I got me RiRiWoo! | Beauty

Hey all! I am so excited today because I’ve finally got my hands on RiRi Woo by MAC, thanks to the lovely Tennille. Go check out her IG, she’s an amazing makeup artist and always looks FLAWLESS!

As you may remember, I mentioned I fell for the lovely packaging of the holiday RiRi collection. I actually went so far as to head to Cave Shepherd before they opened to try my luck to get one of limited stock of these lipsticks available. The lipsticks unfortunately sold out within 15 minutes of opening, and I wasn’t interested in any of the eye shadows.

Luckily for me, I spoke to Tennille and she worked out something for me. I was so gracious and happy to receive this gorgeous red lippy. I had no idea I’d love it so much, it just so bold and beautiful. I want to wear it everyday, but this is definitely too loud for my office. I wore this last Saturday and got so many compliments! Anyway, enough talking, I’ll let you admire this beauty!

Talk about my teeth looking white, yes! I love this colour… Rihanna, you know what you were doign with this one!

RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection | Beauty

Hi there! Typically I don’t post about collection releases and actually while the whole Rihanna M.A.C collection hype was going on earlier this year and during summer I was pretty silent, although we share the same rock as home. But cue the cute limited edition packaging of the Fall collection and my eyes are dazed!

I am in love with the packaging on these! The colours probably aren’t that new to M.A.C. or makeup for that matter but goodness, the thought put into the names, packaging and product photos makes me want to get something from the collection. Go Rihanna, you did a good job! 🙂

This collection includes everything from brow pencils to lip products and some face products too. I didn’t include the photos of the lashes because I just don’t see the point in specially packaged fake lashes, and definitely wouldn’t be something I’d buy.

This collection is supposed to be available at MAC stores from the 26th September in North America, online from 30th September and other locations and worldwide in October. I can’t wait until it gets to Barbados!

Of course if you want more information on product names and the like you could check out Temptalia’s beauty blog!

What would you be getting from this collection?

MAC Daddy’s Little Girl lipstick Comparisons (bonus gloss)

I’ve make mention of this lipstick quite often since I got it and that’s because I have nothing like it in my collection. I love how bright and fun it is and it is blue toned too, meaning that it should make my teeth look whiter.
This is not a dupe list as I do not have that many lip products that I could find a dupe, but I just thought it would be interesting to show you how different it is from other pinks and purples that I have. (Btw Candy Yum Yum is in a whole other category by it’s self, that is just a bright electric neon pink, so it wasn’t included.)

I recently acquired the Maybelline lip gloss in Raspberry Reflections that compliments this lip colour so well! I will be giving a full review on that very soon, but until then here are some swatches of it over DLG.

DLG without gloss for reference (Note: picture is a bit dark)

MAC Archie Girl’s Collection

Hey all! I know I haven’t been blogging in two weeks, I’ve been busy as I said in my last Aspiration Diaries post. But I do have something fun to show you! I don’t know if it’ll make up for my absence, but I really think it was a great opportunity that I couldn’t pass up.

Last month for North America at least, MAC Cosmetics launched their well awaited Archie Girls’ collection. This March, the 14th to be exact, MAC had a special launch for the event, and I was  lucky enough to be an invitee!  After rushing home from classes, I tried to put myself together quickly, but still look nice, as it was my first event of this type. I went for a pretty relaxed look and wore a white linen pants, a mint green cami and my DIY denim vest. I also kept my make up simple, just an easy winged liner look, some N.Y.C. bronzer, blush and the Revlon “raspberry pie” lip butter. Sadly I forgot to take more pictures of my outfit and make up.

Yes, I got myself in this love triangle.. or is it a square now…


Onto the actual event.. The atmosphere was quite nice and reminiscent of what you would expect if the comic were to come to life, old school jukebox music, mini hotdog and “burgers” as well as the cutest drinks I’ve ever seen! Sadly I didn’t get one, or take a picture but they were in short wide glasses with striped straws. I’m sure like in the comics I saw some persons drinking ice cream floats. And of course, Archie had to be there with Veronica and Betty fighting over him, as usual haha. I had mixed feelings about Betty and Veronica in my younger days when I read more comics, but collection and outfit-wise, I was loving Veronica more.


First out, let me say that for darker skin tones, the Veronica side of the collection is a lot better suited to us. I had seen some swatches of the collection from Necessarymakeup’s Instagram and even seeing them in person, I really couldn’t choose between 3 products that I really wanted. Her pictures couldn’t do enough justice to the Pearl Glide Intense Eyeliners, especially “Designer Purple” which is this fabulous violet with a purple pearl finish. I almost got that, but considering how often I wear eyeliner, I opted out. I may still consider it later though…

The next thing that intrigued me was Prom Princess satin-finish blush, however, I feel that this is dupable and it was really the packaging that drew me in haha. (probably for the whole collection really, I love the white packaging!)


What I finally chose was a bright satin lipstick which practically embodies my relationship with my dad, “Daddy’s Little Girl”. I just had to.. it was so cute and the packaging to die for! A bit pricey, but you have to splurge on yourself at some point right? A full review will be coming on this lippy soon. (FYI: this is technically not the MAC product I’ve used or encountered, but it is the first that I’ve bought for myself).

All in all, the collection is very nice, the packaging was well thought out and a nice refresh from the typical black, but unless you’re a collector or a fan of Archie you could probably skip it out as many of the lip colours and blushes have been done already. The only thing I would really go back for would be the Pearl Glide eyeliners, those were very pigmented, especially “Designer Purple” which was very different from what I typically see. 


Each of the attendees received a collectors tin filled with heart-shaped cinnamints. I have them on my dresser to sneak a few when I’m feeling peckish. Also there were a few giveaways of products from the line.

I really enjoyed the event and I would like to say thank you to Tyrell my bf, for encouraging me speak up and take the initiative and thank you so much to Tennille at the MAC counter, who was really helpful! As well as my sister, Erica who tagged along to the event with me.

For Her with Love- Lippies

Hey everyone, I have not posted in such a long time! Well it’s coming onto Christmas soon and my boyfriend suggested that a blog about gift ideas for your significant other. I should hopefully updating this with alternating segments for girls and guys. Do enjoy the first post …Ladies first!
What girl doesn’t love lip products? Even if it’s just a simple lipbalm, we all do. It’s one of the most perfect gifts a guy can get for his girl. The best part is, when she wears it, it feels like she’s wearing it just for you. (Great deal you know?)
Gift I deas- Ladies love Lipsies

There all sorts of lip products out there on the market, lipgloss, lipstick, lip balm and lip stain. The list of brands and colours goes on forever. Ladies are not very complicated when it comes to lipcolour. It just depends on the personality of your girlfriend.
A more quiet and subdued person may prefer soft pinks and nudes, while an outgoing girl chooses bright pinks, reds and corals. Another way to tell what kind of lipcolour your girlfriend would like, is to pay attention to what she’s wearing. If she sticks to plus, then that’s your indicator to get her a similar lipcolour.
You’ve figured out what colour of lip product to get her, but what kind of ip product really make her jump for joy? The choice of lip balm,stain, stick or gloss now comes about.
Again depending on the personality of your girlfriend, this should be easy to figure out. You could also see what she wears and carries in her purse the most.
Here’s a little info on each lip product for you:
Lip balm: Moisturises the lips and keep them soft.
Lipgloss: Adds a sheen to the lips and some offer a good colour pay-off.
Lip stain: Adds subtle colour to the lips without adding a sheen or moisturising the lips, though some come with lip balms.
Lipstick: Adds colour to lips, some moisturise and add a sheen, while others have a matte finish.
The choice is all yours guys, and if you still cannot choose.. buy all! hahahahahaha (joking though… really).
Hope this was helpful and please do leave your suggestion for gift ideas!

OMGHHKP! Yum yum Candy for me!

I am suppppper excited! I cannot say it enough how much happy I am about this post. GUESS WHAT??

I got CANDY YUM YUM from the M.A.C. Quite Cute Collection! It’s a beautiful neon pink lipstick, yes I did say NEON! I fell in love with this lipstick after Leesha (xSparkage) have reviewed and done swatches on them for both her blog and YouTube. You can find the blog post here.

As the M.A.C. website describes it, Candy Yum Yum is a Matte Neon Pink lipstick. It retails for $14.50USD on the official M.A.C. website, however it is currently sold out. My sister actually bought it from a friend of hers for about $36.00BDS, who had a couple pieces from the collection.

I am very happy and impressed by the colour, it goes well with dark skitones as well as lighter ones (as seen on xSparkage). If you’re looking for a more stand-out colour and you don’t prefer red, this is definitely for you. It warms up to your skintone.

I was so excited when my sister brought it home that we tried it out before taking pictures hahah, such is life. The sad thing is however, is that I think the heat in Barbados is causing it to “sweat” so it has to be stored in a cool place, but that was just tonight. We’ll see how much sweating it does.

So the moment you’ve been waiting for, the pictures and swatches! (Let me note, the lipstick is slightly less bright in colour than shown here when on the lips, it is possible that the flash could have affected the colour. It is still a very beautiful and striking colour.)

Hiding in the packing…
A gorgeous Neon PINK!

This is exactly what I said about the “sweating”, it’s really hot in Barbados!

Swatched on my hand
Using my sister as a lipstick model haha!
This is without lip liner or base.

There you have it, the lovely “Candy Yum Yum”, just scrumptious!