He Surprised me!

I know I hadn’t bloggedmuch of my life since my birthday post. I’ve actually been quite busay with lab write ups and essays for these final weeks through the wringer. BUT, I must say I thoroughly enjoyed my birthday! Tyrell, my boyfriend as you may knowthrew a surprise birthday party for me at the beach with some of my most close friends :).

It was the biggest highlight of my week. I am going do a video an my birthday, though I’m not sure how much of the video is usuable because we were on the beach at night, and then the light kind of went out and we were just left with candles hahaha.

Nonethless, it was so much fun and I know a lot of planning and care went into it. Usually I plan stuff and sometimes I feel like I would pull my hair out when things aren’t running on schedule or when I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed. This was huge! BUT Tyrell did a great job at keeping me guessing, especially since I had a feeling that he would do it, but then my friends (who he got in on it) actually played some leading and confusing roles in this crazy production. Pretending to forget when my birthday was and even asking me to go to a practice on the same day with them hahaha.

Every thing was just perfect! But, more on that in a vlog, it’s so much easier to yap yap yap, than to type sometimes hahaha. So Stay tuned if you want to see that. ALSO I wll include the outfit that I wore on my birthday 🙂

AND in case you are not sure who Tyrell is, check out this video!