Anniversary photos and NovelTeas experience | Chit Chat

Hey all! Two weeks ago, my boyfriend and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary. This time around we didn’t go all out as we did on the first year as we were also celebrating other things that week. (Sometimes you have to pinch the dollar and make it go around twice haha.)

This time around we decided to try a local tea shop called NovelTeas Teahouse and Bistro, found in Hastings Christ Church. I had been stalking their Facebook page for some time and was really excited to see that they offered interesting teas and food. I’m not huge on tea, BUT they had Bubble Tea, something I’ve wanted to try for very long! Their menu also had lots of sushi on it, and as Tyrell had never tried it, we decided it would be as great a time as any time some new things. I wish I had remembered to take more photos of the shop, but I trust that I’ll be going back there soon.

I called ahead to reserve our sushi, it’s recommended since it sells out so fast. Good thing too, because when we got there there were just a few left. The owner of the bistro was extremely nice and inviting towards us. We ended up getting a lot more stuff than we had intended when we set our date, but what the hey! It was good food and good service. Very reasonable prices too!

I ordered a Taro Bubble tea which was delicious and I couldn’t help but to drink it fast. It was so refreshing granted outside was a desert, the chewy bobba was a fun experience, plus it was purple! I was in heaven! I shared some with Tyrell much I could honestly see myself drinking a whole one by myself and maybe going for another.

Originally, we were going to get the Spicy Tuna Sushi, but we ended up getting the Spicy Tuna and the Spicy Salmon. Both of which were delicious and the pieces were hefty. So much that I ate about 6 pieces (1 from each) and was feeling rather full, as was Tyrell. The thing about sushi though, it’s such a rich taste (especally with soy sauce) that poor me can’t handle too much of it. This sushi was very flavourful. My favourite of the two was the spicy salmon. Something about it is just milder than the tuna to me.

Oh, we went to the beach to eat, bad idea since the flies were out in full force. So only closed box photos 😦

 We also had one of their famous brownies, and I understand why it’s so famous. It’s nice rich and there are extra chocolate chips inside. Much like I like to make mine. (Which reminds me I must try to make my brownies from scratch sometime.) I just couldn’t get a picture of the brownie. It went way too fast!

Despite having the Bubble tea and some soft drinks, we were still thirsty, outside was just so hot. So we did the bajan thing and got some snowcones. As usual I got a coconut one, and Tyrell got condensed milk put in it. But really though, I am yet to understand why these things have had such a spike in price in the last few years and the cups are the same size… Anyway, I digress, cause the taste of a snowcone is timeless and definitely good for such a hot day.

 That was all we did for this anniversary. Kind of laid-back. But we have lots for stuff for this year, birthdays, Christmas and there are a lot more anniversaries to be had ^__^ (hopefully).

Here’s a bonus pic of my FOTD from 2 Thursdays ago. If you follow me on Instagram you already saw this. I am really enjoying my Smashbox trio for everyday wear!