Garnier Skin Renew BB Cream (Combination to Oily Skin) | Review

Hey all! I know, I know, I was to review this everrrrr since but I can say I’ve had the a load of time to try out this product and figure it out. I wanted to try one of the Garnier BB creams for some time in 2013, but had heard some bad reviews on the normal skin version of this one. Although my skin isn’t particularly oily, I tend to prefer products for combo/oily skin, because the heat of Barbados makes anyone’s skin “dewy” by midday.

I nabbed this product at Collins Pharmacy for $30.35BDS when I realised they finally had the Deep shade in stock. Since using it, I feel like I could go one shade lighter, but this works for every day as it blands in with my neck very well. The product is in a squeeze tube and there is 2oz of the liquid,  which is great considering the price of it. Typically foundations are just 1oz.

Despite being very runny and liquid, the formula gives light to medium coverage, and a little it can go a long way. I tend to squeeze out less than a dime-sized amount of BB cream to give my face a light coverage, even out my complexion. You can build up the coverage to medium, but it will begin to feel cakey and heavy unless you blot with some tissue between application. It dries to a semi matte (natural) finish which I tend to set with translucent powder so it would last longer throughout the day, as I hardly ever get to touch-up.

I love this as an everyday foundation/sunscreen/ skin care item. There is an SPF of 20, as well as is very moisturising. It doesn’t give me a grey cast either, especially since the undertone of the BB cream seems to be quite yellow.  This is a bit messy to apply at first, but it gets easier with practice. My only real peeves with this is that it isn’t very long-lasting or oil-controlling, so by 4 hours of wear you are going to start seeing some shininess, but not so bad that blotting can’t help. This product does tend to transfer when I touch my face with my fingers (bad habit…), or in the space where my glasses rest on my nose.

The Verdict:


  • Affordable 
  • Lasts a number of uses (mine is pushing 3 months)
  • Light to medium coverage
  • Lightweight formula
  • Natural finish
  • Has SPF20 
  • No grey cast
  • Evens skin tone beautifully
  • Moisturizing and doesn’t stick to dry patches


  • Squeeze tube could be messy
  • Very liquid formula
  • Shade availbility
  • Not long-lasting
  • Not great at oil-control. 

The Raw Sugar

I just am in love with how lightweight this product is, yet has good enough coverage to discreetly make your skin look almost perfect. I’ve had mine since October 2013, and I’ve been using it almost religiously as part of my morning routine, yet the tube still has a ton of product in it. I definitely would recommend you try this out if you’re looking for a do-all product to rush out the house looking good.

Where you can get this: Collin’s Pharmacy (Barbados), drugstores (elsewhere)

Disclaimer: This product was bought with my own money. Opinions are my own

Winter Skincare Tips



Biting winds, dipping temperature and dry indoor heat can damage your skin during the winter, so changing your skincare regime during this season is essential. You really can’t control the weather, so the best way to stop it from causing damage to your skin is by planning and sticking to the best skin care tips available.
Everyone has different skin types, thus consulting with a skin expert is necessary because they are more knowledgeable when it comes to proper skin care techniques. They can help you to analyze and assess your skin condition, as well as providing you professional advice on how to keep it healthy, especially during this season. Your best line of defense against this harsh weather includes the following:
Wear weather-appropriate clothing
Wearing the right clothes for the weather can help in protecting your skin against severe cold. Dressing in layers helps in trapping your body heat, reducing the risk of dry skin and eczema. Wear waterproof or water-resistant jackets, gloves and scarves. If in case your clothes get wet, make sure to remove them immediately to avoid your skin from getting wrinkled, chapped, damaged, or worse, infected from hypothermia.
Slather on sunscreen
Sunscreen is still essential, even if it’s winter. Sun glare from snow can still cause sunburn, so make sure you slather on sunscreen before heading outdoors. You can choose those with lower SPF’s, as long as the formula can help in shielding the sun’s harmful rays. Apply it to your face and hands 30 minutes before going out. Reapply it periodically since the winter weather can dry it out and strip it from your skin quickly.
Moisturize more
Moisturizers are vital in keeping your skin healthy, especially during the cold season. These come in different types such as oils, creams and lotions. Choose one that is appropriate depending on the dryness of your skin. Oils are more greasy and slippery, but they are known to seal in moisture well. Creams aren’t that greasy and easily absorbed by the skin, which can trap moisture pretty effectively as well. Lotions tend to moisturize less than oils and creams, but they’re less greasy and they can absorb quickly in the skin. If you opt for oil-based moisturizers, look out for those that don’t clog your pores, such as almond oil, avocado oil, mineral oil and primrose oil.
Give your lips extra attention
Applying a moisturizing lip balm should always be a part of your winter skin care regimen. These balms will prevent your lips from chapping, cracking and splitting. Petroleum jelly also helps by creating a protective barrier between your lips and the cold air. You can exfoliate your lips with a lip scrub by applying a generous amount of Vaseline and then rubbing it with a soft bristle toothbrush. This will help in smoothing away dead, flaky skin. Choose lip balms with SPF 15 or higher, since the lips can also be damaged by the sun’s harmful rays.
Eat a balanced diet
Eating healthy will not only benefit your skin, but also your overall health. Incorporate foods that are high in vitamin A, C, E and antioxidants in your diet. These vitamins, particularly vitamin C, are known to have anti-aging benefits, which help helps the body in fighting free radicals that damage the skin by breaking down collagen, leading to fine lines and wrinkles. Vitamin E is a fast acting antioxidant that aids the body in fighting off harmful UV rays, as well as keeping the skin youthful and glowing.
Keep hydrated
Keeping yourself hydrated makes your skin healthy and glowing. It is not only beneficial for the skin, but also for your overall health. Bring a water bottle when you’re going outdoors, especially if you’re not sure you can get fresh drinking water wherever you will be traveling. Make it a point to drink at least 9-13 glasses of water daily.
Hook up the humidifier
Indoor heating can make the air extremely dry, which can make your skin suffer even further. Using a humidifier can help to add moisture back into the dry air, and this can help in preventing your skin from drying and flaking. Use at least 3-4 humidifiers at home to benefit its moisturizing effect. Make sure to clean it as well to avoid mold and bacteria buildup, which can cause more harm than good. Change the water daily and clean it at least every three days.
clip_image003David Novak’s is a nationally syndicated columnist. His byline has appeared in newspapers and magazines around the country. He’s an avid health enthusiast, and frequently is featured in regional and national health publications, writing about health, wellness, diet and exercise. He is also a weekly writer for Healthline. To view his other stories on Healthline, visit

Clearasil PerfectaWash Bargain!

Hey all! Today is going to be a big bargain for you Bajans, while in Cherish Cosmetique in Bridgetown, I spotted the Clearasil PerfectaWash retailing for $15.99. Yes you read that right. $16. This is a system with comes with an automatic dispenser AND two bottles of the cleanser, plus batteries are included in the bundle. Say deal? Yes I think so!

I was actually going to buy the Neutrogena naturals Cleanser and Make up remover, which was around the same price and when I saw this I jumped for joy! I had seen this sometime last year or later on YouTube, thanks to juicystar07 and I thought that it was the most cool thing ever. Ok not the coolest, but it was cool enough was a facial cleanser. Since the Clarisonic and the plethora of high tech skin care gadgets, it was only a wonder why they hadn’t done a fancy facial soap pump.

This boasts that there’s enough product in a container for 100 uses and the pump dispenses the most accurate amount of product. I will definitely be doing a review on this, but so far, I haven’t had any break outs with the soap included. I’m using the Soothing Plant Extracts cleanser, to calm my skin at night.

The only dish I would have with this product is not being able to get refills. But seeing that I like to try out a number of cleansers and scrubs, it might take me a while to finish both cleansers.

Disclaimer: Not sponsored or endorsed. Just a fabulous deal.

5 Gifts for Him!

Gifts for Him! (2012)


Guys are never easy to shop for, trust me I know! They think it’s hard to shop for us girls, but boy are they wrong. This guide should hopefully make it easier for you to get the perfect gift for your guy friend, boyfriend or husband!


Sometimes guys feel a little intimidated buying skincare, but they know their acne is flaring up and don’t know what to do otherwise. I remember being in the skincare aisle and this mature man was standing there looking absolutely petrified and telling the sales assistant this is all women stuff, he doesn’t know what to get. Thankfully, she corrected him and told him it’s SKIN stuff, something that more guys should know and pay attention to. It’s not like they are immune from skin problems, we’re not telling you to put on mascara either, but at least take care of your skin, you’ll have it for your whole life.
A number of brands such as Clinique and L’Oreal provide a men’s care line (no cute, girly packaging) that would be a great nudge for the man in your life. You don’t have to buy the whole line either, just one or two products. I suggest an after-shave lotion, acne spot treatment and a moisturiser at least. Of course it depends on what your guy needs. I know the Clinique Scruffing Lotion is very effective at clearing up clogged pores and preventing ingrown hairs. It’s actually sold here in Barbados at Cave Shepherd, so if you think your guy needs it, that’s the quickest way to get it.

A clothing item like a hoodie or a nice sweater that your guy can wear on chilly days always makes a great gift. It’s comfy and versatile and everytime he wears it, he’ll be reminded of you. Forever21 has some really affordable male outwear. You can also find some sweaters at Hollister, which are  a bit pricey, but is probably worth the price. If your boyfriend is a WWE lover like mine is, you could totally get him one of these WWE sweatshirts from his favourite wrestler. (They ship internationally too!)

Guys always seem to wear out wallets soo fast. I guess it’s because they are constantly sitting on the wallet, it bends and eventually zippers are falling off and there are coins spilling everywhere. So you could always get your guy the classic gift of a wallet. As played out as getting a wallet may be, it’s always nice to get a genuine leather one. It may be a bit of a splurge, but the quality is outstanding. Otherwise you could get a wallet with a nice design like a cloth wallet. It may not be a sturdy as a leather wallet but it is nice to look at. You can get male wallets from outlets like Asos where they sell a variety of  more affordable brands, while Nordstrom has a selection of higher-end brands. In Barbados you can also pick up QuikSilver, LAND and other brand of wallets for guys in Cave Shepherd. I like this one from Volcom, the pattern is really captivating.

A Watch. Not like he doesn’t know you’ll usually be running late, but guys who wear a watch always look more put together. I  think the same of women, sadly my watch batteries are always dead, so I never wear one haha. You can get him a really nice watch that is waterproof, sturdy and has a bunch of cool functions, like the Citizen Eco-Drive, which amazingly never dies. There are a range of different modes with varying price points, so it could be either an affordable gift or a nice splurge. I love the one above from Citizen. In Barbados you can also get great watches at just about any jeweller.


Now your guy is looking sharp and to top it off, you could get him a cologne, something special. Maybe he’s had a particular cologne and it’s been running out on him. You could do him one bette and get a gift set. Honestly, I don’t go testing out men’s fragrances, so I don’t really have any particular suggestion, but a good-smelling guy is always appreciated. I know I love when my guy wears his signature scent. I like the look of this bottle of Gucci Guilty Intense by Gucci, it’s really sleek and simple.

Hopefully something on this list has got your gears moving and you can figure out just what to get your guy friend. If you have any more suggestions for gifts guys may like, you could leave them in the comments!

Disclaimer: This post was in no way sponsored.

Perk up your skin with Coffee

I was having my usual morning coffee on Monday, and most times I would have instant rather than the ground type. But since I had run out of the former, I was had to use the French press coffee maker. When I came to wash the coffee maker, I felt like I was wasting those precious beans, so I decided to google some ways to get more uses out of my coffee. Bet you didn’t know that coffee could be a part of your beauty regiment huh?

Despite the jitteriness some of us feel after having a cup of coffee, the caffeine could be good for your skin once applied topically.  You can use it to brighten your complexion, diminishing dark circles or even reduce the appearance of varicose/spider veins. Coffee is also full of antioxidants, so it’s good to drink, but with moderation.

I can’t wait to try these recipes!

Coffee Facial mask for Brightening the complexion:

Version 1 :


  • 4 tablespoons of ground coffee (organic and not of the “instant coffee” variety)
  • About ¼ cup of whole milk
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (Olive oil or lemon juice as alternatives)
  • Mix the ingredients together and add more or less ground coffee or milk to achieve a paste of your desired consistency.
    You use your fingers to apply the paste in a gentle circular massaging motion all over your face. Avoid the lips but make sure to put a bit under your eyes. Not only will the paste exfoliate, but the motion will also heighten circulation of the blood vessels beneath the skin’s surface.
    Leave on for 20 mintues, then rinse off and pat face dry. Your face will be feeling tighter and clean, and there should be a glow to the skin.

    Version 2:

    Used Coffee Grounds
    Cup of milk

    Combine the ingredients until you get a thick paste, you may add an egg white to help with exfoliation. Apply to face avoiding both eye area and lips, and leave on for 20 minutes, massaging while it is on. Rinse it off and as you rinse, continue to rub gently, especially if your skin is sensitive. Pat your face dry then apply moisturiser. Your skin should feel refreshed and glowy.

    Mind you coffee’s not a complete miracle product, there are still a lot of dangers associated with it and thus it should be consumed in moderation. According to this article, moderate intake is at most 24 oz. daily (250mg of caffeine).

    Are you going to try either of these recipes?


    Queen Helene Mint Julep Scrub Review

    Hey all, I have a review on a product I have raved about in my favourites videos. It’s the Queen Helene Mint Julep Natural facial scrub.
    It’s a really gentle yet effective exfoliator for your face. It does not contain any harsh chemicals such as AHA or BHA acids, but it  works to slough off dead skin cells through gentle abrasion.

    You wont see results in a day or so, but I did see a dramatic difference with the overall tone of my face after a bout a month had passed.It didn’t leave my skin feeling dry or tight. I was pretty impressed with it. AND it lasted almost a year with daily usage, so it could be considered an investment. (was only $9BDS anyway).

    For more info you can check out the video for more to see the consistency.

    Have you ever tried this scrub, have any recommendations for gentle yet effect facial scrubs? Or just Good skincare items for normal skin types?
    AND have you entered my Thank you giveaway as yet?
