It’s been grueling already… but videos are coming !

Hi everyone! (PS: I was typing this from my tablet and on 4 hours of sleep, so please excuse any typos.)
College is back in session and with a bang. I am still feeling a bit unprepared, but luckily I don’t think I’m the only one. Not only the students but the lecturers seem a bit weary and out of sorts.

The other night I had a prep for a lab I had signed up to help out with so I would learn some technique, however none of us not even the instructor knew that time and resources would come to be our enemies. So here it was 12 am and the really challenging parts hadn’t been done as yet. I don’t think I left until it was 2 am, oh for love of subject.

Searching around for reagents delegating tasks and making sure we were doing the right thing, not the mention how much stair climbing I did. I don’t think I’d had a workout like that since PE in 3rd form (14 years old). Did I mention that I had a class for 8 am class the next day? Oh my gosh was it hard to get out of bed at 6:30.

We had a good group of people with us though, stopped many from falling asleep and considering it was our first time, I think we did a good job.

I still have one last back to school video to post. The well awaited outfits for school. Mind you I’m not a diva when it comes to school, I would choose comfort over fashion most days, though I still do have my weird style to it. So for the video, I tried to strip out of my box of practical jeans and easy graphic tees for something a bit more fun and cute. If I had no labs, or wasn’t always at school for hours on end, especially in these chilly classrooms, then I’d be killing these outfits. Who knows though, I might just wear a couple when I have a light day. 🙂

Strangely enough, I have not felt like vlogging my back to school experiences. I just think it’s a bit too boring. It is final year and so far not much exciting things have happened. But we’ll see.

My August favourites is coming, I’d love to have it up before the week is out actually, so I may complete editing that today.

That’s all for now. How has your first day been? Is back to school as exciting as the ads make it? Or are you just having a settling week like I am? Feeling a bit unprepared or anxious as to what this semester will hold? Why not tell me about it in the comments!



I’ve been having mostly challenge related posts lately because at the moment those are easier to think up. If you didn’t know, it’s because I have final exams that I haven’t actually blogged as much. Though, I’m trying to keep my YouTube and Twitter accounts lively. (So you can follow me on either of those, I’ll place so links to each).
I tweet, You tweet, Let’s Tweet!
Tequila Sunset…Lastest Tutorial (may be doing a post on this)

I had a productive week, or at least I think so. I’ve just completely finished studying for my foundation exam (Caribbean Civilisation) and I’m almost finished studying for Earth Science, which are both this week. So I’m really happy about that now! Not to mention, I have started to study bits and pieces for my exams next week (Biochemistry and Chemistry) and I will go full speed on those starting from tomorrow. I think it’s actually some pretty good time-management or rather self-management (if I do say so myself hehe). The occasional distractions from messenger, Facebook, and family actually did a lot more good than bad, sometimes you do have to slow down and break, and I can say now, that I am sort of happy for those distractions (though I’d never say it to them lolol).

During the long weekend, actually on Sunday, I almost broke my sleep record. Oh yeah, in case I never said this.. I’m a connoisseur of a good sleep hahaha, and I mean it! If I have nothing to do or I’m just really tired, I WILL sleep until the cows come home.. or the bed flips over, whichever happens first. Sunday, I slept a total of 17 hours, you could call it straight if intermittent periods of light slumber count. I know it sounds really lazy, but believe me when I say I have been beating the books and they have been putting up a good fight. I have had so many late nights, the thing is though, I just seem to do my studying best at night when all is quiet or when no one is around. So anyway, exhausted as I was, I slept 17 hours, my current record is 18 hours. Needless to say, I was completely well rested and ready for the day.. well actually the night, but I digress.
All in all, nothing special this Easter, just some good old studying.

I hope everyone has enjoyed their Easter weekend, and continues to enjoy the Easter vacation for those who are on vacation. For those like me with final exams, I’d like to wish you the best of luck, happy studying and MASH UP THOSE EXAMS!


I haven’t slept since 12 a.m

Hey all, just a random post. How was everyone’s week, good I hope. I can’t even remember half of mine hahaha, but that’s just the randomness of my brain. 
As much as I do remember is that I have been sleeping some really weird hours, but it’s working out pretty fine. I’d come home, then fall asleep 4 p.m. or 5 p.m or something like that  and wake up around 11 p.m or 12 p.m. which makes me miss quite a number of distracting things like T.V, but then it’s nice and quiet and I can work much better. I was always a person to study at night or in the early hours of the morning, and I really find it very good that my body is setting it’s pace for work (if you get what I mean). Exams are around the corner so, I really need to jump into exam mode. 
The only downside to this is, usually I have classes in the morning and if i study and then go back too sleep, I never want to wake up! HAHAHA. So this whole sleep early wake up in the night thing is both good and bad. 
I’ve been productive tonight though, editing a video, uploading it, writing a blog post on it and even studying as the video loaded. I should study some more because I have test coming up this week, so I ‘ll be ending this post.

Hope you all have a great weekend, not sure if i’ll post any other time this weekend sadly. If you’re reading this post, you could leave a comment about your sleeping and study habits. I’d love that, plus it would be like tips to help me out.

Cheers to the frickin’ weekend!! (Photo courtesy of:

Thanks for reading~


It’s 4 a.m.

It’s 4:39 a.m and I’m still awake, it’s not like I have insomnia or something, just I went to sleep a little too early, earlier than usual so here I am finally completing work I should have done when I had gotten home. But I’m finished now and just chilled and prepping for bed. 
Recently I’ve gotten myself into another facebook game, this one is a classic though. From the makers of Restaurant City and Pet Society, Playfish presents…*drumroll* MONOPOLY MILLIONAIRES! I loved Monolpoly as a child, although most of the time I played it was by myself (blame if on being the last child haha), fun I had my fun. Like a year ago I would play Monopoly online with my friend and other players from around the world on this board game site, which sadly I can’t remember the name of. We would spend hours just playing Monopoly, although this site made my computer fairly laggy, but I worked out something until I could play and still have other sites and applications open. (Did I mention that I love multi-tasking?)

At school whenever it was end of term, we would always play Monopoly, Uno or just cards, playing Monopoly Millionaires brings back a lot of old memories… sigh. (I’m not that old by the way, in case you were wondering haha). 
So this game is basically the same of the classic Monopoly with a few tweaks and interesting differences here and there. But mostly it’s just like the old thing. I hope they don’t even change the simplicity of this game as they have with Restaurant City and Pet Society, the only other Playfish games I play often, I also play Hotel City, I find I don’t like that as much as the others two.

If you want to check this game out, I’ll leave a link at the bottom of the page. But i’m going to be off to bed for now… while after my rolls are out hahahaha.

Don’t you want to be a MONOPOLY Millionaire??  (Facebook link)

Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored by any company besides the boredom of my mind and some late night work. I just thought I should share this fun new, well not new, but classic game with you. Hope you check it out!