Coastal Scents 32 Lip palette | Swatches

Hey all! I’m really late today, but I wanted to get up this post because I promised I’d post the rest of my Coastal Scents haul. I’ll let the photos do the talking as there isn’t much to say about this palette besides that it’s a really good deal especially if you want to do other people’s makeup or want to try new colours without buying individual lippies.

The pots are the size of a quater, and not every colour in the palette is opaque, but there is a good mixture of creams, shimmers, frosts even, and sheer colours. The would be fun for mixing your own custom colour. All of them have a gloss finish, but if you blot your lips you would get a more matte look.


Disclaimer: This product was bought with my own money. Opinions are my own

Maybelline Clean Express Makeup Remover | Review

Howdy! Hope the Christmas holidays are going well for you all and that you’re not overworking yourselves. I did a brief review of this product on my Facebook page and here I finally am to do the full review on the blog. I purchased the Maybelline Clean Express makeup remover from Collin’s Pharmacy for $11.50BDS, in October, and I’m telling you it’s money well spent.

I was very impressed by the power of this makeup remover to get off mascara and eyeliners especially, because wipes just do not do the trick some times. I can soak a cotton ball and just leave this on my eyes for a few seconds, then wipe away the day’s eye makeup. I haven’t really used it remove makeup all over my face, as I wash my face makeup off when I remember, but it does remove foundation and BB cream very easily for the times that I have tried it.  This product is very gentle on the eyes, I’ve experienced little to no stinging even when removing eyeliner from my waterline.

Dual-phases are shown in this photo.

This is a dual phase product that has to be shaken up prior to use and although it says oil-free, I still have realised that it leaves a bit of an oily residue after use. Given, it’s probably not oil, but some other compound that works similarly to oil to remove waterproof eye makeup. Anyway, it does absorb into the skin after a while and I haven’t noticed any break outs from this product.

Both phases shaken up.

So far I’ve had this for 2 months and it’s just about halfway after using it most days of the week, especially during school days. You could say it’s cost effective depending on how much makeup you have to remove, but a little does go a long way.

The Verdict:


  • Gentle on the eyes
  • Removes Eye makeup effectively
  • Able to remove waterproof makeup
  • Affordable


  • feels some what oily after removing makeup (but this absorbs into skin within a few minutes)

The Raw Sugar:

I would definitely repurchase this product as it is very good at removing makeup and most importantly lasts long while being very affordable. 

Disclaimer: This product was bought with my money. Opinions are my own.

Ring the Alarms.. it’s a Boyfriend Invasion of this blog!

Sound the alarms! Ring the bells! And call the blog police! It’s the “Boyfriend Invasion”…

Oh what a sensation and a trill it is to be the one writing this post for you awesome readers. It’s me, Tyrell that loveable peach of a Boyfriend that appears from time to time to shake things up a bit and cleverly forcing those smiles on your faces to jump out. Speaking of smiles, I was walking through a store doing some shopping for some guy stuff and as I was passing through the makeup and female beauty section.
I caught myself checking out the beauty products, how weird is that? What’s even weirder was that I had a huge smile on my face because I knew the difference between foundation, concealer and finishing powder. It was crazy!  As if the store phenomenon was not weird enough, I find that when random females walk by I can tell what make up suits their complexion, what powders they should use, if they need foundation or finishing powder and when they need to stop looking like a box of Crayola “jizzed” on their face. 

Ladies it’s because I do not want to be alone in this world of guys who understand and check out make up that I have invaded this blog to bring to you three (3) easy yet effective ways to get your guys more interested in your make-up and beauty products. Now why do you want this?  Santa is coming to town in a couple days and I’m sure some of you ladies have been naughtier as opposed to being nice wink wink…. Enough said. Santa isn’t gifting you it’s us, the boyfriend the husbands and the nice guy in your friend zone. Therefore having a guy who understands what you like and what may help you look even more beautiful than you already are would definitely bring a joyful smile to your holiday.

 The truth is this method is what got me interested in makeup and made me start paying attention to it. I did some acting some time ago and I had my very own professional makeup artist ha-ha you know who. She made me look amazing and during the process she told me everything she was using. So it’s no secret what this step is about. Get your guy in a chair, get your brushes and your powders and make him up. Most guys are actually just as vain as females and they like to know they look hot. As you are creating a look on your guy talk him through the process let him see what you’re using and what you’re doing.  With the end result make him wow. It is important that you take pictures to save and preserve the moment to remind him of how awesome it made him look.

The Live show is a true eye opener for most males so it is a safe bet considering you can pull it off. This is where you find the time to sit down with your guy and give him a live show of you making yourself pretty.  I suggest you apply make up to one half of your face and leave the other natural at the end your guy will notice the difference. Men are logical creatures we thrive on things that make sense but sometimes it’s hard to see the value of something if it isn’t in our face. Therefore using the live show and with a little bit of explanation show your guy what you can do.

If you are bold enough and you trust him enough ladies this will work for you. Give him the chance to do your make up.
That’s all it takes!

Until next time I stage an invasion here…
*wink wink*

Everyday Makeup Routine | Beauty

Hey all! I am a college student and though you would think that allows you to wear all the makeup in the world, people in Barbados are still quite shy about it. (funny enough, because when you go to work it’s even harder to wear bright colours and such.)

Anyway I’m not the kind of person to put on loads of makeup or bright colours on my face for day-to-day wear, but I do enjoy doing my makeup for school to look put together and sometimes with a pop of colour on my lips. Still on the look out for a great coloured mascara so I can sport that more often too. I like to keep it simple also because I don’t like to waste time going into the school bathrooms to fix or reapply anything. Just too much hassle, and I usually don’t have more makeup than a lip product in my bag at any given point. I’m just that lazy haha!

Anyway, here’s what I typically do in the morning, before I rush off to classes.

  1.  Moisturise my lips using my Maybelline Baby Lips. 
  2. Add moisture to the rest of my face with coconut oil. Just a drop will do.
  3. Cover my spots and unevenness with the Garnier BB Cream. If I don’t feel like using BB cream I’ll just stick to my Neutrogena Ultra Sheer sunscreen (SPF45).
  4. Make sure to blend the BB cream well into my skin so it doesn’t look splotchy. 
  5. Here’s how the finish of the BB cream looks. 
  6. Sometimes the BB creams a bit too dewy, or I might have put on too much product, so I blot with a tissue. It’s an easy way of not looking cakey.  
  7. Fix my eyebrows, and occasionally I put a bit of concealer underneath the brow to clean it up. 
  8. Apply blush on my cheek bones.
  9. Apply bronzer to slightly contour and add life back to my forehead. I put a bit in the hoolows of my cheek bones too. 
  10. Apply generous coats of mascara.
  11. Sometimes I highlight my inner corners with Crisp from my Smashbox eyeshadow trio.
  12. Finally apply some lip gloss, or lipstick if I’m feeling up to it that day. 

This can take me about 10- 15 minutes. Even less if I really rush it along but, I really don’t make too much of a fuss about it. Some days just sunscreen and mascara is all I’m wearing! How do you typicall get ready on mornings for school or work?

Products Used:
Maybelline Baby Lips- Peppermint
Coconut oil
Garnier Skin Renew Combination-Oily Skin BB Cream – Deep
(or) Neutrogena  Ultra Sheer Sunscreen SPF45
e.l.f. Studio Brow kit- Medium
Smashbox HD cream Blush- Captivate
e.l.f Studio Blush & Bronzer- Turks & Caicos
Maybelline The Falsies Big Eye Mascara – Blackest Black
Smashbox PhotoOp Trio – Proof sheet (Crisp)
Maybelline High Shine Gloss- Raspberry Reflections

NYX Automatic Brow Pencil- Medium
N.Y.C. Smooth skin powder- Translucent
Any lip gloss or lipstick I own

Photography and FOTN | Chit Chat

Hey all! I am currently doing a photography course at uni that I’ve always wanted to do and I’m very excited about it, because, not only do I get to learn about photography, but it’s practical, we take photos with a DSLR! This is my type of dream camera, the type of camera I’d like to get most. In class, we’re using an older model Nikon but it’s still pretty good. However, I would love to get my hands on a Canon T3i or the T5i (which is just too expensive for my poor budget)!

The other day, I was going out and I actually took some selfies before I hit the road, since I had borrowed the camera for the weekend. Mind you, trying to pose and hold this 2 lb or so camera is not an easy task and I don’t think I’ll do that again haha. I was very afraid that I’d drop it or something. I put the settings on Auto and let the camera do it’s thing for once; a big no-no in class but since it’s a selfie for me, I guess I can do that right? hahaha.

I felt like dolling up that night too and I really like how my make up turned out. Sadly my hair isn’t that length any more, I went to the hair dresser’s and got it cut. It always saddens me, like isn’t my hair strong/good enough to stay this length and perhaps grow past it? But no, snip snip, we need to cut your hair is all you hear. When is a trim not a cut… ever?
Anyway, it’ll grow back, I’m just a bit fed up being at all most the same length for an entire year. I guess I need to find a more strict and better routine for my hair, so less cuts/trims are necessary.

Although this has a shadow I still like it for some reason…

Coastal Scents Hot Pots (RW) | Swatches

Hi everyone to the first of many Rewind Wednesdays. I have tons of old posts that could do with some love, so here goes!

Way back in 2011, I had bought the Coastal Scents hot pots, which are the single eyeshadows you can make a palette out of. There were a lot of colours to choose from, many of which came from their own special palettes. Now there’s even MORE colours to choose from and they’ve even given them quite nice names. I am not sure what these ones would be called now, but I plan on updating that information to this blog in the near future.

Click here to view the original posts!!  (round-up link)

Splurge or Save | Guest Post

Today we have another post from the lovely Jeanne Marie from Makeup Hungry. She’s going to tackle the ultimate question on saving vs splurging on your cosmetics.  I hope you enjoy and be sure to stop by her blog and Facebook to tell her hello!

Hello Everyone!

When it comes to all things beauty for those who watch makeup reviews, they know that we are often bombarded with rave reviews from everything Urban Decay, Too Faced to the every popular MAC telling us that you can’t do your makeup properly without using these brands.

The question I often ask myself is: Is it ALL necessary? Don’t get me wrong, these companies have a right to charge the prices they do. They provide excellent quality products. But is it ESSENTIAL? Do we need MAC foundations, concealers, false eyelashes, eyeshadows. e.t.c ?

DISCLAIMER: If you have the money and you wish to spend it on Smashbox, Lancome and previously mentioned department store makeup then by all means do your thing girl. This post is for us girls on a budget.

Here are my list of beauty items I think are worth spending top dollar on and those who can Save.

Splurge Time


Eyeshadow is something I am willing to spend money on. While brands like Milani and Wet n Wild have some amazing eye shadows, I am less likely to walk into Wonderful World or an American beauty supply store for eye shadow. Brands like Kleancolor and Beauty Treats, it is rare that you will get amazing pigmentation or that it doesn’t require a white base such as NYX jumbo pencil in Milk.

On the high end I would more than willingly purchase:
The Sugar Pill Cosmetics 4 pan eye shadows. They retail for about US$34 dollars and can be purchased on the Sugar Pill website. For your bright eye shadow looks I would highly recommend these palettes.

For my Caribbean makeup lovelies you can purchase them at the Facebook page:
Makeup Attitude for TT$250

For my more neutral eye shadow needs, I would recommend the Lorac Pro Palette which could be purchased at Sephora or on their website for US$42

Or at Makeup Attitude for TT$400

2. Eye primer

Don’t get me wrong, I love my Ruby Kisses eye primer and my Arlene Villarule Pro eyebase.
The primary function of all eye shadow primers are to stop eyeshadows from creasing. Even with amazing eyeshadows from Urban Decay to Lorac Pro Palette eye shadows a primer is required to make them last all day long or at least your work day.

3. Foundation

Foundation is that in itself. The foundation, the base. Sometimes I like using a medium coverage foundation and just placing the concealer in problem areas. However, the best foundations not only provide great coverage but last long.
For this I would recommend any liquid or mousse/whipped like foundation that promises coverage but with a light weight feel.
My recommendation would be Revlon Colorstay Whipped or even their liquid version. While this isn’t super expensive I would rather pay 60+ for a foundation that to use Klean Color or LA Girl that have poor shade ranges which usually consist of three to four colours from light, medium, dark and/or deep.

4. Makeup brushes

This can be quite controversial topic. While I don’t think everyone needs to have a brush collection filled with MAC brushes, I think certain key brushes need to be of good quality. Elf brushes are amazing but I wouldn’t rely on their flat foundation or stippling brushes to do the job. My biggest pet peeve is going to do my makeup and finding that the ferrule (the silver part that holds the hairs in place) is in pieces. While makeup sponge tip applicators can do a great job, most that come with eye shadow palettes will be destroyed after 5 uses if you are lucky. While you don’t need to run out to buy all MAC brushes, those cheap pharmacy brush kits that commonly consist of a face brush, mascara wand, eye shadow brush and an eyeliner/lip brush are disastrous. They usually are made with bristles you find on your hair brushes and the handle and the ferrule become disconnected by Day 1.
My suggestion would be to buy good face brushes from MAC if you are from Trinidad and Tobago (I think Sigma is a waste of time in TT because one of their brushes can cost $140-$175 and a MAC brush can be $150 and up. They are around the same price range.)

Savings Time

1. Mascara

I never spend much on mascara. (although the price of Ruby Kisses and Milani in Wonderful World I may as well buy L’oreal and Revlon which are more reputable and cost more in the US. Wonderful World convert US products by the US price by 10, while Pennywise where brands like L’oreal, Revlon, Maybelline are sold multiple their items by 7. So a Revlon item at US $9 would be $63 while a $7 item at Wonderful from Milani would run you $70).
I don’t see the need. When I spent money it is all about longevity. It is all about the formulation and the brush. Some require more liquid consistency, others prefer drier texture, while others partial to one that is neither liquid or dry in consistency. Most women choose based on their mascara needs.
Most mascaras last no more than four months and even the ones that are packaged as lasting a year tend to dry out. In my personal opinion, spending $100 dollars for something that you may have to throw away three months later, worse yet if you only wear makeup on weekends to church or happy hour with friends.

I recommend Revlon’s Lash Fatasy Total Definition. It comes with a primer that lengths the lashes with the mascara end provides volume.

You can purchase this at Pennywise for around TT$40 or any drugstore like Walgreens if you are living in the US.

2. Blush/bronzer

Other than Nars Laguna Bronzer, most of the hype surrounding bronzers have come from the drugstore. Elf has an alleged dupe and Covergirl bronzers especially the Queen collection ones have been getting rave reviews.
For TT makeup lovelies you can get the bronzers mentioned at Makeup Attitude on Facebook.

COVERGIRL Queen Collection Natural Hue Bronzer

3. Lipstick/Lip gloss, Liquid lipsticks, Lipstains Liners

While MAC and other high end lipsticks have their place to be honest it is all in the finish. Matte lipsticks last the longest in most brands. There is no real need to run out to buy Ruby Woo or Riri Woo unless you simply love the colour or Rihanna. Wet n Wild has so many MAC lipstick dupes that are just as good. Same goes for lip liners, liquid lipsticks and Lipstains. There are great options from Wet N Wild and Revlon.

You can purchase them at Walgreens if you live in the US or again Makeup Attitude.

Wet n Wild MegaLast Mega Last Lip Color

4. Face primer

Here is my problem with face primers. I have combination/oily skin. If I use a mattifying primer then I put an oil free matte foundation when first applied I look flat and powdery. If I try a dewy foundation over a mattifying primer the chemistry does not work and my face gets oily quicker than usual. So I rather use a great matte foundation instead. As long as you have a wonderful foundation a primer becomes redundant. Under long wearing foundation you don’t even notice the longevity and under normal foundations it only gives you 2/3 more hours.
Too may foundations are promising longevity for a face primer to be worth it. The only benefit I see in them is that they make your face smoother so less foundation may be needed. But like I said a good foundation could do the same.
Try Covergirl 3 in 1 foundation which is said to work as not only a foundation but a concealer and primer as well. Maybelline Fit Me Stick foundation has an inner core that works like a primer.

So do you lovelies agree or disagree? Sound off in the comment section below.

Perceptions of Makeup at School | Chit Chat

Hey lovies! It’s been a while since I got a personal on my blog, save for weekly updates. I thought this was a good topic to talk about, because in Barbados where I live, unlike the US wearing makeup at school can be quite a big deal, even at college.


One time, I  wanted to feel a bit special, so I spent some time that morning on my make up. I think I was wearing deep blue eye-liner or something. This was back when blue eye-liner was my go-to. While at school, a guy I knew vaguely asked me, “amm.. why are you wearing makeup?” I looked at him in a most puzzled way and replied, “because I felt like”.

What exactly is so wrong with just a little makeup for classes? Maybe I like it and feel good in it. Maybe it makes me feel a bit more put together. Maybe I have somewhere to go after classes. Whatever the case, I don’t think anything is wrong with a little makeup for classes.

Source | Keep it fresh  and simple like this for classes. 

Now that doesn’t mean you need to go all out with foundation, concealer, magic brows (I like to call them), fake lashes, blush and smokey eyes… You get what I mean. It can be a bit distracting and for some reason people just won’t take you seriously. It’s the real sad part about being a makeup or beauty enthusiast. People think because you’re into makeup that you don’t have ambition or interests outside of beauty.

For me, I am a lover of makeup and skincare, I don’t mind if people ask me about products. I love sharing tips and products that work. But outside of my interest in makeup, I’m an avid scientist. My major is Chemistry, and I aspire to go into the field of Food Science. Not sure what areas as yet, but I have some time to decide on it.

Source | Neutrals are good for classes and a pop of colour adds fun to your make up.

So don’t be fooled, when you see a girl sporting a bit of makeup at school. We’re not dumbies, sometimes we have ambitions and goals too. Refrain from asking me why I’m wearing makeup,  it’s rude. Try a compliment instead. I bet it’ll get you further.

RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection | Beauty

Hi there! Typically I don’t post about collection releases and actually while the whole Rihanna M.A.C collection hype was going on earlier this year and during summer I was pretty silent, although we share the same rock as home. But cue the cute limited edition packaging of the Fall collection and my eyes are dazed!

I am in love with the packaging on these! The colours probably aren’t that new to M.A.C. or makeup for that matter but goodness, the thought put into the names, packaging and product photos makes me want to get something from the collection. Go Rihanna, you did a good job! 🙂

This collection includes everything from brow pencils to lip products and some face products too. I didn’t include the photos of the lashes because I just don’t see the point in specially packaged fake lashes, and definitely wouldn’t be something I’d buy.

This collection is supposed to be available at MAC stores from the 26th September in North America, online from 30th September and other locations and worldwide in October. I can’t wait until it gets to Barbados!

Of course if you want more information on product names and the like you could check out Temptalia’s beauty blog!

What would you be getting from this collection?

College Makeup look | Beauty

Hey all! I was getting ready to take some pics for my Back to School outfits post (hopefully going up tomorrow) and I quickly created this make up look using the Smashbox eye shadow trio I talked about here. I loved how it came out. It’s so simple, yet pretty. Or so I think, you tell me.

Also let’s not forget the WWBH, click the button below!

I think this is college appropriate especially for the first day, or if you’re going out after classes. Very subtle make up. I love it.

What I used:
Smashbox Photo Finish PrimerNYX Stay Matte Not Flat Foundation in Chestnut
NYC Smooth Face Loose Powder in Translucent
Maybelline MasterShape by Eyestudio brow pencil- deep brown

e.l.f. clear mascara and brow gel
Smashbox Photo Op Eyeshadow Trio in Proof Sheet
Maybelline The Falsies Big Eyes mascara in Blackest Black
Smashbox Cream Cheek Color in Captivate
e.l.f Blush and Bronzing kit- Turks and Caicos
MAC Lipstick in Daddy’s Little Girl

Be sure to check back tomorrow for the Back to School post!