*Guest Post*- A Bajan Poet

Hey all! Today is the first in hopefully a series of guest blog posts!

This post is written by Tyrell Toussaint, a Political Science major who enjoys writing poems in his free time as well as tweeting and watching the latest movie releases. Tyrell also has a passion for all music. Today he has 2 pieces for us, the first entitled “Secret Admirer of a Blogger” and the 2nd, “A Bajan Love Letter”.  If you would also like to guest post on this blog, please click here!

~~ The Secret Admirer of a Blogger ~~

To lead a life, being a secret admirer of a Blogger
Is like living a life with dreams and never any accomplishments.
You read her words and they pierce your soul as if she was speaking to you.
And suddenly you spot one small similarity and you think it’s about you.
The heart starts racing like runners on a track fighting for the gold
Then you start wishing you could give her your soul.
It’s amazing; the power her words may have on a simple reader’s ear.
But what else is that Blogger to do other than reject him till he sheds tears.
The emotions run deeper and complex as you continue to create fallacies in the Mind
You read her experiences and you listen to her point of view
As if she were right in front of you
You sit on your computer screen and laugh out loud saying so true.
But with no possible way of letting her hear you to.
It’s as hard as trying to talk to the person
Who gets you the most, with a crushed throat
They will never hear a word that you spoke.
All the while you read her experiences and you think you know her oh so well
While she never realizes that your life without her is a living hell.
It is indeed an intense infatuation driven by her intellectual prowess.
It is almost as if, the words were spoken to you by a goddess.
Truly divine, justly romantic, honestly entrancing and stupidly bewitching.
That best surmise the effects of her work her own subjective art form.
It is unfair that it must be so one sided
She gets all the say 
And you’re left flabbergasted.
The only hope one has is to drop a comment on a new post
But then there are millions more just like you and to get a simple reply
Makes you feel ever so bubbly inside.
To secretly admire a blogger is to love a shadow
You cause the shape and direction from your own interpretation
But then suddenly you come to a realization
She is just another captivating writer.


~~~ A Bajan love letter ~~~

Gal I about to write you a letter
I feel it might mek me feel better.
It’s a letter about you and me
About that time under de tree.
You look at me wid a sparkle in your eye
But I was still focused on my apple pie
You know that one from Chefette !!!
Them does mek the best ones I ever taste yet .
Anyway back to the point at hand
Know u wanted me to be your man.
But I wasn’t smart enough to realize.
I had different things in my eyes
Things that don’t mek no sense
Things like making money and going to fetes.
I was studying jamming a bumpa
Instead of them 10, 000 ways to love ya .
So I expressing way number 1 by sending u a love letter
From a real bajan man, this is my plan.
So  I want  u tuh give me anuduh chance
Girl I gonna cook for you and ting.
And I gine in Tropicana to get you a wedding ring.
We gine live good  and no meat don’t gaw pull
I buying you things just from my heart
And no blackberry woman can’t tear we apart
Girl I just want u know u sweet sweet  like sugar cane 
I would spend all life with u even if it was in de rain.
So take an apology from a real, real bajan man
And give me a chance to be de happiest Caribbean man.