5 Study tips before Exams hit! | Life

Hey all! I’m a university student, but I hardly ever talk about uni any more. Probably because I’m usually so stressed out and busy that I hardly have the time to any more. Anyway, I wanted to share a few study tips which could be very helpful before exams in December. I’m such a bad student that I haven’t even checked out the exam timetable as yet, I just don’t want to see the gloom until it’s finalised, hahah!


1. Study Continuously.
This is obvious, but sometimes we say we’ll do that and it goes well for the first 4 weeks of classes, then all of a sudden we’re too busy and want a break to just be lazy and do nothing in our free time. In the bit of time you’re waiting for transportation or between classes, try to review your class notes. It makes for the world of difference when you do review before you get home, because we all know this equation:

Home = distractions + tiredness = no work getting done. 


The next day you may be asked a question or even a bonus question in class and you can wow your class and your lecturer with your knowledge!

2. Set a day in every week for strictly studying. 
There’s a time and place for everything, and with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest… oh goodness. It seems like it’s never the time to study. Not to mention if you have chores to do, friends to hang out with and a job? It’s a really juggling act.
Set a particular day for ONLY studying for every week of the semester.You can really get a lot done by doing that. you don’t have to study the entire day, but take some time out for reading notes, making additions, researching and even doing small practice questions. I do this on Sundays so on Monday my brain isn’t still groggy from the weekend. You know how that is.

3. Sacrifice a little, Gain a lot.
From young my mother always taught me about sacrificing playing games, watching TV among other things to make school work my first priority. Then it seemed cruel, (still kinda does) but now I see why. You can have so much more time to just sit and read or do assignments if you’re not procrastinating on the couch watching E!, Esquire or Food Network. I’m telling you, I hardly see any TV during the semester. It’s weird at first when people have all these fun shows to tell you about, but you know what, it’ll pay off in the end. Getting rid of distractions is a very good technique for managing your study time.


4. Take a break and Reward yourself.
Yes you deserve it! Just as important as studying, you must take breaks. If you really want/need to watch the new Scandal episode schedule your study around it, so you can take a break just to watch the show. You could also go out every now and then to reward yourself for sticking to your studying. What ever you choose just remember moderation is key, don’t go overboard, 1 YouTube video turns into an avalanche of random videos before long, just like a Facebook minute ends up being an 1 hour. ( guilty as charged)

5. Keep calm when it starts to get hectic.
It’s really hard to stay calm sometimes and you want to scream! Heck sometimes do I scream and it helps me to feel a bit better. I like to schedule things, not to be thrown random assignments popping up, so I get a bit flustered when everyone piles on the work at once. But we have to remember to keep calm, breathe and think of ways to make it work.
Prioritise your tasks not only by due date but level of difficulty, because it’s more useful to do the difficult thing first, rather than start with the easier one. That way when due dates are approaching you have only the smaller things to complete.

I try to follow most of these tips when I’m studying, especially more recently. What tips you have to be most productive when studying?

Happy Easter | Aspiration Diaries #6

Happy Easter everyone! I hope that you thought of the season as more than just pretty Easter eggs, bunnies and delicious Peeps, but remembered the shredding of the blood of Christ was the ultimate sacrifice for our lives.


This week was not what I expected, again I will ask time where he is running off to. I got a lot of things due, but just not enough. Feels like my to-do list is never-ending! I hoped to start the second instalment of my research project however, I had a few set backs which hindered me. The good thing about it was that this gave me time to unwind a bit, take a much needed break to just hang out with friends and do some light studying. Though by Thursday with so many things still left to be done, I was starting to get stressed and anxious. Not a combination for me haha.


I tried to remember to post to my Instagram, which I did 3 times for this week! I’m getting better. Life has just been so much work lately, it’s boring otherwise. I also tried to experiment with make up, one day I wore some blue eyeliner as you say in my FOTD post. The next day I got lazy and didn’t wear any eye product, yet somehow woke up with a mild eye infection :/. So very absurd. But was probably allergies because after some medication it was fine.

I forgot to write up an official study schedule for exams, but I will probably do that later today. Finally started to write up my project since I had Friday off. How refreshing is it to have an actual day off. I slept late, was relaxed when I woke up did a couple chores and some work.

I got a good set of my goals accomplished for the week, not always the way I anticipated, but strangely enough it worked out. Maybe I should worry less as my Dad is always telling me. But gosh there’s always so much to do, I don’t know if I can do it.

Anyway on to this week’s goals:

  1. TRY to worry less, but still keep to a schedule of what is to be done. If everything doesn’t go accordingly, let it go.
  2. Post more than 3 times for the week on my Instagram account.
  3. Spend more quality time (does not include rushed lunch) with my boyfriend, family and friends if possible. (not all at once duh)
  4. Study for finals and take breaks when necessary.
  5. Paint your nails this week to unwind.

Enjoy your Easter everyone and I hope that you have a great week!

Like Fall, I’m back!

Hey all! I haven’t posted in too long. I could say school had me very busy, but I also think I was at a stand still in my blogging creativity. You know that feeling when you have to write an essay and you cannot think about what to write about?

Essentially, I’m trying to say writter’s block. I did get close enough to the computer to perhaps blog something, but there was nothing I felt to blog about. Maybe my brain was too exhausted with all of this work that I’m see everyday. The poor life of a student. MEH.

Anyway, I’ve been trying to keep up with my work and I’ve made a video or two (just editing that takes a while and you cant exactly do that at school). I’ve also been trying my hardest to keep up-to -date with my subscriptions because then I have lists like 200 videos long. That’s a lot of hours watching videos.

I find that I can mix my work with pleasure sometimes, and while I’m at school busily working, I tune into some YouTube goodness. I find it easier to watch YouTube videos than to watch a TV show which sometimes draws on my full attention. Not saying that I don’t play attention to the videos I’m watching, but honestly, it’s easier listening. I absolutely love my YouTube Subscriptions :)!

That was my little update on my unannounced hiatus. Posts should be returning soon, I have struck some inspiration thanks to a special someone, and hopefully work doesn’t get too much in the way now. The semester’s winding down and although I still have assignments and some tests.. then exams UGH…
I need to get onto this blog and talk to you guys. I feel so bad about not blogging regularly, but I try will not overwhelm you with posts, I promise! We all have work to do haha. SoI’m out for now!

Please enjoy your weekend!


I haven’t slept since 12 a.m

Hey all, just a random post. How was everyone’s week, good I hope. I can’t even remember half of mine hahaha, but that’s just the randomness of my brain. 
As much as I do remember is that I have been sleeping some really weird hours, but it’s working out pretty fine. I’d come home, then fall asleep 4 p.m. or 5 p.m or something like that  and wake up around 11 p.m or 12 p.m. which makes me miss quite a number of distracting things like T.V, but then it’s nice and quiet and I can work much better. I was always a person to study at night or in the early hours of the morning, and I really find it very good that my body is setting it’s pace for work (if you get what I mean). Exams are around the corner so, I really need to jump into exam mode. 
The only downside to this is, usually I have classes in the morning and if i study and then go back too sleep, I never want to wake up! HAHAHA. So this whole sleep early wake up in the night thing is both good and bad. 
I’ve been productive tonight though, editing a video, uploading it, writing a blog post on it and even studying as the video loaded. I should study some more because I have test coming up this week, so I ‘ll be ending this post.

Hope you all have a great weekend, not sure if i’ll post any other time this weekend sadly. If you’re reading this post, you could leave a comment about your sleeping and study habits. I’d love that, plus it would be like tips to help me out.

Cheers to the frickin’ weekend!! (Photo courtesy of: www.alcohol-stuff.co.uk)

Thanks for reading~