Representative Democracy? Elections? Hiatus?

Hey all! As you might be wondering by the title, this post is not to say that I’ve changed my major or turning this blog in a political one, but I do have some good news! It could also be considered bad news in a sense.

I am going to be running as a candidate for my university’s upcoming generation elections, contesting the position of Pure & Applied Science Representative for 2012-2013. I had been contemplating this decision since last year’s elections and I’m still a bit shocked at myself for carrying through with it. I do intend to stay committed to the race for the candidacy as this may build my leadership and I may finally be able to make the difference in my faculty (FPAS).

I’d like to ask for you support at this time, because I may not be blogging or making videos as ofetn during the campaigning process. If you had not already realised, I was on a bit of an unannounced hiatus. The elections will be occurring in March, and I’d like to dedicate some time to campaigning, as well as my schoolwork.

 Hopefully my regular beauty posts, shall resume by the end of March, though I may blog ahead my favourites of February and the Asian Candy for March.

I will be creating a Facebook page for the campaign so you can follow it there if you’d like. The key incentives are Brotherhood, Honesty and Perseverance. I would like to unite my faculty to face the hardships of being a scientist and help them to realise that greatness can be achieved together.

Until next post enjoy your week!