Beauty store Spoilage | Haul

Hey all! About two weekends ago, I had stopped in the beauty supply store (Diamond Girl), and I was in a bout of luck as they had just restocked everything, including MILANI!! Whenever I usually go in there, they’re out of all the baked blushes, so I made sure I picked up a couple 😀 hehe. Also I got a new liquid liner to try out and I must say, I’m enjoying the brush on this one a lot more than the NYX one I have.

I bought some weaving thread for a project I’m putting together to show you guys, so look out for that soon.

I also picked up some makeup wipes from the beauty supply store, to try out. So far they’re very soft, and work ok.
Finally, I picked a Jolie lipstick at the Girlfriend’s expo, in the colour Imperial purple. I’ve been lusting after this colour for about a year now! Swatches coming on that soon.

Disclaimer: These products were purchased with my own money. Opinions are my own.

Valentines day humour & Rewind Wednesday

Hey all! So I was contemplating what to post today, and I was at a total lost because for some reason I’m not all on the Valentines day train like last year. Despite having a bf, friends and family to share in the holiday with, I don’t even have thoughts on it . This might have been the quietest V’day I have had yet.

But because it’d be boring if I didn’t at least post something else about it, this Wednesday I’m flashing back to last year when I did the 10 Valentine’s day questions. Funny enough most of my answers are the same. I guess I’m a simple & unchanging gal.

Then in my search for Valentine’s day post ideas, I stumbled across these on the Fail Blog. Some were too hilarious not to share!

Finally the cutest, though not as sensible to me… as I’m a cat lover and all.

Are you feeling Valentine’s day this year? Or are you a v’day hater?

Valentine’s Day Nails (RW) | Beauty

Hey all! It’s coming around to that time again, where everything is clad in red, white or pink, even more chocolate appears on supermarket shelves, hearts and teddy bears decorate every square inch of selling space and my favourite conversational hearts make a reappearance. Yip, I’m talking about Valentine’s day loved, and loathed by many.

Last year around this time, I had filmed a V.Day nail tutorial, which also showed you how to make foolproof natural looking french-tipped nails. You can check out the video to see how I did it.

Love or loathe Valentine’s Day, this tutorial is very easy (a lot easier to do than film for sure), and the french tip is a classic nail design. The addition of the coral heart is cute and festive for those of you who enjoy the occasion. If you try it out be sure to let me know, hit my up on IG (@thebajanchristina)!

10 Valentine’s Day Questions Tag!

Happy Valentine’s Day! I was reading through my blog subscriptions today and I found this tag on Elle & ! Yay, I was a bit lost to what to post along with a quick Vday greeting.

1. What is your favorite Valentines Day treat?
Mmmm… I’m not very picky, annd I definitely feel bad accepting extravagant gifts. So If you buy me a box of Converstional hearts, or even a cupcake, I’d be happy.

2. Sweethearts or chocolate covered strawberries?

3. What was your favourite Valentines day memory?
Last year, my boyfriend Tyrell surprised me (well technically, he told me that he was going to but I didn’t believe him) with some beautiful carnations, and a gift basket with all the trimmings. 🙂 He actually brought the flowers to my lab, I was so shocked and just didn’t know what to do. I had to tell him to put them in my locker.. how anti-climatic I know haha. But I loved them. They lasted for a few weeks, I still have the petals saved and the Baby’s Breath that was in the arrangement. I actually got him Chocolate truffles (he loves chocolate) and I made him cupcakes. He loved that, I don’t know if I would ever be able to give him as great a memory as he gave me though.

4. What movie would you rather watch on Valentine’s Day: Pretty Woman or You’ve Got Mail?
Both, I dont I’ve seen either.

5. What celeb would you not mind having as your Valentine?
Channing Tatum. Nuff said.

6. What would you do on your perfect Valentine’s date?
Hmm, I just like to relax really. School is pretty stressful, so just chilling at home, eating pop corn, not necessarily a movie, but cuddling for sure.

7. Red or pink lips on Valentines Day?
Pink, I’m still getting into red lips and they’re still a bit intimidating.

8. What is your ideal Valentine’s Day date outfit?
Well it depends on if I’m going on a dinner date or just staying in. If I were to go to dinner, I would probably wear a knee length strapless dress, I love a sweetheart neckline. And comfortable heels (if that isn’t an oxymoron), or ballet flats. If I was going to be relaxing, just some nice jeans, and a cute T-shirt. Depending on the temperature outside, I may add a coat or hoodie.

9. Homemade or store-bought gifts?

10. Would you wear your hair up or hair down for a date night?
I like my hair up and out of the way if I want to comfy, but I know my boyfriend likes it down. I think it looks nice down too.

Hope you enjoyed this tag and feel free to do it and post a link!

DIY Lip Scrub for the softest most kissable lips!

With Valentines day on the horizon, us ladies want to have the softest most kissable lips for our significant other.  During the colder windier months, the environment takes a toll on your lips.  Applying lip balm frequently may remedy the problem for a short time,  but sometimes lips need a bit of exfoliation to allow them to absorb moisture more effectively.  Today I’m going to show you a simple do-it-yourself lips scrub that isn’t expensive and all of the ingredients are probably  in your cupboards.  The texture of my scrub is more of a liquid, especially since the sugar settled to the bottom, which I didn’t like, so I added in more brown sugar a day after. The best part about this scrub is that it’s edible!

The lemon juice give a bit of a sour taste and citric acid is supposed to be a natural exfoliant. Remember, the more juice you use the more your sugar will dissolve, so add more sugar to suit. I like to mix the sugar because I find that brown sugar alone does not get everything exfoliated, but with the smaller granulated crystals, you get a lot more work done with less product. Honey is a hmuectant so it helps with keeping things moist, a good substitute for honey is golden syrup.
As you all also know by now I love coconut oil over olive oil and thus I used it in my scrub, but feel free to use olive oil. I went with measurement in teaspons and eye-balled the rest. I wasn’t being very specific and you really don’t need to be.

What you will need:

2 parts Coconut oil or Olive oil
1/2 of lemon/lime
2 – 3 parts Brown sugar
1 – 2 parts Granulated sugar
1 part Golden syrup, or honey or any liquid sweetener
  1. Mix the brown and white sugar together in a bowl.
  2. In another bowl (or cup), combine the cocnut oil (I used 2 capfuls), half of a lemon, and a teaspoon of Lyons Golden syrup.
  3. Add your liquid mixture to your sugar and mix until well combined.
  4. If your product is too liquid, then add more brown sugar, if it is too stiff, add more liquid (either oil or juice).
  5. Store your scrub in an airtight container, or use right away to exfoliate dry lips.

Finished results! Yes silly face. I’m wearing Maybelline Baby lips and LORAC Lotsa lip plumping gloss in Foxy.

    Video tutorial: 

Cute and Easy French tip nails tutorial

I learned this technique a while ago from SCCastenada on YouTube,  to create easy fool-proof french tip nails.  You don’t need tape nor nal strips.  I’ve tried it that way before and it always turns into a big mess for me.  But this way is a bit easier,  all you need is white nail polish,  acetone or nail polish remover with acetone and an eye shadow brush that you no longer use.  If it’s a “C”  shape that’s perfect, but the one I had was a bit more random because I used it before and it’s not the best quality.  I think you are supposed to use synthetic brushes, though I’m not sure what will happen with a real hair brush.

This is my first recorded nail tutorial and let me tell you,  preparing/filming it was not as easy as I thought.  Sadly at some points, you can’t see what I’m doing either, but I’ll work on that for the next tutorial! In my cramped room, I had so much trouble setting up my tripod for the perfect light,  and then I still needed to use my lamp because the video looked a bit dim. Also if it’s out of focus at some points I apologise, definitely need to get a camera where I can set the focal range.  That’ll be one of my goals for this year.

 These are actually very easy (if you’re not recording yourself) to do. Just french tips and a cuttle like neon pink heart. I had more than one shade of pink, but I settled on this one. It’s not too flashy and doesn’t take a very long time. The hardest part was waiting for the polish to dry.
Anyway I hope you enjoy the tutorial and if you have any suggestions or criticisms you can leave them as a comment.  Also if you do these nails you can post them on my facebook fan page or @ mention me @Chrisamor28 on Twitter.


Happy Valentine’s Day & Tutorial!

Hey everyone, as you could already tell my the title of this post tomorrow is the official day of LOVE! Many of us are going out or doing something special with our loved ones. For those of you going out, I’ve done this make up look to celebrate the occasion.

Actually I had done this look last week on whim and I really liked how it turned out. Being at a bit of a lost for a Valentine’s Day tutorial, I decided to retry this eye make up as it was cute, yet sultry enough to be worn for an evening.

Even if you’re not going out you can still try out this look if you like it, and if you’re single this February, who knows this captivating eye make up could draw some wanted attention to your gorgeous eyes and someone might even fall for you ^_^.

I used pink eyeshadow, which is in my opinion a much softer and less cliche colour for February 14th, and had darkened the crease with a deep mauve and charcoal colour.

Since the eyes are a bit colourful, I kept the lips soft and nude. Many guys do not like brightly coloured make up, it can be a bit distracting or some may even consider it intimidating. Plus with neutral lip gloss or lipstick, your guy will not be scared to kiss you  and risk getting lipstick on himself. Also try not to gloss it up too much if you do plan on wearing lip gloss.

Don’t overdo the blush either, check in natural lighting if you can to keep it to a nice flush, or a rosy glow. Although in the video it looks as if I have applied a ton of blush, it’s amazing how much of a flush it blended out to be (as you will see in the photos).

Sadly I have a Chemistry practical tomorrow too, so we’ll see how that plays out. So my boyfriend and I are actually staying in this Valentine’s Day, I can’t wait to spend some more quality time with him :). I’ve been quite busy lately!

I don’t want to say too much in this post, just in case he happens to read it, but I have a small surprise for my T. I really hope you like it. ^___^ hehe!

Products Used:
Maybelline Fit Me Foundation- 350 Caramel
N.Y.C. Smooth complexion Bronzer- Sunny
L.A. Colors Dual Blusher- Cinnamon

BH Cosmetics 88 Matte palette
Coastal Scents Hot Pot- M18, S28 (there are new colour names however these are the old ones)
LORAC OnScreen Duo- Caviar & Champagne
e.l.f. Essentials Waterproof Eyeliner Pen- Black
Black Kohl eyeliner
Maybelline Great Lash- Very Black
Boots Lengthening mascara Black Brown (brows)

e.l.f. Essential lipstick- Fantasy

Until next post, enjoy the tuorial and have a HAPPY and Fabulous Valentine’s Day!