30 Day Song Challenge- Day 5 & 6

Here’s day 5 & 6, hope you enjoy 🙂

Day 05: A song that reminds you of someone

There are a lot of songs that remind me of someone, but currently it would have to be Rolling in the Deep by Adele. Not only do you feel everything that she’s saying and she’s a great singer, but this song is very potent and well-sung. I cannot say enough about the meaning within the words and the singer’s voice. So here we have it Rolling in the Deep.

Day 06: A song that reminds of you of somewhere

I’m not sure of this at the moment but I’ll update this post with a song to fill this gap. UPDATE!
So I remember this song called Palance, it reminds me of a trip to Trinidad and a great party with fellow science students. Everyone was dancing and having fun, despite the rough week we had. It was really a great experience. (this is actually the first time I have seen this music video, and I can admit, I like the randomness lol, where did Cookie Monster come from??)

Well I’m off for now, test to write and studying to do!