Tutorials coming this Month!

Hey all! I have been fairly M.I.A. this month and I really would like to apologise for that. I’m not going to blame it on school, but rather my own mind. Sometimes inspiration for a good post is hard to come by.

I had planned a special post in appreciation of my friends and supporters, which showcased a video. However I will be re-filming or re-editing pieces of this video, before I release it. (This will not be made available on my YouTube however, just here on this blog.)

A number of tutorials will also be coming up, with a everyday looks I’ve tried as well as a celebrity- look from a recent perfume advertisement. I still plan on recreating a fall trends make up look with metallics as seen in Seventeen Magazine for September. Another look which I would love to try out is Adele’s classic look, so be on the look out for that as well.

Until next post, have a great day and an awesome week!