Been M.I.A. again and Foundation!

Hey all, I promised myself I wouldn’t neglect my blog or my Youtube and that I wouldn’t blame it on school… but I’ve negelect them both :(. It’s my fault and I admit it, sometimes it’s hard to blog when you have other things on your mind as my fellow bloggers would know. I really would like to apologise for my absence and hopefully this weekend I can record the tutorials I had promised in the previous post.

In case any of you were actually wondering, school is not going to bad. The work isn’t always pleasant, but I have good friends haha. I’m sure I would have gone insane already if not for them. So to all of my friends and people I recently met, THANKS for keeping me sane ^__^
Special thank you to certain special people too heheheh.

I’m actually supposed to be doing Chemistry assignments and a lab write up now, but I really think after all this crazy studying, my brain has had enough of this. For any other Chemistry majors.. or Science majors in general, I feel your pain.
It feels like all I’ve been doing is sleeping every day I got home. It’s insane lol. Staying ahead, or even just there in classes is a lot of work and I wish you all the best for this semester, in case I haven’t said that in another post.

As I knew I would, I got lazy about doing my nails haha, but I hope to paint them this weekend. Not sure what colour yet, but any suggestions please leave them in the comments :).

I’ve been trying something different this month, beauty-wise. I’m sure most people know about foundation, but we also know it can be pretty heavy on the skin. I dont think I would need to wear foundation everyday, but on those days (like today when you mess up your sleep schedule) and you need a pick me up, I found that foundation works wonders. But not in the regular way of applying your foundation. Instead I’ve been using it as a tinted moisturiser by adding a small amount to my regular face moisturiser.

It’s actually not that obvious because it’s sheer coverage, but it definitely makes you look like you’ve slept. Then to add some warmth to your face, though trust me the Sun does a good job too haha, I would apply some bronzer, and then finsh with a lipgloss.  There you have it, a quick easy pick me up for school. I may post a picture sometime later, I’ll keep you posted.

Hope everyone is surviving the semester well, just had to do a bit of checking in because I feel like I’ve been gone forever (especially without a word). But hopefully I’ll be back banging out videos and posts like bang bang boom. LOL

Have a great weekend! ^_^

MMM shots, now I’d have one of those right about now haha.