Turquoise or Violet ends? | Hair

Hey all! I don’t know if you saw my post from Friday, but it was going to be a Sleepless, eventful, busy weekend for me. Sadly it even run into this week, as my posting schedule is a little off. Crop Over was good and well enjoyed even though I was working, but more on that this Friday. Let’s not forget the Weekly Wednesday Blog Hop! Click the button below and get hopping 🙂

Today wanted to do a hair post on these two colours I’m stuck between. I once had purple hair. Yes, no joke. It wasn’t the purple I wanted, but it was fun enough to make me content. Now, 4 years later I want to do something fun with my hair again!

Look at that colour vibrancy!

I’ve had these photos saved on my computer and Pinterest for some time and every time I see them, I want to try this cool ombre effect. I know ombre is getting old, but who cares, the pop of colour at the ends is fun!
Can we just take a moment to admire how gorgeous this turquoise is?


My biggest fears are how it would look on my texture hair and with my skin tone… But I still love it! Is my hair even long enough for this?


I would love to do something like this with just the ends though. Not my entire head. Maybe mix the ombre, so I have a bit of violet and a bit of turquoise like that.


Hmm, so tell me what you think. Could I rock these bright, crazy colours? Would you?

Go Ombre or Go Home!

Hey all! So today I have a nail post for you. I tried this a few weeks back maybe, I lost track. But I took pictures as it was drying so I could post them here later. Yes I know, my edges, especially my cuticles aren’t the cleanest and I’m actually still working out how to paint my nails more efficiently, but please ignore the mess and tell me what you think of the gradient effect.

It’s actually my second time trying it, the first time, I just winged it and forgot the tutorial (compliments Nailasaurus) and it turned int a big mess. This time I read the tutorial while I did it, but I had to tweak the technique to my liking. Maybe my nail polishes aren’t a good enough quality (hence the 3 coats until opaque), or maybe I’m just a bit too impatient with drying, but painting my nails has always been a weak point, something I’d put off or find a little unnecessary.

I should also say, I suck at this nail-posing haahaha. (and yes.. there’s paint on my hand, I’m a messy painter lol) 

What I used:
e.l.f. Essential Nail polish- Mint Cream
L.A. Girls Disco Brites- Turntable
Top coat (random)
Make up wedge (next time a more poroous sponge)
Orangewood Stick (pointed side)
Acetone (clean up)