NYX Haul | Beauty

Hey all! I went to get my hair done on Friday (I’ll have some pics up of that later, but if you follow me on Instagram you already saw them) and decided to stop by #1 Beauty Supply store afterwards. How lucky of me, as I’usually the last person on these things, but I saw they brought in a NYX display and it was fully stocked. I didn’t take any pictures then, but I definitely will when I go back. Surprisingly too the prices were affordable enough for my student budget! I was jumping for joy, I just had to get something.

I got mostly pencil products as I know I probably have too many lip products (a makeup drawer full and then some) and I wasn’t too excited about the foundation, since I had bought some new ones to test out the week before.  I got these two lip liners, in Natural and Plum as I was convinced by a friend the day before that I needed NYX lip liners in my life. How funny the timing of this all!

Then I got an eyebrow pencil as my Maybelline MasterShape was going through it’s last days and I had actually stopped using it until I found a replacement. And because you always need a good black eyeliner, I picked up their liquid liner in first black and then I saw this gorgeous bright blue, that I cannot wait to wear!

I was very impressed by the selection, colours and prices available at #1 Beauty Supply store when it came to this NYX display. Definitely want to go back and get more stuff before all the good things are sold out.