liquid Lipsticks are. It also feels very smooth and moisturising on my lips. You can definitely skip out on lipstick if you just want something nice and breezy for summer and pick this up instead.

Lip Swatches:

I did not take pictures of the e.l.f. Essential Therapeutic Conditioning Lip Balm, but it has a similar texture to the conditioning lip balm. I bought vanilla and as expected, it smells slightly of vanilla, also feels moisturising.

That’s all for this post!