Wet N Wild Eye shadow Trios | Review & Swatches

Hi beauties! Today is another round of the Weekly Wednesday blog hop! Click the button below to go to Melissa’s Blog 🙂 (or the button in the sidebar)!

I was to get around to reviewing these eye shadows a long time now! I use “I’m Getting Sunburned” almost daily, and you would have seen it featured here, here and plenty of FOTD posts. As you could tell, I am in love the gold in this palette, and kill it every chance that I get.
As for the “Don’t Steal My Thunder” trio, there are definitely not enough opportunities for me to wear this, as the colours are quite dramatic. It’s a great trio nonetheless.

The pigmentation on both of these palettes are quite outstanding, especially for the price but I’m sure you’ve already read plenty of rave reviews on these. I’ll tell you what I don’t like. The Browbone colours. It may just be a suggestion for a beginner, but who really wears shimmery pink (especially such a saturated colour) as a brow highlight? And a Frosty Silver almost the same as the lid colour is a bit redundant. I would have appreciated a matte colour, or a more sheerly pigmented shadow for the brow highlight.

Another peeve I had with these are the amount of fallout on the gold shade. I love it, but it’s such a pain to apply without having eyeshadow all under your eye. Same goes for the silver eyelid shade in the DSMT trio.

The Verdict:

  • Great Pigmentation
  • Affordable (dependant on where you get it)
  • Versatile
  • Travel-friendly


  • Brow bone highlight colours are odd
  • Fallout in shimmery shades
  • All shades contain shimmer
  • Availability in Barbados

The Raw Sugar:
Despite those peeves, I really like the two of them though. The price is good (I actually won these ones), but I’d love to try out others with a few matte shades included as well. Maybe next time I’m in iMart, I may pick up one of the larger palettes.. if it’s in stock.

Where you can find it:  iMart Sheraton or Hasting (Barbados), Drugstores (USA)

Disclaimer: I won these products in a give away, however, opinions are my own.

Giveaway haul!

Hey all! I was lucky enough to win the Pretty (Squared) giveaway for Christmas! I was so happy and grateful to have won, they are two sisters who share a blog. AND they are extremely nice! Go check out their blog, they give some really informative reviews and tons of great posts!

I’ve never won anything that I’ve entered online, so I was super stokedwhen I got the email. A lot of the products in this giveaway, had been raved about my other bloggers and beauty gurus, and I had always wanted the chance to try them out. To see what all the hype was about, you know?

I’ll probably do full reviews on a some of them and mini reviews on others. The prize pack included:

  • American Apparel Nail lacquers in “Lipstick” and “Hunter”
  • Wet N Wild Trio in “I’m Getting Sunburned” and “Don’t Steal My Thunder”
  • EOS lip Sphere in “Blueberry Potion” (LE collaboartion with Disney)
  • Revlon Lipbutter in “Raspberry Pie”
  • Target make up bag FILLED with samples (YAY!)
  • Snowflake ornament (very cute and glittery indeed)

If you didn’t know, I love samples and it’s not often that you can get samples in Barbados, unless you buy somethign and even so, it depends where you buy. So if they had just sent me a make up bag of samples I would have been very excited and grateful. HOWEVER, I got even more than that! I’ve always hear so much hype about the EOS lip spheres and the Wet N Wild Eyeshadows and finally I own some!

Lately I’ve been testing out the EOS lip sphere, so stay tuned for a full review on it. Also I’ve been using the Wet N Wild trio in “I’m Getting Sunburned”, during the day since it’s more neutral than the “Don’t Steal My Thunder”. I have been posting pictures to my Instagram of my daily face make up, so hit me up on there if you would like to see what I’m up to. (It’s taken over from my twitter, which has been harder to post pics on, from my tablet.) Finally I’ve been really liking my new lip butter, I previously had the “Candy Apple Red” one, but this is a nice shade also.

Thank you again Mackenzie and Miranda!!