Apologies & Trip Updates

Hey all! I really have to apologise for my lack of posts after I left for my trip. I had a few posts scheduled and was going to use my tablet to post on Saturdays and Wednesdays. However, the Thursday before the trip I ran into technical difficulties with my tablet (it stopped charging) and I had to lessen my usage of it. I sent it off to Samsung when we got to the US and I’m waiting to receive it since it’s been fully repaired now. So sad because there was so much I wanted to blog about and just no way to do it. 😦

Anyhow, I’m back in Barbados! Sadly with a cold/flu… seriously this trip was quite something huh? we had a fairly good time, shopped until my shoulders, legs, back just about everything ached. I got to meet up with Blackman one day and we explored Manhattan, I’ll have a separate post on that coming up. I got a to pick up a few make up items, but nothing to shout about. I didn’t get to find everything that I wanted, and I really was being frugal when I bought make up, just so I could buy more clothes haha. Typically I don’t buy clothes here in Barbados because it’s a lot of stores selling the same clothes and I like unique pieces that don’t cost a fortune.

One of my new favourites!

You know people say New York is the city that never sleeps and it’s so true! Coming back home on the subway at sometimes 10 and 11 p.m, it was packed! You would expect otherwise because when you get on a bus in Barbados around 9 p.m. and it’s half empty. It was one of the most surprising things, along with fruit/vegetable stores never seeming to close. Our trip home was quite early (I’m talking about 5 a.m.) and around 3 a.m. these stores were still open! While some of the supermarkets and some drug-stores shut down the fast food restaurants were still booming with people. I remember on my first night, we were famished and decided to try the McDonald’s. So many people were there waiting for food to come out. I was happy that the food was fresh though because there’s nothing like stale or re-warmed fries, EW.

Times Square is quite interesting, I passed in the car the first night I was there and wondered if there was a concert going on or something, since so many people were on the street. But I learnt that it’s always like that especially after passing through there two other times. At night, it’s still bustling with people and even when it’s rainy, people with fun bubble umbrellas or boring black ones like mine are hustling to and fro. It’s really funny for me, because Bajans hardly like going anywhere when it’s rainy, unless they’re driving.

I really enjoyed seeing the huge billboards with the brand names, actors, models and just hilarious advertisements you’re accustomed to on cable television or magazines. I think that was a beautiful thing. I’m a real sucker for ads haha.

Driving through the state of New York, some areas reminded me of home. My mother thought it was weird and didn’t see the resemblance, but for me it was just in the smaller things that I saw home. I guess I was a bit homesick. People who visit the Big Apple usually are fascinated by the skyscrapers, and to me that was not half as beautiful as the older buildings, with Victorian details. I think skyscrapers look modern and innovative, but there’s nothing like a century old intricately designed building.

Anywho, I have yapped enough about the trip I’ll be doing other posts with less chatter and more pictures. I have a ton of reviews/hauls coming up as well and I also have a lot of video footage, which I may use to kick start my YouTube channel from the hiatus.