My 200+ Subscriber Giveaway! (Finally)

Thank you so much for helping me reach 200 subscribers. Currently 231 or  something close to that! I never thought in my wildest dreams that people would watch my videos and even subscribe to see more of them! Getting to 50 was amazing, 100 was unbelievable and now 200 makes me almost speechless. I am so grateful to all of you who have stuck with me even during the university semester, when the videos were not frequent and the quality was not always the best.  I am constantly trying to improve my settings and the quality of my videos, and I always love to see your feedback on them.

As some of you may know, I recently created a Facebook  page to connect with you all in commemoration of making 200 subscribers. I’d love to hear more from you there. So in this giveaway, I’m going to ask you a big favour. Please go on over to the Facebook page and like it (if you haven’t already) and share it if you’d like also. Remember you can also leave suggestions for content either here on my blog, on the Facebook page or on my YouTube.

Enough of the sentimental stuff, let’s get down to the prizes. (Remember I’m a college student, so I couldn’t give the most extravagant of prizes even though I really wanted to, but do leave suggestions for the next giveaway!)


  • Victoria Secret Fall Metallic Eyes Palette
  • Victoria Secret Beauty Rush Lip Palette
  • Milani Liquif’eye Metallic eyeliner in Gold
  • Merkury Innovations Metallic Earphones in Gunmetal


  • Must be a subscriber to my YouTube Channel, as well as Like my Facebook page.
  • Must 18 years or older, or have your parents permission as I will need personal information to send out your prize.
  • Giveaway is open to residents of  Barbados, the Caribbean, USA and Canada!
  • Use the Rafflecopter Widget below to enter. Entries will not be allowed on the video page. This keeps it more organised.
  • Open for 2 weeks! (i.e. from now until 12:01 am EST 15th August 2012!)

    a Rafflecopter giveaway
    Disclaimer: These prizes were bought with  my  money with the exception of the headphones, which were gifted by Ashley for the use to this giveaway.

    Milani Liquif’eye Metallic Eye liner review

    Just a quick observation before I start this review. Why are product names so long?! (this isn’t the longest, but geez.)

    Right,back to business. Today I’m going to be reviewing the Milani Liquif’eye, which I had been hearing a lot about since late last year. EleventhGorgeous and Xteeener along with some other YouTubers were raving about how great this eyeliner was, and I was very tempted to try it. So when I finally saw it back in stock in Diamond Girl, I had to grab one quick! (thank goodness too, because the next time I went there, they were out of black again). It was $10-15BDS (I forget exactly) for this eyeliner, kind of pricey, but at least it’s worth it! Temptalia also reviews these here.



    I picked up the black eyeliner and it is a very intense black. It lasts all day and even seems waterproof (once you don’t rub your eyes). Definitely does not smudge once it’s set, and I haven’t had and irritation with my eye either. I remember I would use this cheap black eyeliner, that would disappear from my waterline the second I put it on, and made my eyes water so bad! It never set, so it constantly smudged. It was horrible.

    The Liquif’eye takes about10 seconds to dry completely, and within that time you can do all the smudging you want because it’s soft like butter (so soft even that while I was doing swatches the point broke off). The black is a satin finish, which glides on very easily and does not tug at my eyelids. When I’m ready to take it off, it’s actually very easy. Just place one of my Almay eye makeup remover pads on the area for about 5 seconds or less and swipe it right off. What I really hate though, is sharpening this product. It feels like a lot of it goes to waste that way.


    The swatch on the right was the eyeline rubbed vigorously after setting. You would in no way rub your eye like this.
    The swatch on the left was tested for water-resistance. Unless you plan on rubbing while your eyes are still wet, you’re not going to see any bleeding of the eyeliner.


    • Good Pigmentation
    • Glides on easily (like butter)
    • Smudge-proof after it sets
    • Somewhat waterproof  (doesn’t say on packaging, but seems that way)
    • Paraben-free
    • Lasts ALL day (minimal fade)


    • Pricey
    • Little product (feels like u waste it sharpening)
    • Sells out quickly, so stock up when you can

    The Raw Sugar:
    Besides the price here in Barbados and wastage caused by sharpening, this is a great eyeliner, I’d definitely recommend it to everyone. It’s pigmented, comes in a few colours other than black, it’s smudge-proof and waterproof, PLUS it lasts all day!


    Disclaimer: I was in no way compensated for this review. I bought this product with my own money. Pictures are my own.