Valentine’s Day Nails (RW) | Beauty

Hey all! It’s coming around to that time again, where everything is clad in red, white or pink, even more chocolate appears on supermarket shelves, hearts and teddy bears decorate every square inch of selling space and my favourite conversational hearts make a reappearance. Yip, I’m talking about Valentine’s day loved, and loathed by many.

Last year around this time, I had filmed a V.Day nail tutorial, which also showed you how to make foolproof natural looking french-tipped nails. You can check out the video to see how I did it.

Love or loathe Valentine’s Day, this tutorial is very easy (a lot easier to do than film for sure), and the french tip is a classic nail design. The addition of the coral heart is cute and festive for those of you who enjoy the occasion. If you try it out be sure to let me know, hit my up on IG (@thebajanchristina)!

e.l.f. Glamour Girl polish | Swatches

Well hi there, this is a bit awkward. Would you believe me if I told you that I forgot yesterday was Wednesday?  Sometimes the brain forgets, technology doesn’t want to cooperate and there are just not enough hours in the day. But since I missed yesterday’s post, which I so gingerly painted my nails for, here it is. Swatches of this lovely nude polish from e.l.f. called Glamour Girl.

Nice name, great formula, love the colour in the bottle, but I hate it on my hands.  This is a “dead hand” nail polish if you’re my complexion. Although these pictures are taken with flash this is pretty true to colour.

It’s a taupe with the prettiest gold sparkles and surprisingly looks good in just one coat. But I did 2 coats for security. The glitter is very fine and gave me little stress, except a bit of drag as the polish dragged and I was still trying to smooth it over on the nail. But overall a very good formula for just $2USD.

I think this would probably look better on lighter skin tones, but this is just one of a few nude polishes I bought to try.

Disclaimer: I bought this product with my money. Opinions are my own.

Green Fire Cracker Nails | Beauty

Recently, I was painting my nails more often. Happens almost every summer, but never lasts past summer -__-. I was very impressed with how my nails came out this time around. I know it’s summer, but why can’t I wear a darker green like this one. It’s just so pretty with the flakies too, but extremely hard to photograph! It’s also Wednesday, so you know that means it’s the Weekly Wednesday blog hop! Click the button below to visit TGL!

without flash

For this nail look, I used American Apparel’s Hunter nail polish, which is a beautiful opaque forest green polish, then topped it with one of my e.l.f glitter top coats. This one is a flaky iridescent glitter called Fairy Dust. I love it. It actually dries matte, which was shopkeeping to me and I ended up adding a top coat for the shine. Which reminds me, I need a new top coat, any good affordable options you guys know?

Oh I’m calling this Green firecracker, because the glitter flecks look so much like little flames. Don’t you think?

American Apparel Nail Lacquer "Lipstick" & "Hunter"

Hey all! Today I’ll be showing you some quick swatches of two nail polishes that I recently recieved. These are the American Apparel Nail lacquers in the colours “Lipstick” and “hunter”. Usually when you hear the name of a company known for selling clothes and then cosmetics, people think that it’s junky but surprisingly, these nail polishes are very good quality.

Being kind of lazy, I just swatched them on one nail each, but the colour that you see in the bottle in definitely what you get on your nails. Lipstick only required one good coat, but I did 2 thin ones because I’m prone to smudging my nails, while Hunter would need 2 – 3 coats.

Mind you, these polishes stain your nails, I hadn’t the chance to remove them right away and did I regret it, at least it was just 2 days. Be sure to use base coat so that you avoid that.


Lipstick is a true red, not too pink, not too orange and would make the perfect lip colour HAHA. Hunter reminds me of pine tree leaves, that awesome dark green. Oh I love the smell of Christmas trees. If only this nail polish smelt like pine…I had some trouble taking good shots of Hunter, and I probably will re-take them.


I don’t remember the nail polish having a very strong smell, so that’s always a plus with nail polish. I would love to try more of these polishes. The colours on the American Apparel website are so pretty.  

Cute and Easy French tip nails tutorial

I learned this technique a while ago from SCCastenada on YouTube,  to create easy fool-proof french tip nails.  You don’t need tape nor nal strips.  I’ve tried it that way before and it always turns into a big mess for me.  But this way is a bit easier,  all you need is white nail polish,  acetone or nail polish remover with acetone and an eye shadow brush that you no longer use.  If it’s a “C”  shape that’s perfect, but the one I had was a bit more random because I used it before and it’s not the best quality.  I think you are supposed to use synthetic brushes, though I’m not sure what will happen with a real hair brush.

This is my first recorded nail tutorial and let me tell you,  preparing/filming it was not as easy as I thought.  Sadly at some points, you can’t see what I’m doing either, but I’ll work on that for the next tutorial! In my cramped room, I had so much trouble setting up my tripod for the perfect light,  and then I still needed to use my lamp because the video looked a bit dim. Also if it’s out of focus at some points I apologise, definitely need to get a camera where I can set the focal range.  That’ll be one of my goals for this year.

 These are actually very easy (if you’re not recording yourself) to do. Just french tips and a cuttle like neon pink heart. I had more than one shade of pink, but I settled on this one. It’s not too flashy and doesn’t take a very long time. The hardest part was waiting for the polish to dry.
Anyway I hope you enjoy the tutorial and if you have any suggestions or criticisms you can leave them as a comment.  Also if you do these nails you can post them on my facebook fan page or @ mention me @Chrisamor28 on Twitter.


Ginessa had Sour Grapes and a Purple Fever (NOTW)

Hey all! I painted my nails kind of special for my birthday, which was in October and I wanted to show you guys. Sadly time got away from me and I ended up posting more time appropriate posts, but I still had pictures of my birthday nails. BTW excuse my awkward nail posing, I’m still trying to get the hang of it. It’s not often that I paint these and tell them to pose.

I first started out with what is probably my favourite colour, Ginessa from Zoya, then I tried acetone marbling. Maybe that’s the name, but I saw it on one of the many nail blogs that I follow and decided to try it. I used my Sinful Colors Nail art polish in Sour Grapes and the technique involved painting on the colour, then dipping a piece of cotton wool in acetone and dabbing or swiping some of it off.
I did that to all of my nails, THEN I sponged on Ruby Kisses nail polish in Purple Fever, using a make up wedge, since I didn’t like how messy the acetone marbing looked.

Sadly I was not satisfied with the look that came of either, so I tried to savage it with my Maybelline color Show nail lacquer in Carbon Frost,which is a crackle polish. After I did that I still was feeling kind of iffy about it, but I decided to put on the top coat, because that was already 30 mins gone and I had places to go.

Surprisingly adding top coat make everything look better and I wondered why I hadn’t just dont that after I had marbled and sponged.

Ah well. Tell me what you think of the final look. BTW this is about 2 days wear, and I think I had a bit of tip wear. Surprisingly, this manicure lasted the entire week, but I got bored and started to peel away the polish (woops).

It kinda looks all one colour in pictures…

Go Ombre or Go Home!

Hey all! So today I have a nail post for you. I tried this a few weeks back maybe, I lost track. But I took pictures as it was drying so I could post them here later. Yes I know, my edges, especially my cuticles aren’t the cleanest and I’m actually still working out how to paint my nails more efficiently, but please ignore the mess and tell me what you think of the gradient effect.

It’s actually my second time trying it, the first time, I just winged it and forgot the tutorial (compliments Nailasaurus) and it turned int a big mess. This time I read the tutorial while I did it, but I had to tweak the technique to my liking. Maybe my nail polishes aren’t a good enough quality (hence the 3 coats until opaque), or maybe I’m just a bit too impatient with drying, but painting my nails has always been a weak point, something I’d put off or find a little unnecessary.

I should also say, I suck at this nail-posing haahaha. (and yes.. there’s paint on my hand, I’m a messy painter lol) 

What I used:
e.l.f. Essential Nail polish- Mint Cream
L.A. Girls Disco Brites- Turntable
Top coat (random)
Make up wedge (next time a more poroous sponge)
Orangewood Stick (pointed side)
Acetone (clean up)


To Her With Love- Fragrance & Nails

Hey all! I’m back to give you a few more ideas on what to get your girlfriend this Christmas. I’ll try to be as brief as possible because I have some studying and sleeping to do hahaha.

Nail polish is a nice easy gift once you know the colours or brand your lady is into. It’s always fun to get a new nail polish to try out and play with.  Not every girl might like nail polish but, every girl loves perfume right? And there’s one to suit every woman out there, and your tastes too guys. Like I have been saying in basically every post, the item you choose depends on your loved one’s personality and tastes.

Gift Ideas- Fragrance & Nail Polish
Ever realised how many perfume bottles lately are blushtones or purple? 

Pay attention to what she’s wearing or carrying in her purse. At some point she’ll be talking about some random fragrance she fell in love with, while shopping with her friends.

Although you may prefer certain scents on your woman, it makes no sense buying her something that she wont like. Go on the advise of her friends, or see what she’s been spraying on and tell the sales assisstant, they should be able to make a great match.

There are plenty of scent types out on the market, ranging from sweet, fruit, sensuous, musky, floral and then there are even combinations of these basic types. It’s up to your girlfriend’s preferrence of scent and the names are self explanatory.

Not only scent types, but different intensities and mediums of fragrance. There are perfumes in the form of Eau de Toilette, Eau de Parfum, Body mists, hand creams, lotions, body butters and the list goes on. If you want the overall lasting scent from head to toe, the best way to go is with a gift set. Happy Scent Shopping!

Unlike fragrance, Nail polish migh tnot suit every woman’s tastes and sometimes it might not be a very practical gift. But as with fragrance, pay attention to what they’re wearing are raving about. It’s as simple as that!

Happy shopping and until next post! Lots of work to be done..


Nitty Gritty on Maintaining Nice Nails

Hey all! Reacently I haven’t done any nail posts because I have given my nails a bit of a break from nail polish and buffing them shiny. Sometimes buffing nails too often causes them to wear down and be very thin and fragile. Although the effect of shiny smooth nails is nice, it is also very damaging. Sometimes when I am going to paint my nails, I maytexure them with a file to give the nail polish a good surface to adhere to. (I actually learnt that from someone who did nails a long time ago.) But the problem with this is that similar to buffing your nails, it thins the nail to a frail, thin state.

Photo Courtesy of

So for the past two weeks, I have not buffed my nails nor filed them. I actually let them grow out, which is not a regular thing because I can never stand long nails lol, and eventually I got tired of poking myself and cut them (just filing off the rough edge). During this time, the only thing I had had on my nails was clear polish.  Not a special formula for strengthening or anything such, just a cheap one that has actually stayed on the whole 2 weeks.  Although a strengthening one would have been good as well, I do not mind and would rather let the nails do their stuff naturally.

During this break my nails haven’t split and they don’t feel weak like they were feeling after I would remove my nail polish.

Another thing about nail polish.. some really stain your nails. I remember having this nice bright teal polish, I loved wearing it, but hated taking it off because it left my nails yellow. Not even pretty. I read some where that using a lemon (or just lemon juice) would remove the stain. I never got to try that yet, because I’de be impatient and buff off that layer of my nail (again not good). Have any of you tried lemon juice on your nails?

The nail cuticle as most of you may know is a thin strip of dead skin cells around the base and sides of the fingernails. It continuously grows and contributes to the health of the nail by partially protecing the space in between the skin around the nail from infection. However overgrown cuticles can make nails extremely dry and prone to hang nails. Therefore some people push back or trim their cuticles. This is actually something I do quite often because:

  1. My nail cuticle and nails in general grow relatively fast.
  2. It has become a habit of mine.
Metal Cuticle Pusher (taken from

That being said, badly trimmed or bitten cuticles are just as bad or even worse than neglected ones. Infection will get into the spaces beween the cuticle and nail and cause a whole mess of problems.
If you’re going to trim or push them, do it correctly. I’m not very knowledgeable on trimming cuticles, but I do know you should never push dry cuticles as it causes more damage, than good. So use a hand cream or a cuticle oil/ gel/ cream, what have you and moisten those nails.
To make your job easier you can also place your hand in bowl or warm water with some epsom salts, a few drops of Vitamin E and your favourite scented oil for a true spa experience. Then push your cuticles at a 45 degree angle (as one site said). I don’t know how well I could manage that angle, but I try my best not to over do it.

Cuticle Scissors (taken from

If you do get hang nails, it’s ok to trim those using a cuticle scissors (those are actually pretty scary-looking in my opinion lol) or you could use a clean finger nail clip, like I do. Make sure if you use either of these that they are sanitary and clean the area and tool with alcohol or peroxide.

I recently read that the best way to protect nails is by putting nail polish on them. Now I’m not saying you have to choose a coloured nail polish, but if you want to grow them out without drawing too much attention to them, you can use clear nail polish, as I have lately. Your nails are still nice and shiny and look clean. It’s also less maintenance than wearing colour, because when it chips, it’s not as noticeable. ^__^

Be sure to choose a good top coat, free of formaldhydes, toluenes, dibutyl phthalate (BHP).

Removing the nail polish is the usually beginning step. Some people say acetone remover or nail polish removers with acetone is bad for you. But really I think that all nail polish remover is bad. It smells very strong, feels like it soaks into my nails and for as many times as I wash my hands after, I feel like i’m still eating the residue. (If I had the choice I wouldn’t use nail polish remover). On the good side people say acetone removes the nail polish faster. I’m yet to try acetone only remover. I want to see if it lives up to that reputation, and if it is as drying as some say.

Finally, create beautiful nails from the inside out.


    Photo taken from Flickr
  • Drink lots of milk (fat -free for some of us worried about weight)!

Milk has Vitamin A, D, B12 and Calcium. Lack of these can cause dryness and even brittle nails. (I’m sure this is true for the whole body though). Lack of B12 can also result in darkened nails with rounded or curved edges. Lack of both A and B12 can result in fragile nails with rigdes. So make sure you at least drink a glass a week. (I would say everyday, but milk has other effects that might not be as nice as we’d all like.)

  • Take your vitamins and supplements!

Vitamin E is good for moisture and lubrication, you can even use it directly on the nail. (Castor oil and olive oil are good sources of Vitamin E.) You can also take folic acid and Vitamin C to keep hang nails at bay. Cod liver oil which is full of essential fatty acids such as Omega -3  fatty acids, is good for flakey splitting nails. Finally make sure to take your Iron to avoid thin, brittle, ridged nails.

Phot taken from
  • I would say Eat Healthy but to me, healthy is a bit relative these days, hahaha. With that said, Eat and Drink in moderation.

Are any of you willing to try these tips? Already follow these? Have more advise on nails? Don’t forget to post a comment!
Have a great week and enjoy your beautiful nails!


Minty Nails (NOTW)

Hey all, I painted my nails today and I liked the outcome much more than usual, so I decided I’d post some pictures of them. It’s really nothing fancy, but I really liked the colours. I can barely try out designs  furthermore paint my nails, usually I’d try something and it would fail and I’d just remove all of the polish and be depressed about it for a bit. Then I wouldnt actually paint my nails for the next week or two.

When I paint my nails, I usually get lazy about taking off the polish and keep putting it off until it looks so bad I have to take it off. I cannot say this kind of post will be a regular one because I really suck at nails. ANYWAY, enough babbling on my horrid nail artistry on to the actual post.

I was inspried to do this by juicystar07( youtube), Blair Fowler who had been wearing some Essie nail polishes from the Brazilliant collection and I really liked the combination. Luckily enough I had very similar colours!

On My Nails:
e.l.f. Nail Polish in Mint Cream and Navy Blue (on bling finger)

I can honestly say that this came out well, though it’s nothing fancy. I am pleased with the pigmentation of the navy blue polish, but the mint green is a bit sheer so 2-3 coats were needed. Anyway the end result is nice and I really like it.

Tell me what you think!