Valentines day humour & Rewind Wednesday

Hey all! So I was contemplating what to post today, and I was at a total lost because for some reason I’m not all on the Valentines day train like last year. Despite having a bf, friends and family to share in the holiday with, I don’t even have thoughts on it . This might have been the quietest V’day I have had yet.

But because it’d be boring if I didn’t at least post something else about it, this Wednesday I’m flashing back to last year when I did the 10 Valentine’s day questions. Funny enough most of my answers are the same. I guess I’m a simple & unchanging gal.

Then in my search for Valentine’s day post ideas, I stumbled across these on the Fail Blog. Some were too hilarious not to share!

Finally the cutest, though not as sensible to me… as I’m a cat lover and all.

Are you feeling Valentine’s day this year? Or are you a v’day hater?

Girlfriends Expo returns :) (RW)

Hey all! It’s that time again, and I can’t believe it rolled around so fast. Girlfriend’s Expo 2014 is here! Last year I worked at the expo, but this weekend I hope to attend as a patron, so I can enjoy the full expo and all the Feminars there are to be had.

Last year, Makeup Doll Cosmetics had a bustling booth and I can’t wait to see them this year and pick up some items before they’re sold out, which means going super early. The atmosphere at the Concorde was interesting, very busy and crowded but yet homey, though I still miss the spaciousness of the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre for the 2012 expo.

Another thing missing from this expo is my best friend, Ashley! This year we’re miles apart so they’ll be no hanging out and perusing various stalls together. But I hope that if I do make it, I can make the best of it for the both of us.

Last year, the samples had me going and coming. I’m so happy to have the chance to sample so many products, because trust me, samples and few and far between in Barbados. It’s kinda ridiculous really. Anyone who is in PR in Barbados, please take note. We,the patrons would appreciate your product samples.

See post from 2013 here!
See post from 2012 here!

Valentine’s Day Nails (RW) | Beauty

Hey all! It’s coming around to that time again, where everything is clad in red, white or pink, even more chocolate appears on supermarket shelves, hearts and teddy bears decorate every square inch of selling space and my favourite conversational hearts make a reappearance. Yip, I’m talking about Valentine’s day loved, and loathed by many.

Last year around this time, I had filmed a V.Day nail tutorial, which also showed you how to make foolproof natural looking french-tipped nails. You can check out the video to see how I did it.

Love or loathe Valentine’s Day, this tutorial is very easy (a lot easier to do than film for sure), and the french tip is a classic nail design. The addition of the coral heart is cute and festive for those of you who enjoy the occasion. If you try it out be sure to let me know, hit my up on IG (@thebajanchristina)!

Duty Free Day Lip Products (RW) | Beauty

Hey all! It was around this time, 2 years ago that I picked up what are still some of my favourite lip products, and what I thought was the best shopping day Barbados ever had. Duty-Free day!

For us locals, there’s this steep tax on most if not all imported goods, and although that’s good for Government revenue and all that jazz, it really is a stifler to purchasing anything. Imaging a Revlon lipstick usually $7.99USD, costing you $15USD. Say what…. that aint right, but that’s what we deal with in Barbados. Sadly too, many “sales” are never really much of a deal and the stuff I really want rarely goes on sale, nor is there coupons. So imagine my glee when Duty Free day rolled around in 2011 and I was just getting into lipsticks.

Here are just a few of the items I got back then and swatches.

Revlon ColorBurst- Peach

To view the original post and all the product details, click here!

DIY Lip Scrub (RW) | Beauty

Hey all! Here’s another Rewind Wednesday for you. But before we get to that, I wanted to inform my Bajan viewers that Cherish Cosmetique still has the deal on with the Clearasil PerfectaWash sets available and even cheaper than before. So now you’ll be getting it for $10.99 rather than $15.99! Mine lasted me just over 6 months, so it’s really a good buy. I just have to figure out how I can refill it with something else, since the refills aren’t sold here.

Since it’s the beginning of the colder months, we want to keep our skin since and supple, especially our lips. My lips used to be chapped all the time especially in the cold A/C of uni classrooms. Luckily after using this lip scrub and a my Maybelline Baby Lips, I’ve seen way less flaky lips. Thank God!

Of course you could change up this recipe to suit your tastes and budget, or what you have at home too.

What you will need:

2 parts Coconut oil or Olive oil
1/2 of lemon/lime
2 – 3 parts Brown sugar
1 – 2 parts Granulated sugar
1 part Golden syrup, or honey or any liquid sweetener

  1. Mix the brown and white sugar together in a bowl.
  2. In another bowl (or cup), combine the cocnut oil (I used 2 capfuls), half of a lemon, and a teaspoon of Lyons Golden syrup.
  3. Add your liquid mixture to your sugar and mix until well combined.
  4. If your product is too liquid, then add more brown sugar, if it is too stiff, add more liquid (either oil or juice).
  5. Store your scrub in an airtight container, or use right away to exfoliate dry lips.
Video Tutorial
Click here to view the original post.

Rihanna Concert in 2011 (RW) | Beauty

Hey all! Another throwback post, this time back to 2011 when Rihanna performed live in Barbados. This was also supposed to be the case this Saturday (2nd November), unfortunately it was cancelled. (Quite last minute too). I’m not too thrilled about it, but I don’t think I would have been lucky enough to have gone this time around either. Anyway, I rather reminisce on the LOUD concert that I did attend.

That time, my hair was still natural and I wore some braids (which my mother and I had plait on) so my hair went into a sleek bun, to go with my blue one shoulder dress. I did my makeup to match my dress haha, so I had a blue and silver look going on. Silly me didn’t take enough photos of the makeup that time around. But I did get some of my nails :).

As for the show, it was amazing! I sang along to every song that I knew, partied with my friends and my sister and just had a great time. I never wanted the night to end. I’m so happy that I carried an extra pair of shoes too, because standing for long is not easy in high heels, so I had taken silver sandals with me. Thank God!

It was one of the best nights I had that summer. For the full article (and video), you can click here, and here for details on the nails!

Almay Oil-free Eye makeup Remover pads (RW) | Review

Hey all! Apologies for being a no show on Monday, I have literally no explanation for that, besides that it was my birthday, haha! Does that count? Since I wasn’t able to bring you a review on Monday, here’s one from 2012 about the Almay eye makeup remover pads, which are still a really great product up to now. Mind you back then I was on picture overload for blog posts, so excuse me please.

You can see the original article here.


I absolutely LOVE this eye make up remover! It’s just fabulous. You get 80 round pads, saturated with their amazing eye make up remover. These pads do not dry up very fast and each is nicely saturated, there’s no need to squeeze out excess product. It’s like they soaked each pad separately with the right amount of remover.

Don’t let the thinness fool you, these are powerful!

The power of these pads to remove waterproof mascara is outstanding! The Falsies mascara is off within 10 seconds! For nights out or special occasions, I wear more eye makeup, yet these pads have been able to remove layers of eye make up very briefly. It’s so amazing, again I’ll say I love this make up remover.

This is how easily it dissolved the Maybelline Falsies Waterproof formula

Coastal Scents Hot Pots (RW) | Swatches

Hi everyone to the first of many Rewind Wednesdays. I have tons of old posts that could do with some love, so here goes!

Way back in 2011, I had bought the Coastal Scents hot pots, which are the single eyeshadows you can make a palette out of. There were a lot of colours to choose from, many of which came from their own special palettes. Now there’s even MORE colours to choose from and they’ve even given them quite nice names. I am not sure what these ones would be called now, but I plan on updating that information to this blog in the near future.

Click here to view the original posts!!  (round-up link)