Oh How I’ve missed you!

Hey all! I’ve missed you guys sooo much! I’m so glad to be back! I am definitely more suited to blogging, beauty and science, than politics hahaha (for right now at least). It’s a tough scene, but I’m happy with the experience even if I didn’t win the post. I guess it brought about some realisations to me.

Being too professional often takes a lot from your personality and I definitely would not like to lose all of me inorder to succeed in something as unstable as politics. I also need to improve on my own confidence in order to be more outspoken and hopefully I can do this starting with my YouTube videos.

Anyway, this is just a quick update post. Hopefully videos should be back soon. I know I said I would have done a February faves and an Asian Candy for MArch, and I’m so sorry, but things just piled up and I barely saw my blog. I actually had a video from Valentine’s Day to post as an extra for you guys. So I’ll probably work on that this weekend when there’s “less” to be done hahahaha. The work never truly ends.

How have you guys been keeping? I can’t say enough on how much I missed blogging and my YouTube. Though, I have been sneaking on to Youtube and Blogger in free moments to catch a vid or post hehehe.

It’s really great to be back!

Quick question. Do you think I should post my videos and blog posts to my facebook? I usually do to my twitter, but to expand my audience I was contemplating it.

Oh yes! I’ve finally reached 200 subscribers! I have somethign special planned, thanks a lot to Ashley also for the splendid idea :).

Ok Ok, I’m really going to go this time. I missed you guys so much! :DALRIGHTY!

Until next post

Happy Valentine’s Day & Tutorial!

Hey everyone, as you could already tell my the title of this post tomorrow is the official day of LOVE! Many of us are going out or doing something special with our loved ones. For those of you going out, I’ve done this make up look to celebrate the occasion.

Actually I had done this look last week on whim and I really liked how it turned out. Being at a bit of a lost for a Valentine’s Day tutorial, I decided to retry this eye make up as it was cute, yet sultry enough to be worn for an evening.

Even if you’re not going out you can still try out this look if you like it, and if you’re single this February, who knows this captivating eye make up could draw some wanted attention to your gorgeous eyes and someone might even fall for you ^_^.

I used pink eyeshadow, which is in my opinion a much softer and less cliche colour for February 14th, and had darkened the crease with a deep mauve and charcoal colour.

Since the eyes are a bit colourful, I kept the lips soft and nude. Many guys do not like brightly coloured make up, it can be a bit distracting or some may even consider it intimidating. Plus with neutral lip gloss or lipstick, your guy will not be scared to kiss you  and risk getting lipstick on himself. Also try not to gloss it up too much if you do plan on wearing lip gloss.

Don’t overdo the blush either, check in natural lighting if you can to keep it to a nice flush, or a rosy glow. Although in the video it looks as if I have applied a ton of blush, it’s amazing how much of a flush it blended out to be (as you will see in the photos).

Sadly I have a Chemistry practical tomorrow too, so we’ll see how that plays out. So my boyfriend and I are actually staying in this Valentine’s Day, I can’t wait to spend some more quality time with him :). I’ve been quite busy lately!

I don’t want to say too much in this post, just in case he happens to read it, but I have a small surprise for my T. I really hope you like it. ^___^ hehe!

Products Used:
Maybelline Fit Me Foundation- 350 Caramel
N.Y.C. Smooth complexion Bronzer- Sunny
L.A. Colors Dual Blusher- Cinnamon

BH Cosmetics 88 Matte palette
Coastal Scents Hot Pot- M18, S28 (there are new colour names however these are the old ones)
LORAC OnScreen Duo- Caviar & Champagne
e.l.f. Essentials Waterproof Eyeliner Pen- Black
Black Kohl eyeliner
Maybelline Great Lash- Very Black
Boots Lengthening mascara Black Brown (brows)

e.l.f. Essential lipstick- Fantasy

Until next post, enjoy the tuorial and have a HAPPY and Fabulous Valentine’s Day!


Complications of Infatuation

Hey everyone!! I had filmed a video about being too flirt and not flirty at all, and I finally decided to upload it because I didn’t think it was good enough. Anyway, the video basically talks about persons who flirt too much and plays with the other person’s feelings too much, versus a person who is more closed to their feelings and barely ever flirt (which I am one of). 

Playing with someone’s feelings is not something to be proud of or do on purpose, because it hurts people deep down. Some girls in particular, purposely flirt and joke around with guys and when the guy is thinking he’s getting somewhere closer to her heart, he’s really miles a way. As many of my guy friends have been complaining, most girls just go “Oh, I was only playing”, when the guy asks them a serious question. Seriously, this is just mean, it’s like you saying you’re dying and then bursting out laughing at my expression. IT HURTS, so girls and guys, if you’re reading this, please try to be more considerate of the other. Be straight-up, let the other know that you just intend to have some fun and if you see it getting more serious than that, let them know, but don’t just go ahead a play with people’s hearts.
The result of playing around is usually someone who becomes just like them, flirty and hurt other people.. becoming a “Dog”, a person who doesn’t care about another’s feelings. Or the opposite!

Which brings me to the next extreme, a person is very closed to their feelings. So most of the time, these people are considered cold(for lack of a better word) just because they don’t always open up to their feelings. Really, being one like this, I always thought it was just easier to keep my feelings to myself, that way you can’t get hurt. But really, it doesn’t make any sense doing that, because if there’s someone you like you find it near to impossible to tell them or even try to flirt. People like this usually find it hard to fully express their emotions, and cover them with a particular expression or activity, which is actually bad because then they miss out on so much, as the people they like by-pass them. What these people need, is a caring person to help them to open up, not just a flirty person to fool around with their heads, as it will make them even more closed.
I’m no expert, but in the experience, I’ve had, I find it is a bit better to be a bit more open although it is relatively hard, and I still can’t fully express myself. 

I made this video to speak to these extremes of flirtation, the flirty and the cold. The best way to go is to be a bit of both, seek to stand in the common ground of flirting. Not too much and not too little, everything in moderation!

I hope this post helped someone and even if it didn’t, it surely helped me to clear my mind on these thoughts. I hope to be a more open and inviting person. Thanks for reading! ^__^

First post! YAY!

Hiiii, I’m the Sour JellyBean, new to blogging, but I hope to share some of my experiences with others.

About me:

I’m female, 18  years old and I live in the beautiful island of BARBADOS!!  (wow this is really sounding robotic 😐 ..ah well ). I lovvvve Asian dramas and can be kind sarcastic lol. I recently watched Gourmet and Autumn’s Concerto.. they were awesome!! I may do a review on them later.

My Hopes for this blog:
So I may just be using this blog to talk about dramas, TV shows, fashion, make-up, photography, techie stuff haha… maybe I’ll just go off in a rant, but stay tuned, I’ll try to keep posting about new things every week or more than that :). Comment whenever you’d like about whatever you’d like and I’m open to any suggestions for the content of this blog and appreciate feedback and clarification when necessary.

Here’s a picture of a bit of Barbados’ beauty. Photo credit: Sour JellyBean

South-East Point of the Island (St. Philip)