Sensationnel Premium Too Mixx Multi Curl XL Venetian Wave First impressions | Review

I have always wanted to try a weave or extensions and as I finally knew someone who was able to install it, I decided to bite the bullet and try it. I was actually going to get braids first, but considering I was told that it could take about 8 hours, I just could not do it. Having this installed (sewn-in) took around 6 hours and I was barely able to sit through it haha.

 I picked up the Sensationnel Mixx Multi Curl Extra Long style in Venetian Wave, in colour #4 which is spot on for my hair colour. I was going to try the Egyptian wave as it was a bit more curly and perhaps fun, but decided on this one for more versatility. The box has in 4 bundles of hair, 20″, 18″, 16″ and 12″, as well as an “expensive lace parting closure” as they put it. The price was about $65BDS and this is a mix of human hair and their premium synthetic blend. This hair reaches just below bra strap length, between my waist and back, however take note that it depends on how long your torso is.

When I first opened the box and started to unravel one bundle, I thought wow, this is a lot of hair. But the wefts are so thin, it’s really not as amazing as you’d think. The packaging suggests that one pack could do a whole head (full coverage) and I guess that’s relative to the size of your head and the look you’re going for. I didn’t want the drag queen look, as my head is small but this barely make enough to cover my entire head without being too thin in some areas. Even I was shocked. The wefts could be a bit thicker, but I guess that’s what you get for the budget box.

Another thing about this, it shred like crazy when we first started to install and comb though. I thought it’d never stop!  However, after a day or so, it got better, definitely less shredding. I comb/brush it every night and morning just to ensure I don’t get any tangles and so far so good. I have also tried to add a tiny bit of moisturiser to the ends of the hair because sometimes it can feel a bit dry and will become a bit harder to comb through. Luckily it wasn’t messed up the hair and did help with glooming. I usually use a wide tooth comb or a paddle brush when I groom this hair.

Something which it doesn’t mention on the box, but even the fully synthetic and the Premium Too and Premium Now hair states, is that you can use heat on it. Of course, mild heat but I would have appreciated if the box had said so I would know. I thought it did. Either way I asked my hairdresser and she was able to help me. I tried to flat iron a bit of the front pieces on a very low setting , as well as curl it on another occasion. I like that the hair did not burn, and held up to the flat ironing. The curling not so much of the curl held. Could also be my technique and how long I held it for though, because I was very cautious about the hair burning.

At first this hair is very curly, though on the box it shows a slight flounce or wave, whatever you want to call it, but after a few days it started to fall more nicely around me face. My hair dresser also did a nice job of cutting a few layers into the piece to help with the framing. When I’m at home I would typically wear it in a bun, that might have aided in loosening the wave a bit. I like it much better this way though. Also the ends of this hair can be a bit scratchy even through clothes, I have no idea why.

So far, I’m impressed with this hair. It is definitely no Remy or Virgin hair quality, but it’s standing up well to how hard I am on it. The wefts are thin, so it also makes it light-weight and more comfortable to wear.My only other problems are that I am new to weaves and now have to figure out how to take care of the hair under the sew-in as well as scratch my scalp lol. That is a real pain haha!

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed reading my first impressions of the Sensationnel Venetian Wave weave. I should hopefully make another update later and after it is removed as well. If you have any experience with really affordable weaves, please list them below, I’d love to try different ones at some point.

Disclaimer: This product was bought with my own money.