Casual College Fall (outfit)

Hey all just a a quick outfit for you guys!

I had a dream this one time and I’m sure in that dream I saw this really nice patterned skirt  and top like this..
HAHA got you there didn’t I?

I was actually at school one day and this girl passed me in the beautiful patterned skirt, and I fell in love with it. Then later that same day, if I remember correctly, a light cardigan triggered me to match the two in my head. What do you know, I went on polyvore and found a pretty nice patterned skirt, definitely not as pretty as the one the girl worn, but I really do love the colour of the cardigan.

If it were Fall in Barbados (as we never gt a pronounced Autumn season), I could see myself sporting this on a warm (not hot or nippy) day. Including the heels! I actually am in love with those and the bag. I used to have a bag with a similar style and stopped wearing it years back. It’s funny to see the style has returned.

Sadly, as a science student, this outfit is not as practical as it would be for others, but I still love it to pieces! What do you think? Would you change anything about it?


A Princess with some Spunk

Hey everyone! My inspiration for this set was the denim vest style, totally in love with those right now. I like to pair girly dresses like this peach one with a vest so it adds some attitude to a sugary sweet dress. For the bag I matched it to this beautiful fabric necklace which I’m in love with. and I kept the shoes a neutral shade, but with a chunky look to keep the spunk going.

What do you think of the outfit?


A Princess with some Spunk


Subtle Colour-Block Outfit

*insert shameless self-promotion* Don’t forget to enter my GIVEAWAY!

Hey all! I did this set a bit back, but never posted it here. Instead of the bolder colour-blocking with stipes or patterns, I chose two items that you could wear separate or together as in this outfit and they would still make a statement.

I really am in love with mint green and bright orange combos. I paired nude accessories to tone down the brightness as I have In many of my colour blocking sets. That’s just how I would prefer it, but of course you can go all out and throw in some crazily bright coloured accessories!

Subtle Colour-Block

Saint Tropez chiffon shirt
$51 –

Charlotte Russe wedge heels

Patent leather shoes
$12 –

Chanel shoulder handbag

My Take on Jessica Alba’s Style with LensCrafters and Coach

Hey everyone! This is actually a contest entry for the Coach and LensCrafters competition on Polyvore. I recently saw this picture of Jessica and was compelled to restyle it adding my own quirks to it. I love flowy skirts, but for me, bodycon skirts are more flattering to my figure. Since this skirt has in more royal blue than Alba’s, I choose another accent colour, pink in this case for my blazer, which I would wear a white camisole under. For my eyewear, I chose these glases frames because they are close to my current glasses, and I love the colour and shape. Finally I choose to wear neutral heels istead, to tone down the brightness of the outfit, especially if I wore a mustard yellow bag as Alba is.

My Take on Jessica Alba's Style with LensCrafters and Coach

Tell me what you think of the outfit!

Don’t forget to enter my GIVEAWAY!


From Swimsuit to Outfit

From Swimsuit to Outfit

Hey all, just a quick outfit post on how to change your one piece into an outfit perfect for a beach date or a pool party. Very simple, rather than throwing on a cover-up, or having a bag filled with beach things plus extra clothes!

To Him with Love- Outfits & Pets

Hello lovely people, it’s coming down to the last stretch of the crazy Holiday shopping. Have you gotten something for everyone on your list but still cant find the right this for your boyfriend? Well it’s your lucky day 🙂 (Seriously, I sound like an advertisement….)  But anyway!

What guy doesn’t like to look absolutely handsome in a nice pair of slacks and a cool shirt? I kow many guys actually prefer to look very relaxed daily, but when they go out it’s all about that wow-factor, just like us girls. You know what makes guys feel even more special, wearing a nice outfit, knowing that their lady gave them one of their new favourite pieces.

Guys love Outfits

Get your guy something to suit his tastes, and if it’s hard to find somethin gyou know he’ll love, you can take him shopping with you for this gift. Though it might ruin the surprise of the present, you get time to bond and enjoy each other’ss company for the day. (Mind you, during the Holidays shopping can be rather stressful, but it’s still plausible to have a good time.)

Guys love Pets

Another thing guys love… PETS! Cats, Dogs, fish, turtles/tortoises, iguanas, hammers, birds… the list is partically endless. A pet is a good companion, and it teaches responsiblilty too. It’d be like you and your boyfriend’s little baby to spoil :). Pets are also great when it comes to sharing emotions, so it’s really a plus for comforting your boyfriend when you’re not there. Don’t only give a great gift, give a pet a home 🙂 You can check out the RSPCA and the newspaper classifieds for pets in need of homes.

If your boyfriend already has a pet or you already share one, why not give it a gift. It’s always nice to receive something you need and the same goes for pets, a special treat, a new toy something along those lines.

 I really think that pets are a great gift to give and share with your guy, they allow you to bond and your relationship can grow from it, as you both learn to take care of someone other then yourself or your significant other. 

Enjoy your Holiday shopping and hope you find the perfect gift! ( I have just one more exam… FINALLY!!!)


PS: Just one more instalment in this series, kind of last minute gift ideas for both males and females.

To Her with Love- Jewellery & Literature

Hello!! I should actually be sleeping or studying right now, but I’ve had this gift ideas seriesgoing on for quite sometime and would like to finish in time for Christmas Eve. Last minute shopping is always the most crazy!

Still trying to figure out what to get your girlfriend? How about a classic like JEwellery. Of course remember to stay within your price range because many times after Christmas we are all broke, but the world still goes on and we still have stuff to pay for.

Ladies love jewellery

I’m not going to speak too extensively on types of jewellery pieces or quality, because I’m definitely not an expert on it, haha. But do get her something nice, that she’d like. As I’ve said all along this series, pay attention to what she’s wearing and you’ll get a good idea of what to buy. Some women really like delicate pieces while others like more bold statement jewellery. Always ask the sale representative to help you out, that’s what they’re there for, and most times they do a great job at it.

Ladies Love Literature

From very young, girls love reading. I guess it’s just one of those things that doesn’t change over time. One girl may prefer romantic novels over a fashion magazine or a crafty DIY book, but the bottomline is women love to read.

You can get your girlfriend a year-long magazine subscription, or that boxed set of her favourite series so she can read all the sequels. You can get electronic books even, I’m sure with the right book, she’ll love her gift.

A nice touch is adding a bookmark with a little note from you, she’ll cherish it forever. OR you could write in the front of the book, but I wouldn’t suggest that in case she wants to recycle her books or even return the book if she already as it.  With a bookmark, she can always have it in every book she reads.

I hope you’re all enjoying your Holidays thus far… Mine haven’t officially started. I have 2 more exams… sigh :(. But anyway… just 2 more posts on gift ideas. One more for the guys and finally a post on last minute gifts. (Might put a round -up after I’m finished)

Happy Christmas!


To Him With Love- Entertainment

Hey all! Time to find the perfect gift for your guy! Why not ENTERTAIN him? Take you mind out of the gutter… I’m talking about new video games, his favourite movie, that kind of thing! (Again I’ll be keeping this nice and brief.. hahah brief) 
Gift Ideas- Entertainment
So your guy already has the “perfect” game consoler, but he’s always playing the same thing. For one of his favourite games is bringing out a new version that he’s been raving about from the time he read the article online. Why not get him it, he might love you forever LOL!
Now I don’t know much about games actually, havent played any action games in quite some time, I doubt I would be anyway, unless it’s Smash brothers, does that count? Anyway, I did some research and it showed the games I have pictured are very popular. I know just dance has been pretty popular because a lot of YouTubers have been submitting their videos to the contest that was going on. That looks like a fun bonding game. As always, Call of Duty (COD), which I personally dont see the fascination with it, it’s boring (yes crazy comments now), but it is really beating some sales.
I’ll tell you this, keep your ear to the wall when your guys and his buds are talking about games, you just might find out what he’s been lusting.
On the other hand, your guy isn’t really into games, but loves a good movie.Yes girls our definition of a good movie may not apply, but that’s why some of us like guys, because they’re differenent from us.
So put in the necessary research and you should be ble to come up with his favourite move, or a music he was coveting on dvd or bluray. Who knows, you could watch it together and bond :). The possibiltieis are endless!
Happy Holidays! (and Good Luck in Exams for those still doing them!

To Her With Love- Fragrance & Nails

Hey all! I’m back to give you a few more ideas on what to get your girlfriend this Christmas. I’ll try to be as brief as possible because I have some studying and sleeping to do hahaha.

Nail polish is a nice easy gift once you know the colours or brand your lady is into. It’s always fun to get a new nail polish to try out and play with.  Not every girl might like nail polish but, every girl loves perfume right? And there’s one to suit every woman out there, and your tastes too guys. Like I have been saying in basically every post, the item you choose depends on your loved one’s personality and tastes.

Gift Ideas- Fragrance & Nail Polish
Ever realised how many perfume bottles lately are blushtones or purple? 

Pay attention to what she’s wearing or carrying in her purse. At some point she’ll be talking about some random fragrance she fell in love with, while shopping with her friends.

Although you may prefer certain scents on your woman, it makes no sense buying her something that she wont like. Go on the advise of her friends, or see what she’s been spraying on and tell the sales assisstant, they should be able to make a great match.

There are plenty of scent types out on the market, ranging from sweet, fruit, sensuous, musky, floral and then there are even combinations of these basic types. It’s up to your girlfriend’s preferrence of scent and the names are self explanatory.

Not only scent types, but different intensities and mediums of fragrance. There are perfumes in the form of Eau de Toilette, Eau de Parfum, Body mists, hand creams, lotions, body butters and the list goes on. If you want the overall lasting scent from head to toe, the best way to go is with a gift set. Happy Scent Shopping!

Unlike fragrance, Nail polish migh tnot suit every woman’s tastes and sometimes it might not be a very practical gift. But as with fragrance, pay attention to what they’re wearing are raving about. It’s as simple as that!

Happy shopping and until next post! Lots of work to be done..