Eyelet Prints for Spring 2013 | Fashion

Hey all! It’s a bit later than Wednesday.. ok a lot late, but I still have this Fashion post for you. As I said early in March, some Wednesdays I will post a fashion set or maybe my outfit of the day (if I ever feel up to that haha).

Spring 2013 Eyelets

Anyway, eyelet prints have been popping up everywhere this Spring and here’s my take on it. I remember these were popular back when I was in primary school and now they’re back in full force. Always a cute girly look. I thought I’d do a white set because I always end up choosing corals or minty greens. This is really easy to wear and breezy. I never really get too dressed up for anything, but this would be nice to wear for a beach picnic or even a Spring BBQ, just because with those whites!

I have two bags because I loved them both and depending on where you would be able to choose appropriately. I love the patent leather Versace bag for a more dressed up feel, while the canvas bag would go more for a casual look. Of course I added some mixed coloured arm candy, with a colour template about the same range as the rest of the outfit.

I love the effortless hair and this fedora is just too cute! these sandals are also a must have and would probably fit my slender feet. Always a problem I have with sandals.

What do you think of the outfit? Will or are you rocking eyelet prints for the season? How do you wear them?