Minty Green liner FOTD | Beauty

Hey all! I did this make up look one of the days we were staying in New York. I think we were going to the Mall or something. It looked a bit sunny out that day, luckily not as gloomy as others but it was sooo windy and cold. How deceptive can New York weather be?

Anyway, feeling good since the sun was out I used this gorgeous bright mint green eye shadow as a liner and kept the rest of my eyes neutral. I also filmed a Get-Ready-With-Me video for this look, that you should hopefully see very soon. I have yet to edit it, along with tons of vlogging footage haha.

What I was wearing:

  • Maybelline Dream Fresh BB Cream- Medium/Dark
  • NYC Smooth Face Powder- Translucent
  • NYC Smooth Face Bronzer- Sunny
  • e.l.f. Essentials blusher – Glow
  • LORAC On Screen Duo- Champagne & Caviar
  • Coastal Scents Hot Pot- S11 (cool bright turquoise/ mint green)

Forgot what lip product, but it definitely wore off by the time I took these pics.

I was eating candy here, excuse the weird face haha. 

Do any of you like to wear brighter make up when the sun comes out to play and the weather looks good?

Girlfriend’s Expo on a PLANE! (Picture loaded)

Hey all! This year the Girlfriend’s Expo (February 2nd -3rd) was held at the Barbados Concorde Experience. It’s a beautiful setting for the the showcase, however, it is a bit too tiny for so many people. As a volunteer, it felt like if my head was spinning on Sunday around 3:00 p.m when the flood gates of people started to flow in from all over Barbados.

MUDC booth was always packed!

Just half of the majestic Concorde

Let me start over with day 1, Saturday was nice and some what breezy until the later hours or the show (around 4:00 pm) when more performances were happening on the main stage. Despite the great shows and the even better turn out, I still missed the Sir Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre, (Sherbourne Conference Centre, for those of us who don’t care about the politically-correct name).
The flow of persons around the stage was frustating, but at least the other areas of the exhibit where more easily accessible. Well except for the make up and hair booths of course.

The crowd was subject to what was happening on stage as well as the delicious treats prepared by Chef Damien (mentioned later in this post).Yum!

Yes we posed with propellers, because we’re awesome 🙂

Brydens Stokes had a mini hair store, with demonstrations, new products as well as special show prices, and of course SAMPLES! I have a bagful, as usual :). It’s not often that you get samples in Barbados, especially of hair products, so seize the opportunity while you can. Make up Doll Cosmetics, Barbados Beauty, Bio-Beauty, Colour Coded, Jolie lipsticks and Neutrogena were also in attendance. With MUDC being one of the most busy of the booths there. I tried so many times to buy one of their new lip tars, or at least see them, but they were always so full. They even sold out of the shade that I wanted, a lilac on the 1st day.

Look at the vibrance of those colours (this is Vanessa’s hand btw)

I went over to Colour Coded, where I bought a stippling brush (#955) from Bdellium tools. I’ve always wanted a brush like this, but I wasn’t sure if I would find one here. I had also read some rave reviews on Bdellium tools, and when I saw the brush I jumped. It was $22BDS,and I hope it lives up to the hype. The price actually isn’t that bad though, I may just buy another brush from them.

Excuse the quality, I took this with my tablet a few days afterwards

I went to just about every booth I could when I wasn’t busy fulfilling my volunteer duties. There was free HIV/AIDS rapid testing also. It was good to see that the Ministry of Health’s booth was so well-attended.

On the final day, I tried to just get as many samples as I could , as I am in the market for a new deep conditioner and a leave-in moisturiser. That was harder than I thought as Sunday was just about the busiest especially around the time I came in. Ashley and I got the time to take some pictures in the Mini Cooper, just for fun.

On the closing day I played with colour for my make up.

in the Mini cooper with Ashley!

I tried to take advantage of the deals they were having on some products in the Brydens Stokes “store” and bought make up remover wipes for $8 :). As well as 6 bags of pink and white marshmallows and a huge bag of blick licorice Twizzlers, which I love! You never see black liquorice here…

Closer look at my make up.. though it’s a good few hours old.

On the note of food, I loved that the volunteers were catered for by such great chefs. The food from Caribbean Villa Chefs was exceptional, despite the couple hiccups we had at first. I would definitely recommend them for those of of you planning a special event. Also there was also a number of pastry shops. “Do it Sweet Cakes & Treats” by Chef Damien Mason had amazing treats. Chocolate cake soaked in Baileys= WIN. Plus their White Cholocolate Strawberry Champagne truffles were divine! There booth was so full, I still haven’t gotten the chance to buy anything. But I at least have their business card. There was also a local wine maker who made Rum Creme in orginial and chocolate. It was so lovely, as well as another wine I tried at another booth, the name is yet to be remembered, hahaha. It was a red wine with Dulce in the title though.

Finally I toured the Concorde, very briefly. It was the last tour for the day and it was very rushed, but I still took as many pictures as possible! All in all it was a good event, definitely well attended. I would probably do it again!

Tyrell being my guide along the Concorde

Giveaway haul!

Hey all! I was lucky enough to win the Pretty (Squared) giveaway for Christmas! I was so happy and grateful to have won, they are two sisters who share a blog. AND they are extremely nice! Go check out their blog, they give some really informative reviews and tons of great posts!

I’ve never won anything that I’ve entered online, so I was super stokedwhen I got the email. A lot of the products in this giveaway, had been raved about my other bloggers and beauty gurus, and I had always wanted the chance to try them out. To see what all the hype was about, you know?

I’ll probably do full reviews on a some of them and mini reviews on others. The prize pack included:

  • American Apparel Nail lacquers in “Lipstick” and “Hunter”
  • Wet N Wild Trio in “I’m Getting Sunburned” and “Don’t Steal My Thunder”
  • EOS lip Sphere in “Blueberry Potion” (LE collaboartion with Disney)
  • Revlon Lipbutter in “Raspberry Pie”
  • Target make up bag FILLED with samples (YAY!)
  • Snowflake ornament (very cute and glittery indeed)

If you didn’t know, I love samples and it’s not often that you can get samples in Barbados, unless you buy somethign and even so, it depends where you buy. So if they had just sent me a make up bag of samples I would have been very excited and grateful. HOWEVER, I got even more than that! I’ve always hear so much hype about the EOS lip spheres and the Wet N Wild Eyeshadows and finally I own some!

Lately I’ve been testing out the EOS lip sphere, so stay tuned for a full review on it. Also I’ve been using the Wet N Wild trio in “I’m Getting Sunburned”, during the day since it’s more neutral than the “Don’t Steal My Thunder”. I have been posting pictures to my Instagram of my daily face make up, so hit me up on there if you would like to see what I’m up to. (It’s taken over from my twitter, which has been harder to post pics on, from my tablet.) Finally I’ve been really liking my new lip butter, I previously had the “Candy Apple Red” one, but this is a nice shade also.

Thank you again Mackenzie and Miranda!!

80s Baby Halloween Tutorial!

I hope you enjoy the video of the 80s make up. Look out for my second tutorial coming really soon! Nt sure if I’ll have time for a scary look, but there are tons of great ones on the internet. There are so many talented people out there, who take the time to make videos for newbies like me to the Halloween scene.

Products Used:
Maybelline FIT Me Foundation- 350 Caramel
Coastal Scents Pressed Powder Foundation #4
Homemade Setting Spray
Boots Botanics Soothing & Calming Eye base
L.A. Colors Jumbo Eye Pencil- Sea Shells (white)
BH cosmetics 88 matte palette
Sleek “Oh So Special” palette – Gateau, Boxed
L.A. Colors Palette- Soiree
Milani Liquif’eye Metallic eyeliner- Black
Coastal Scents Liquid Eyelner- Jet
L’Oreal Lash Architect 4D (old formula)- Black
Coastal Scents 10Blush Palette
Music: Daryl Hall & John Oates- Maneater 

excuse the phone but the lighting here was really good and I couldn’t get off the phone at the moment hahah. (kinda 80s though gabbing on the phone chewing gum and twirling your hair?)

As I promised, here’s the costume ideas to match!

Kicking it back 80s Style (Halloween Costume ideas)

I found a lot of information and inspiration from this webpage.

So tell me what you think. Going to your next Halloween party as a person from the 80s? Or somethign scary? What are you doign for Halloween? I’ll probably be busy, stuck in the lab making the next Frankinstein, or Mr. Hyde… hmm who knows? Muahahahaha!

Flying by with the time.. Enter OCTOBER!!

It’s amazing just how fast September has left us. I remember making my last video in August thinking that by week 2 in uni, I’d be able to make another video with an update and post my school outfits video. But as usual September has trolled me, in not the usual of ways with just school, but it’s been a very busy, up and down month. Regardless, I’m super excited that it’s OCTOBER!!

At one point last month, I was actually so out of it, that I just would not vlog a thing. But luckily, October should be a good month and I really want to make some Halloween tutorials. I have some looks in mind, just to try them out, film and post the tutorials.

I don’t think I’ll be filming a September favourites, might set me back in posting the Halloween videos, but I will try to post my back to school outfits video. Which I am proud to say that I stepped out of my comfort zone and wore a couple of these outfits to school! Yay Christina!! Of course, these outfits are nothign too elaborate, but like I said in my last update, I’m a comfy jeans and T-shirt kind of girl, though I love to dress up when I’m going out.

For the first part of September I wore my new favourite eyeliner, the Coastal Scents liquid liner which I used in my Back to School tutorial. But for the Rest of the month, I’ve been keeping it very low-key and easy. Mascara, eyebrows and a bit of highlight, somedays I even use blush. I’ve found one I really like that’s a subtle colour and makes my skin look glowy.

I have an idea for a nail tutorial , however I have to get back a nail polish a friend borrowed before I can do it; may be filmed by the end of October possibly. I really want to get the Halloween Tutorials done first.

I remembered posting an Asian drama for September, but the sad news is, I’ve been so busy I haven’t gotten the chance to watch it myself. I will still try to have another somethign posted for October though. It may be something shorter for people like me who are being bombarded with lab write ups, assignments and tests haha.

ANDDD finally, I’ve started to compile my Fall fashion posts. Yes I know we don’t get fall here in Barbados, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be in the know or not like the current trends. Never know could be an added tropical twist to them. 🙂

So look out for more posts coming soon! Oh yea, I didnt tell you why October’s so special.. hehehe
it’s the month of my birth!! I’m going to be 21 this year ( 28th October in case you were curious)! Time surely flies 🙂

Anyway, Good bye September, HELLO October!!


Back to School MAKE UP! ♡

Hey all! So here I have 2 different tutrials for school using the same palette. My Sleek Make up “Oh So Special” palette. This is a nice neutral palette for everyday and I was able to create two very easy looks with it.
For school I think if anything at all you should moisturise, groom your eyebrows (and make them look decent as I say), and highlight those peekers especially if you wear glasses. You could also use a bit of concealer on blemishes or under your eyes for an instant lift!

The first tutorial is a natural, ready-to-run-out-the-door look, while the second is more polished, with some more effort put into eyeliner and contouring the eye area.

To see them, just click on the videos below!


Back to school ESSENTIALS! ♡

Aside from the books and all the other stationery you should be carrying for school, here’s what I think would be useful in any make up bag!

I barely carry any make up, just not my thing when it comes to school. I don’t have the patience to be in bathrooms reapplyign anything. I just like to get to classes on time and chill in my free time. It’s college anyways, so what if your eyebrows aren’t done?

One thing you always should have in your bag, whether a guy or girl, is a MIRROR. I don’t mean so you can stare at yourself forever more, but there are certain things you should always be able to check on. Like your teeth after having lunch or a snack. How embarrassing is it to be chatting up a girl or to be talking to a cute guy and there’s remnants of lunch staring them in the face? (Don’t forget chewing gum or tooth paste is also very important.)

If you want to know what else I think is essential for any make up bag, then check out my video below!

Lazy Sunday Chit Chat: Make up & Kadooment

Hey all! This Lazy Sunday post is pretty late. Might even be Monday by the time the video uploads. But anyway, this Sunday I woke up feeling to put some make up on, so I tried out a few looks for the fun of it.
Who’s going Kadooment tomorrow? I am!! Hope to see some of you there 🙂  and of course I’ll be vlogging most of it. Though I’m not sure sure about what I’m going to wear… hmmm


$20 Make up Challenge!

Hey all! I totally forgot to post this here! I did the $20 Make up challenge, Bajan Style! ($20USD hehehe). It’s actually possible in Barbados. Most Items I got from Collins, except some eyeshadows from the $2 Store that I hauled here,  an e.l.f. lipstick and eyeshadow brush. The only thing I would have loved to gotten, was some settign powder… hmm
Anyway, here’s the video!