Flying by with the time.. Enter OCTOBER!!

It’s amazing just how fast September has left us. I remember making my last video in August thinking that by week 2 in uni, I’d be able to make another video with an update and post my school outfits video. But as usual September has trolled me, in not the usual of ways with just school, but it’s been a very busy, up and down month. Regardless, I’m super excited that it’s OCTOBER!!

At one point last month, I was actually so out of it, that I just would not vlog a thing. But luckily, October should be a good month and I really want to make some Halloween tutorials. I have some looks in mind, just to try them out, film and post the tutorials.

I don’t think I’ll be filming a September favourites, might set me back in posting the Halloween videos, but I will try to post my back to school outfits video. Which I am proud to say that I stepped out of my comfort zone and wore a couple of these outfits to school! Yay Christina!! Of course, these outfits are nothign too elaborate, but like I said in my last update, I’m a comfy jeans and T-shirt kind of girl, though I love to dress up when I’m going out.

For the first part of September I wore my new favourite eyeliner, the Coastal Scents liquid liner which I used in my Back to School tutorial. But for the Rest of the month, I’ve been keeping it very low-key and easy. Mascara, eyebrows and a bit of highlight, somedays I even use blush. I’ve found one I really like that’s a subtle colour and makes my skin look glowy.

I have an idea for a nail tutorial , however I have to get back a nail polish a friend borrowed before I can do it; may be filmed by the end of October possibly. I really want to get the Halloween Tutorials done first.

I remembered posting an Asian drama for September, but the sad news is, I’ve been so busy I haven’t gotten the chance to watch it myself. I will still try to have another somethign posted for October though. It may be something shorter for people like me who are being bombarded with lab write ups, assignments and tests haha.

ANDDD finally, I’ve started to compile my Fall fashion posts. Yes I know we don’t get fall here in Barbados, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be in the know or not like the current trends. Never know could be an added tropical twist to them. 🙂

So look out for more posts coming soon! Oh yea, I didnt tell you why October’s so special.. hehehe
it’s the month of my birth!! I’m going to be 21 this year ( 28th October in case you were curious)! Time surely flies 🙂

Anyway, Good bye September, HELLO October!!