10 Random Questions!

Hey all! I saw this post on a blog I’m following and thought it’d be fun to do. Plus I just felt like writing a post, but I couldn’t figure out what on.

Today’s Questions:

1. What is a book that you are currently reading?

I just finished reading a book called “Aphrodite’s Kiss” by Julie Kenner. It was a fun book, a bit of superhero action, but it was still a romance. I like books with some dimension. If it’s a romance, I can’t stand just the cheesy love at first site, jump into bed kinda thing. I like where there is an understory. In this one the girl was a halfing, part mortal, part  “protector”/ greek god kind of thing. For a free Amazon book it was pretty good. Now I’m not sure which book I’m going to read, I have a bunch downloaded.

2. What is the first CD you ever bought yourself with your own money?

CD… hmm I’d been ages since I’ve bought music in the form of a CD. I think my very first was a Gospel CD by the artist MaryMary. I used to looove them. Still can remember their songs!

3. Favorite thing in your room?

Gosh, that is a good question. I guess my bed or dresser, because unlik emost things in my room, I can change those up (revamp them) pretty easily. I really hate my current wardrobe though, it’s just hideous.

4. Something you do on a daily basis?

Since I;m on vacation, I’m always checking Instagram or watching YouTube vids, or reading blogs. But during  school I am always one messenger chatting with my close friends.

5. Do you think it is okay for guys to be wearing pink?

Of course it is. It’s just a colour. Nothing is wrong with girls wearing blue.

6. What are you wearing now?

I’m wearing a Marciano by GUESS white tank top and a colourful tribal skirt for Forever21.  And my favourite blue throw because it’s chilly. I’m actually quite dressed up, usually I’d be in some pretty beat up T-shirt and a shorts.

7. Are you stubborn?

Very stubborn, but I call it opinionated. I usually have a pretty accurate intuition/ 6th sense about what might happen. Sometimes good sometimes bad, it can be brutal for those around me haha. But I like to try things and if it doesn’t work, I’ll try it another way.

8. Is it harder for you to tell someone that you do not love them or to tell them that you love them?

That is a very interesting question. I guess it’s harder to say that I don’t love them, because it would hurt their feelings, especially if they’re really into me.

9. Love or trust?

You have to have trust if you want love, but you don’t necessarily need love to have trust. I guess I’d choose trust, because then love can follow after. Too many people love without trusting and cause themselves problems.

10. Finish the sentence, “I’m following you, and your following me, so why don’t we…”
Hold up, why are you following me.. Unless you mean Twitter or Instagram, haha. I’m following you, you’re following me, so why dont we stop going in circles and talk to each other.
I hope you enjoyed this!
You could answer these questions also:
1. What is a book that you are currently reading?
2. What is the first CD you ever bought yourself with your own money?
3. Favorite thing in your room?
4. Something you do on a daily basis?
5. Do you think it is okay for guys to be wearing pink?
6. What are you wearing now?
7. Are you stubborn?
8. Is it harder for you to tell someone that you do not love them or to tell them that you love them?
9. Love or trust?
10. Finish the sentence, “I’m following you, and your following me, so why don’t we…”