5 Ways to Follow!

I’ve been seeing these kinds of posts popping up on most Blogspot blogs I’ve been following, stating that they’re read or heard somewhere that Google with be closing down Google Reader, which includes your blog subscriptions. I use my blogger Dashboard and just click the truncated posts to the original, I don’t know if this is going too. I’ve also heard that they will be closing GFC from other blogs, although I don’t know why this would be necessary. Now I don’t know how true this may be, but in case this does happen (supposedly 1st July 2013), here are some of the ways you can keep connected to my blog. I think they may be replacing these things were they’re newly invented but pretty boring Google+)

1. Email: There is a widget (shown below) that is in the right sidebar after Labels. It will not spam your email with mails everyday, but you will receive mail every time I post, which is about 3-4 times a week. This is an RSS feed of my blog and emails arrive between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm.

2. Bloglovin’: This is a website that you sign up for, it’s easy to use and no hassle what so ever. If you want to import all of your blogs from Blogger there is a button in your profile which does it automatically for you. To import all of your blogger sites, just go to your Settings and scroll down the page until you see “Import blogs”. (pictured below) Found under the Mirror image asking “Do you follow?”

3. Facebook: You may join my fan page which also functions for my YouTube channel (currently on hiatus). I publish all new post there also, may not be the same day, but it will be on there.  Found below image of boudoir saying “Life is Full of Beauty”.

4. Twitter: Not my most preferred option of following as I do not only tweet about beauty these days, but you may still follow me there. Posts are tweeted usually as soon as they are posted, and I may retweet or re-post them later to there. Found directly under the Mirror image asking “Do you follow?”

5. Google+ Followers: I am going to try this out and see how well it goes and if it is an effective replacement to GFC. Found under the sign up by email.

Until next post, hope that you keep in contact! So long dear Google Friend Connect and Google Reader….