Last Lap for Crop Over 2012

(Don’t miss out on your chance to win lots of goodies 🙂 Enter my giveaway! )
It’s that time again, the final Jump up, the last few competitions, the grand Hoorah! Crop Over 2012 is coming to an end. This Crop Over I havent been very involved in as much as last year. I didn’t listen to much of the music or follow all of the shows, but I definitely well be getting in the remants on Monday, for Grand Kadooment!

I wonder how this weekend witll turn out with a Tropical Storm coming, but you know rain never stopped a Bajan from partying yet! (though sadly it stops them from working lol)

Here’s last year’s post on Crop Over, hopefully that gives you a good preview of what this weekend will be like. I’ll probly have an OOTD and a vlog of Grand Kadooment.

As said by Edwin Yearwood from Krosfyah:
“No rain can’t spoil this lat jump, no Sun can’t spoil this one…”

If you’re uncertain as to what Crop Over here in Barbados is, you may check out the video I did last year.

Sometimes Rainy days make me sad :(

Hey everyone! How are you all doing? I’m a bit bored as today me and some friends were going to enjoy the spoils of Summer and go to the beach. However the weather this week has not been on or side, it’s been quite bipolar lately actually.

wow, the camera does not do justice to these cupcakes and brownies!

The beach was scheduled for Monday and then the weather over the weekend was looking quite horrible, so it got postponed. Then on Monday, the Sun’s out shining brightly and barely any rain had fallen. -_- go figure, what a joke. The week continues and it’s not looking too bad Tuesday morning, but by evening wind is puffing and rain is pouring down in buckets! Siiigh how unfortunate for the next day, but we pray and hope for the best.

I slept in this morning and by the time I woke up the Sun was peeking out from behind the clouds and it’s looking lovely, so I prepare for the beach. By the time I’m finished baking, the rain’s pouring down again and the wind is howling through the neighbourhood. -_- jokes! It’s really too ridiculous! That was just around 2 p.m, because as i type this, the Sun is out again and everything’s normal just a bit cloudy.

Well I guess I should just be happy with it, especially since no damage was done (as far as I know). I just wasn’t to go to the beach this week, sad but it’s the truth it seems.

Anyway I will still be enjoying my summer and will see my friends another time soon. The silver lining to this is, I get to eat all these cupcakes and brownies, yay!! ^__^