Liking the New look?

Hey everyone! I’m not sure if you had recognised yet but, I added a couple things to the blog, a new background and a couple pages. I’ll eventually have a  complete about me page as well as a request and maybe a reviews page. Depends on how many products I review, I’ll be working on it.
Anyway, just a quick little update. Hope you’re all doing well and having a good summer so far. Stay good!


Haven’t Posted in AGES

HEY everyone! I’ve not dropped off of the face of the Earth, just had a few issues to figure out, hence I wasn’t blogging as much. However I was still on twitter, so you can follow me there if you’d like. I don’t really want to dwell on why I haven’t been blogging very often, but I hope to keep up with my blog posts.

I have a review coming up soon for the Garnier Nutritioniste Moisture Rescue Gel-Cream (wow a mouthful), as well as the Maybelline Mineral Power Concealer (yes very late with this concealer). I hope they will be helpful to you all.

I also will be trying to finish of the Song challenge that is taking me ages to complete, so if you see a REALLY long post on it, please don’t be too annoyed.

My subscriber contest is also coming up and unfortunately, I will not be able to hold it internationally at this point in time. I do hope my next contest will be, because I understand just how much it sucks. It’s amazing how much it cost to ship a tiny little box any where on the planet. You’d think by now with all the technology they’d figure out a way to make it cheaper or to get the contents and box to teleport. But that’s just Sci-fi for you, it makes you hope for the near impossible.

Thank you all for continuing to follow my blog. and I hope I do’t let you down!


I’m not dead!

Hey all, took me a while to post after Carnival last week.. or was that 2 weeks now?.. hmm EITHER-WAY, I’m not dead, nor have I gotten my blog! 
Carnival was fantastic! I had a ton of fun, although sadly one of my friends couldn’t make it to the after-party. But it’ll be summer soon and we’ll all get to go to all the amazing parties and may be have some of our own. ^__^ I just cannot wait for SUMMER! 
I was going to post a video of Carnival as well as a quick outfit of the day with my friend Ashley, however I have not had a chance to edit my videos, and have only uploaded 2 old ones, but not to worry, I am still filming when I can, and trying hard to find the time to edit my videos. 
I will be starting a new segment on my channel which I am going to be calling “The Jitter Box”. This is where I’ll have some random talks/rants and it’s just supposed to be kind of spur of the moment, but I’ll try to stay on the course of the topic. May be I will put in the bloopers at the end of each, I really like watching other people’s bloopers, and may be my subscribers would like to watch mine as well.
So the two videos which I posted were the bloopers for the Mock Botsy ad.. which sadly we didn’t win the contest, but compared to those who were runners up and the winner, we were in the shadows. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Bubz for having such an AMAZING contest and congratulate the winner and runners up, I can see that just like ours a lot of thought and hard-work was put into the making of each video. To everyone else, I would also like to say that you did a great job and while watching the entries myself I was very impressed by some of the ideas of many of the commercials. It was overall a fun experience and we got to spend time with our friends to make these videos. (will add the link to the bloopers on the “Mock Botsy, the Fragrance” post)
The second video I uploaded was actually something that could be classified for The Jitter Box, as it was just a collection of thought on recent events (well actually not that recent now, but you get what I mean). I actually was not going to upload this video, but after some contemplation and friendly advice, I decided to. I will be writing a separate blog post on that topic. 

Well that’s all for now, until the next post! Tweet Me!

Mock Botsy !

Hey everyone, another week has began and so far it’s not looking too bad, I’m just hoping to not get a giant pile up of work by next week. How’s your week going? 

My friends, LeyaHollingsworth and amorpuppy1 (Angel of Love) on YouTube, decided to enter this commercial contest that Bubz from bubzbeauty was having, and we made an advertisement for a perfume called “Mock Botsy”. In Barbados, the butt/ behind/ arse as some people call it, is referred to as a BOTSY, and if something is mock, it simply means that it isn’t real. SO basically Mock botsy translates to fake butt. 
The point of the commercial was to have some fun with this fairly new trend of “butt undies” where the behind is padded, much like a padded bra. But, our product was more than that, it was a perfume which had “butt-enhancing” properties. Everything was just for fun, not meant to offend anyone who does wear butt undies or tries to enhance their behind, because we aren’t that voluptuous ourselves and understand how it feels to want more from your body.

Here’s the video of the Explanation as well as the commercial, the bloopers are also to come ^_^. WARNING: In the 2nd video, the audio quality near the end (~1:15) is a bit poor, as the camera did not pick up as much audio as anticipated, so keep your speakers low until that point. 

UPDATE: Blooper Reel!