Review-a-Day: Almay Oil-free Eye Makeup Remover Pads

ALMAY  Oil-Free Eye Makeup Remover Pads
Taken from Almay

This is my final review for this series T__T. Well I hope that you’ve been able to find the information you’ve been looking for during this time, if not, you could ask me to review other products and I will try my hardest to get to them. Today we’ll be talking about the Almay Almay Oil-free Eye Makeup Remover Pads. America’s #1 they are rated, but is it really worth the buzz or is that just an advertising gimmick?

I absolutely LOVE this eye make up remover! It’s just fabulous. You get 80 round pads, saturated with their amazing eye make up remover. These pads do not dry up very fast and each is nicely saturated, there’s no need to squeeze out excess product. It’s like they soaked each pad separately with the right amount of remover.

Despite how thing the pads are, they do an amazing job at removing your make up. I’d just call it perfect.
On a daily basis, I do not sport a full made eye, and this remover is able to remove my mascara, brow make up and what ever eyeshadow I’m wearing from both eyes within seconds. I could even use just one pad.

For nights out or special occasions, I wear more eye shadow and even waterproof mascara, yet these pads have been able to remove layers of eye make up very briefly. It’s so amazing, again I’ll say I love this make up remover.

Note how thing this is

The power of these pads to remove waterproof mascara is outstanding! The Falsies mascara is off within 10 seconds! (These pictures are from recent reviews on the Maybelline mascaras.)

Removing Maybelline Great Lash Big:

Removing Maybelline The Falsies Mascara Waterproof:

These eye make up remove pads do not tug on my eyelid or anything, they’re just extremely great at their job, and there’s no greasy feeling to them either.

I think I saw the price of this on Target for $5.99USD or something like that, but I’m not sure of the Barbados price as I didn’t get it here. It is available here though.

-Removes regular eye make up within seconds
-Removes waterproof make up very quickly
-Lots of Product in container
-Formula/liquid does not dry out from pad quickly
-Good for everday use
-Does not burn eyes
-Does not feel greasy

I can’t think of any…
-Probably the price in Barbados

The Raw Sugar:
AMAZING PRODUCT! I cannot say enough how much I love it. Definitely my preferred option for removing everyday eye make up. It’s just so easy. Recommend buying this if you see it.

Where you can find it:Barbados: Collins, Cave Shepherd
USA: Drugstores

Disclaimer: This product review was not sponsored, I purchased this with my own money. This is my HONEST opinion on this product.

Hope you have enjoyed this series, I have enjoyed working hard to bring you the most comprehensive reviews I could write. If you have an suggestions for other series do not hesistate to leave a comment or email me at

Thanks for sticking around for this series!