Poor poor JAPAN

Hey guys, if you haven’t heard about this somewhere already, you must be living under a rock. A week ago, the northeastern coast of Japan was shook by a massive earthquake (8.9 on the Richter), which was then followed by a series of tsunamis up to 33ft. The exact date of this tragedy was Friday, 11th March 2011, which left 18 000 dead and missing, while about 450 000 are now homeless. This day will forever be remembered in the hearts and minds of the Japanese people and the world over.
Trying to recover will not be easy for the Japanese and currently there is the threat of a nuclear emergency, as the tsunamis wrecked the diesel-powered generators which cool the nuclear fuel. A number of explosions have already leaked radiation into the atmosphere of Fukushima, and evacuations have been ordered for people living in the surrounding areas. 
For a country with such advanced infrastructure, it is a heart-breaking situation as the people of Japan suffer from a lack of proper telecommunications and common ammendities such as water, food and fuel which are running lower each day. The economic impact of this disaster will be huge and it is estimated that Japan will need tens of billions of dollars to build and restabilise their economy. Even more saddening, the death toll is set to rise, as more people are discovered each day and the conditions are not aiding in the timely rescue of many.

I first heard about this tragedy on YouTube and there was a channel dedicated to footage of the earthquakes and the tsunamis (which I can’t remember). But, if you Google search you will find a number of videos, articles and accounts of the events of 11th March and follow up stories as well as news footage.

Watch the News story as it happened.
Follow up here on BBC.
Shaking Before & After Pictures. 

DONATE TO THE PEOPLE OF JAPAN via the American Red Cross, they need our help!