College Makeup look | Beauty

Hey all! I was getting ready to take some pics for my Back to School outfits post (hopefully going up tomorrow) and I quickly created this make up look using the Smashbox eye shadow trio I talked about here. I loved how it came out. It’s so simple, yet pretty. Or so I think, you tell me.

Also let’s not forget the WWBH, click the button below!

I think this is college appropriate especially for the first day, or if you’re going out after classes. Very subtle make up. I love it.

What I used:
Smashbox Photo Finish PrimerNYX Stay Matte Not Flat Foundation in Chestnut
NYC Smooth Face Loose Powder in Translucent
Maybelline MasterShape by Eyestudio brow pencil- deep brown

e.l.f. clear mascara and brow gel
Smashbox Photo Op Eyeshadow Trio in Proof Sheet
Maybelline The Falsies Big Eyes mascara in Blackest Black
Smashbox Cream Cheek Color in Captivate
e.l.f Blush and Bronzing kit- Turks and Caicos
MAC Lipstick in Daddy’s Little Girl

Be sure to check back tomorrow for the Back to School post!

Apologies & a HUGE UPDATE!

Hey all! I had actually filmed a video with this update, but I think I may re-film it then post it here. My absence merits no excuse, besides that I was busy with life. I’m really sorry the posting during these last 3 months haven’t been very consistent. I did try to, but I’d run out of ideas, haha. (woops)

As some of you may know, I’m in my final year of university and this semester, although I was doing less courses, the workload was still just as intense. Late hour labs, studying for tests, doing time-consuming tutorials (boy, does it take a while to get used to reading Science journals). On top of that, I had taken a position in the faculty’s student committee, so I have to attend meetings sometimes. It is an interesting experience nonetheless.

Between going to school and coming back home usually more than 8 hours some days, I’d even up studying or doing assignments until late that night, not leaving time to blog or edit videos. Then I had a PC issue somewhere between there :(. It’s weird but, I don’t think my graphics card can handle editing with my current video maker, so I’m trying to work my way around that, until I could try to get another computer, maybe a laptop for editing. Suggestions would be appreciated! But for now, I updated a few drivers and I’m going to try editing again, maybe tonight.

Along with spending more time at school or just away from home, I’ve also been spending some more time with my friends. When I don’t have too much work pending that is. This may be the last time we’re in a setting like this, it’s kind of sad, but hey life goes on.

I also picked up an activity besides the student committee. Something I’ve always wanted to get back into. Swimming. So almost every Saturday I’ve been doing that and pushing myself to get better. Some days it’s really hard because the water is so cold, haha. But it’s fun with the people around you to support you.  Definitely not a Olympic record swimmer, but I am happy I hadn’t lost the knack for it completely.

My exams just finished and if I don’t get a job this vacation, you’ll probably be seeing (more likely reading) a lot more posts. I have a Holiday gift guide in the making. Trying to have that all up before 24th December, so you can get in all that shopping. I also had one last year which was very extensive, so you can check that out as well.

Until next post, I hope you’re all doing well and I hope you spend the Holidays safely. If you still are having final exams, I wish you the best of luck, it’ll be over soon!

Lazy Sunday Chit Chat: School & Fall

Hey all! Finally got back to writing these chit chats which I missed posting. This Sunday is the final day of vacation before dreaded school starts back. I know it’s not great to have such a bad attitude about school because it will benefit me in the long-run, but really I’m just feeling sad about it starting again.

This year is my final year of university and despite having registered, I don’t feel ready to return tomorrow. I feel like a need another week to upload videos, read blogs and to go buy school supplies, which I have slacked on purchasing this summer. Very unlike me, because I love stationery and that’s what excites me most about going to school.

Regardless, I don’t feel like my summer has been wasted at all this year. I may not have gotten a paying job, but I did many things which I’m very happy about, spent time with friends and family, kept my videos and post very consistent and even had some new adventures, one which you will hopefully be seeing very soon. (Hint: it has something to do with film.) Some things this summer could have been better, but I’m hoping as the year goes by that I can improve that. 

I have big goals for this school year  which I will hopefully achieve to the best of my ability as well as quickly. Funny thing though, at the beginning of the school year I feel more inclined to make life changes or set new goals than at New Years.

Speaking of school, you may have noticed that I’m doing Back to School videos. A tad late, but nonetheless informative, so make sure to check it out. I’ll have a direct link to the related posts in the right sidebar.

Anyway, I’ve also been thinking about Fall. The season not the action haha. I know in Barbados we don’t get Fall or Autumn as some call it, just year-long sunshine or the occasional rainfall. It’s the one thing that makes me envoious of the countries with 4 seasons. I love cold weather apparel, the cute woolen UGG boots, oversized knit sweaters, and hoodies. Leggings (the one of the only times it’s acceptable to wear leggings as pants), calf-high leather boots, funky socks, super comfy pajamas, scarves and of course, beanies and barets!

This year I’m hoping to do a fall lookbook using Polyvore, taken inspiration from the MBFW Fall 2012 collections. I’ve already started compiling looks I want to recreate or add my own quirks to.
If you have any suggestions for looks, don’t hestitate to tell me. You could leave it as a comment, or email me at


Brown Sugar Machiatto ~Asian Candy~

Hey all! It’s been a long time since I’ve watched an asian drama, especial Jewel in the Palace which was showing on the local channel, CBC. So here’s to a new start, I really miss watching them. I can’t give you my own synopsis or my view of this one because I’ve never watched this. This is a first right?

Image from here

Anyway this month, I’ll be watching Brown Sugar Machiatto which is a Taiwanese drama from 2007. It’s a romantic comedy, placed in a school setting. I have a feeling it’ll be corny, but it’ll be a good drama to start back with, a nice laugh. BTW it’s 13 episodes.

Type: Romantic, Comedy, School

One day, six boys with different personalities and backgrounds are notified they shared the same father. And on top of that they are entitled to a large inheritance. There is only one catch. They must attend the same school and live in the same house for one year to become loving brothers. But, the boys not only hate each other, they have to deal with nine mean girls from their class. Will the brothers band together and successfully pass the inheritance test? Or, will falling in love with their classmates pull them farther apart?

Watch it here! or HERE
Read about it here!

Disclaimer: Images are not my own.

School again.. Jiggidy Jig!

Hey all! Just a quick update on what’s going on this week. University’s started back and you know what that means? Busy, busy, busy and work until it’s coming out of my ears.

Hopefully this semester is going to be good for everyone. I’m a bit worried about my hours, it feels more like I’ll live at school. Last semester I would be at school around the clock using the computers to do my work etc since I had some PC troubles at home, but at least then I’d set out my hours to leave, or lime or just have fun. Now it’s more crazy hour practicals and late night classes -__-. Sometimes I really wonder if it’s all worth it.

I will try my hardest to enjoy the entire semester, and not overwork myself. I missed out on so much TV last semester and really it didn’t make me any better off. All work and no play DOES make Jack a dul boy. hahaha.

So CHEERS to the new semester! I need to sleep already hahaha.Such is the life of a college student.


Been M.I.A. again and Foundation!

Hey all, I promised myself I wouldn’t neglect my blog or my Youtube and that I wouldn’t blame it on school… but I’ve negelect them both :(. It’s my fault and I admit it, sometimes it’s hard to blog when you have other things on your mind as my fellow bloggers would know. I really would like to apologise for my absence and hopefully this weekend I can record the tutorials I had promised in the previous post.

In case any of you were actually wondering, school is not going to bad. The work isn’t always pleasant, but I have good friends haha. I’m sure I would have gone insane already if not for them. So to all of my friends and people I recently met, THANKS for keeping me sane ^__^
Special thank you to certain special people too heheheh.

I’m actually supposed to be doing Chemistry assignments and a lab write up now, but I really think after all this crazy studying, my brain has had enough of this. For any other Chemistry majors.. or Science majors in general, I feel your pain.
It feels like all I’ve been doing is sleeping every day I got home. It’s insane lol. Staying ahead, or even just there in classes is a lot of work and I wish you all the best for this semester, in case I haven’t said that in another post.

As I knew I would, I got lazy about doing my nails haha, but I hope to paint them this weekend. Not sure what colour yet, but any suggestions please leave them in the comments :).

I’ve been trying something different this month, beauty-wise. I’m sure most people know about foundation, but we also know it can be pretty heavy on the skin. I dont think I would need to wear foundation everyday, but on those days (like today when you mess up your sleep schedule) and you need a pick me up, I found that foundation works wonders. But not in the regular way of applying your foundation. Instead I’ve been using it as a tinted moisturiser by adding a small amount to my regular face moisturiser.

It’s actually not that obvious because it’s sheer coverage, but it definitely makes you look like you’ve slept. Then to add some warmth to your face, though trust me the Sun does a good job too haha, I would apply some bronzer, and then finsh with a lipgloss.  There you have it, a quick easy pick me up for school. I may post a picture sometime later, I’ll keep you posted.

Hope everyone is surviving the semester well, just had to do a bit of checking in because I feel like I’ve been gone forever (especially without a word). But hopefully I’ll be back banging out videos and posts like bang bang boom. LOL

Have a great weekend! ^_^

MMM shots, now I’d have one of those right about now haha.

Tweet Tweet!

Hey guys, I finally joined Twitter!! After agessss of contemplating it, so I hope who ever is out there reading this follows we, that would probably be fun. 
 YES, it is 3:35 a.m. but I really couldnt sleep and there a ton of music playing outside (like down the street) that isn’t helping it either. I had a really great week, went home early like 3 days in a row and rested and still had time for work. I also was able to finish my Chemistry lab for Friday evening so yay!! New week labs start again and I actually have a lab test, so wish me luck, I really want to know these rocks and minerals like the back of my hand!

Well, have a great week and here’s the link to my twitter as well as a quick haul video I did Friday evening. In the video I’m wearing blue eyeliner, black mascara and a bit of dark pink lip gloss, very simple and pretty. I  really liked that look 🙂

Tweet me!

Stress is easing :)

Hey everyone, another post (yay I remembered!) I really must treat my blog better lol. Well continuing from Sunday’s post with my hectic week, this week is actually proving to be quite the improvement but, I don’t want to speak too soon to jinx it.

I had my biochemistry test which I did have time to study for, but I made the terrible mistake of misreading one of the instruction and it cost me a couple of marks. Sigh knowing the lecturers at my school, it was practically impossible for them to understand where I was coming from that morning. (Note to self: NEVER EVER AGAIN in a million years take cold medicine or any other pills for that matter 1. so early in the morning or 2. before a big test! You will regret it!) I felt like I must have been delusional for seeing this particular thing for every time I looked at the paper. But I digress as there is really nothing I can do, besides show them that I am smarter and do well elsewhere.

My Chemistry practical today went fairly well, but it’s usually the proceeding write up which scares me most, hopefully it will not be so bad this week, actually I started early and will hopefully finish on time or even BEFORE time this week.

No Biochemistry practicals this week, HALLELUJAH! I’ll definitely be spending that time working on my Chemistry write-up, studying for Earth Science and making sure I’m up-to-date with the physical chemistry tutorials.

Hope is on the horizon this week, and if I keep pushing I surely wont end up in the dilemma  of last week. So, how is your week going? Stressful? Breezy? Tell me your experiences and how you handle stressful weeks of work or school.

3 longest days of my life! (NB: really long post)

Hey guys, I haven’t updated lately, but here I finally am. Sure a rough week I had, Organic Chemistry test, Earth Science test, Biochemistry lab to write up and then a Chemistry lab to write up as well. and every thing just decided it was gonna happen around Thursday and Friday.. how unfortunate. Oh yea, I also had a Caribbean Civilisation test on Saturday and a Biochemistry assignment for Monday, which was supposed to be put online since 2 weeks ago :(. What a week!  (REALLY LONG POST)

So I tried my hardest to revise for the Chemistry from Monday, because that weekend I had a an overdue Chemistry lab which i handed in the Monday.(physical chemistry can be soooo hard and time consuming!) I didn’t finish studying for the Chemistry test until Thursday morning, like 3am.. wowzers.. very late, but I had slept earlier (thanks to my dad, I had a nice supply of coffee while i studied, but not too much hehehe). The unfortunate thing about pulling that “all-nighter” if you want to call it that, was that the next day I had a class at 8 am! Sigh.. so I woke up like a zombie the next morning but I survived until 9 am when this ridiculous headache came out of no where. Again I will say THANK GOD FOR COFFEE, because it really did save me from that headache. 
As my Biochemistry class continues, the lecturer mentions something that we have to do for her lab which is today… gee how helpful of you to tell me this now. Luckily I had looked at the lab during my down-time from Chemistry studying and was able to complete the task. (Thank you GOD)
After Biochemistry, I had a couple free periods, so I completely my Biochem lab lucky and still had some time for lunch as well as a quick Chemistry refresher. I could not have asked for better time management :). Finally it was time for the Chemistry test, and I tried to stay calm and collected, however I think near to the end I freaked out a bit. Not one of my best tests, but I will definitely make up for it elsewhere and with better time management as well. (scolds self).

After the Chemistry test, I practically had to run across campus to my locker and then the Biochemistry lab which I had next. I arrived just in time and the lab went relatively smoothly (thank God again!), we even finished with time to spare. So I looked for a quiet place and started on my Chemistry lab write up to be handed in on Friday. Then I had to quit that and run off to my weekly Earth Science test. Now the thing about weekly tests is that you love and hate them. On one hand if you do badly one week you can make up for it another week, but then again if like me you have a ton of things to do that week, it’s a bit inconvenient to study for that especially if it’s on topics form the last class. But I digress, the test went well and again I had time to do a bit more work before leaving school. 
Sadly, instead of going to sleep and waking back up, I was so exhausted that I slept through the entire night and didn’t wake up until 7 or 8 am the next morning. It was a well deserved rest in my opinion, however I do think I should have at least done some work on my Chemistry lab. First on Friday, I went to visit my cat at the vet (he’s sick 😦 ) then for once, I didn’t miss my Friday class. My body has a habit of thinking the class is at another time and sleeps in, or does work on a lab before leaving home, and then I am late by my fault or the shuttle to school… which is really unfortunate.

I spent Friday (after class) working on my Chemistry lab, which sadly because time is learning even better how to fly, I hadn’t completed in time. So I carried it home to finish during the weekend).On my way home Friday evening, my dad surprised me with a trip for ice cream! Just the reward I needed for such a harsh week. Again when I got home, I went straight to sleep, then I woke up late (12 am) to study a bit for Caribbean Civilisation. I actually think that bit of study helped  along with some reading I did for pleasure (old novel I’m finally reading haha). Saturday came and the test went a lot better than expected, both or my pens wrote out during and I had to resort to my 3rd pen which was not even the same colour, but a test is a test and once you write something you’ll get marks lol. ( I had actually started to study for Carib Civ on Wednesday after my Chemistry lab but there was such a run around at the library, I just went home. 

Saturday was a both good and bad day, I went shopping for a couple essentials, which I may do a haul video for.  Also there was the launch of “Reb’l Fleur” in Barbados (finally, I think we should have had it first!). That was fun and a bit confusing, people where singing Rihanna songs and there were giveaways. Sadly I didn’t have my camera so I couldn’t shoot any videos or take any pictures. The cold my body was fighting off for the past week, finally set in, and it was harsh. My voice was almost gone from Friday and then on Saturday it was here and there. Anyway, after town I went home to relax a bit (read my novel again) and then decides to work on the Biochemistry assignment, because if I started back on the Chemistry lab there would be no end to Chemistry lol. Thank God for sending me Ashley to help me through my work freak-out I had thinking about the work to do, thanks Ash!) By 12 am, I was almost finished and had time for a bit of recreation (YouTube and Facebook!)
This morning, I woke up aching all over, and didn’t go to church :(. I went back to sleep until about 3 pm or so, feeling a lot better, but still with no voice. I finished my Chemistry lab write up and was thinking about doing some Biochemistry (I found some books online, for all you students like me who can’t always buy books, Google Books is a life-saver!) And now, here I am, just updating you about my really rough week.. or 3 days…what ever you want to call it. 

How was your week? As rough as mine? Lighter? Hope you enjoy this coming week, I ‘ll try to keep you posted about mine! Here’s something to keep you going! 

Onigiri makes me happy! (credit:

Mata ne!